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(Notes on Sky Eater- flagship of the F&FL in my game)
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Latest revision as of 17:09, 7 October 2006

The Sky Eater

Flagship of the First & Forsaken Lion

Took a look at the Book of Ebony and Ivory and went 'meh' at the execution of the Final Maelstrom. But I did like the idea of the F&FL's mighty flagship/superweapon turning up in my game, Death Star-style.

So, the flagship is The Sky-Eater- shaped like a massive starfish- easily a hundred thick feet and about half a mile from opposing spines. Its made of soulsteel, black obdsidian, bone and zombie flesh. At the centre of the starfish a great hundred foot tall black ziggurat rises up, its peak an open windowed room to serve as control centre for its Abyssal Captain and sacrificial altar. Though exposed, this room is protected by batteries of necrotic Implosion Bows manned by 3 men teams of Hardened Killers and Nemessaries.

Beyond the ziggurat, on the rotting surface of the starfish are great pens of Zombies, rolled up Spine Chains, great tomb-barracks for war ghosts and hungry ghosts. 5 great Corpse Guns stand at the 5 points of the starfish, easily ranging 2 miles, these huge necromantic artifact weapons fire rigour mortis-stiffened corpses with stone shattering power. As it travels, a great black cloud billows from beneath it, leaving a trail of black ash that corrupts the Creation beneath it into shadowlands...

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