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Exalted Session Log 6

Or the one where it all goes horribly, horribly Pete Tong.

At the end of last session, Floating Summer Orchid and Alana had become aware that two of their fellow Watchmen (Burning Brand & Ravitsu Cail) were Solar and Lunar Anathema respectively. This is a problem for the ex-Dynast (un-Exalted variety) Alana Cathak who was taught since Realm Primary School of the dangers of the Anathema.

So Brand heads to his new rich buddy’s house (Lord Trasti) where the best physicians, Eastern painkillers and his instinctive use of Body Mending Meditation gets him from Crippled to lightly injured overnight.

14th Day of Descending Fire RY 768

Next mid-day the entire Watch assemblies for the first time. The captain meets and greets Ravitsu Cail, Jaq releases Weyoun the Procurers slaves to Khalid the Slaver and then takes Ravitsu to go feed the Prisoner Below.

Orchid and Alana re-open the 4th & 5th floors of the Granite Tower- the long abandoned Dept of Forbidden Magics. See Gem used to have Thaumaturges and occultists on the Watch to deal with magical crimes. But a few years back they started to have a real bad time. Astrologers started screaming that Gem was doomed and jumped from high buildings. A Demon summoner was never seen again after an unlucky Calibration. And the last Exorcist was eaten by a Hungry Ghost 5 years ago. Forbidden Magics is part covenant, part Hogswarts, part derelict ruin. Bookshelves warped with weight hold decaying tomes, mice have set up nests in desk drawers, the summoning circle is cracked and broken, and decay and mildew have destroyed much.

But Alana does find 2 items of interest- a Thrice locked metal box of unusual weight containing something magical (Puzzle of the Thrice Locked Box) and a ciphered notebook of the last of the Dept. of Forbidden Magics thaumaturges, Ali al’Mazarin. He writes how he was investigating a strange pattern of hauntings, Hungry Ghost and zombie attacks in the underways of Gem. He though they heart of the problem lay deeper, in furthest lava tubes and he was going to investigate. ( The Shadow Under Gem )

Ravitsu and Jaq go down to the bottom cell to feed the Lord of Silent Repose. It’s a cold, quiet, spooky journey down that corridor of the Damned to the end cell, Jaqs hands and tray shaking all the way. Lord Silent seems interested to sniff out Ravitsu (literally) before he asked Lord Silent why he was here. Silent replies that it had to do with politics and an unfaithful servant- the Nemessary Yigor, a venal creature who enjoys the carnal and rough pleasures of life. This Nemessary is loose in Gem…. (The Hunt for the Venal Nemessary)

Brand is keeping low- he finds a rough and rubbish altar to the Unconquered Sun in an alley off the Street of Little Gods. He gets the feeling he is being watched as he leaves an altar. Captain al’Amarah visits Master Ledaal Tanaka at the Monastery of the 5 Harmonius Dragons to discuss the mustering Wyld Hunt. He is told that Brand sounded the alert on the Anathema and the monks are eager to have a target. Apparently word has been sent to the Blessed Isle, but until then, the Hunt will compose of Ledaal Tanaka, Cathak Aron and Cathak Anaria, the 3 resident DB’s in Gem.

In other news, Alana realises the blue-grey skinned orphan she helped yesterday might be a Demon-blood. Captain demands the kids death. Brand finds out that House Sahlak has put a bounty on his head with the Obsidian Thieves Guild.

Discussion & Argument

Ravitsu and Brand are fairly quiet as they want to avoid all sorts of Wyld Hunt trouble. Alana however is insisting to Orchid that they report the Anathema before their evil consumes Gem. Orchid wants to keep quiet for the time being. They compromise on informing the Captain of their suspicions. The Captain takes it badly- a bellow of shock that shakes the entire Granite Tower and can be heard across Gem!

He demands proof (“Does the sun shine come out of their arses then?!”) but the narcs only have testimony. They decide on a dangerous plan whereby Ravitsu and Brand will be sent after the Nemessary- if they are Exalted, a foe this dark might cause them to reveal their animas.

Meanwhile Jaq still labours under Ssseths Curse. Everything keeps gong wrong for him. (even listening at doors and disguising himself). Bored, he opens 2 of the locks on the Thrice Locked Box, but the 3rd lock defeats him, of infinite craftsmanship and complexity, he needs far finer tools to open it.

Jaq who is entirely outside the raging arguments, staredowns and verbal wars of Orchid, Alana and the Captain plays hooky and goes to stop the Curse. His approach to Ssseths Temple is aborted as the guards pet snakes rear, hiss and bite at him, his own reflexes barely saving him from the poisonous bite of a cobra. So with a whispered “You want to do it the hard way?” He changes disguise to go appear to the Immaculates as Bright Coin, the woman who returned the missing Immaculate Text to them 2 days ago. Ledaal Tanaka is somewhat suspicious (he cant quite spot Jaqs disguise but something is nagging him) but agrees to intervene with Ssseth. Importantly he goes off to solve this afterward, leaving the Temple in the care of the hot-headed Cathak Anaria.

Captain Ibrahim still cant quite believe the Anathema story, but cant risk it if he’s wrong. He goes to get insurance- a bevy of bruisers from his cousin as a personal posse, and then visits the Palace to try to get Cathak Aron, the ‘military advisor’ from the Realm, womaniser, drunk and bon vivant and former acquaintance of Ibrahims. Unfortunately the supercilious Captain Ymes of the elite Palace Guard is on the gate and he refuses Ibrahim entry, denouncing his tales of Anathema as desperate lies to regain the attention of the Despot- the product of a drunken mind.

So the Captain heads to the Temple, where is horrified to learn that Ledaal Tanaka has already left (to deal with Ssseth), so the intemperate Cathak Anaria invites herself along with dreams of glory for defeating an Anathema single-handedly! Anaria tries to follow the temperate teachings of Hesiash, but she is still a little too rash, and a little too eager for battle. But where Anathema are involved, she promises to smite them with fiery righteous fury!

Rest of the group has meanwhile found that 3 patrons of the unlicensed Brothels down in the Hot District have been found dead recently. Achmed (fresh from a Guild caravan, silver to spend), Wali (hit paydirt in the mines) and Djion (good cobblers business) were killed 2 weeks ago, 8 days ago and 2 days ago respectively. They all had been spending a lot of money down at the Hungry Yeddim cathouse/bar.

Figuring that Yigor has been killing these people, possessing them then abandoning their bodies when they run out of cash. Closer investigation by old hands Brand and co revealed nothing. New guy Ravitsu on the other hand forms an instant rapport with the bouncers and learns that all 3 have been visiting the harlot Fragrant Blossom. Interviewing her confirms their theory (all 3 have suffered personality changes recently, becoming more ‘aggressive’ and mumbling Western ditties to themselves in post-coital languor. And now a new john is evincing the same behaviour- Haran, a swarthy Southerner with a green turban and bad moustache.

Ealing comedy then ensues as the stakeout of the Hungry Yeddim takes place. Ravistsu, Orchid and Brand are inside at the bar, the Captain is pretending to be a drunk outside (people keep giving him change & I rule he gets 3 auto-success on the drunk thing) and Jaq is up on a roof as look out. Cathak Anaria (over her protests- she is here for Anathema!) and the Captain’s bully boys are at a nearby bar as back-up.

Alana is still quite upset that no one will report the Anathema straight away, so she storms off after a terrible row with the Captain, utterly insubordinate. She gradually makes her way back to the Hungry Yeddim. However there is a terrible cart crash and she finds herself in the middle of disaster as a cart with barrels of firedust topples, spilling its cargo everywhere…..

Time passes on the stake out..

10 minutes.



45 minutes, still no sight of Haran or a green turban.

So, Jaq then spots the saffron-robed form of Anaria storming up the street to find the Captain. She is about to harangue him, when Jaq also spots a green turban about to turn a corner and head down the road to the Yeddim. He gives the signal by throwing a rock at the Captain!

The Captain instantly realises what is going on and whips his ‘drunk cloak’ over Anarias orange Immaculate robes and pretends to kiss her. He feels her smouldering with deadly anger at this. (She is a Fire Aspect after all)

Haran walks by and heads in, shortly to be bumped out the way by the Captain who realises he needs to be inside instead! Everyone spots the Haran and follow him as he goes up the stairs. Jaq races off to get the bruiser posse for the Captain and Anaria are still outside.

Calling out “Haran” the Nemessary doesn’t twig that’s his name. Brand races up the stairs to kick him in the back, breaking the banister! Ravitsu, more competently, puts him into a hold. Floating Summer Orchid tries to pin an Exorcists prayer strip to Yigor/Harans forehead (it’ll bind spirit to body, otherwise the Nemessary just jumps to a new body, but somehow Yigor wrenches his head to the side, dodging it. And then a second time, breaking the neck in desperation! The Captain runs up the stairs and makes the mistake of meeting Yigors gaze. A brief struggle for Possession of the Captains body later and Yigor realises the Captain’s brain is so damaged from alcohol as to be useless to the undead spirit!


On Orchids third time, prayer strip is finally stuck to Nemessary and they can relax. Except then Anaria bursts in, heat radiating from her as she demands the Captain stop wasting her time and point out the Anathema.

The Captain announces he doesn’t know who it is, but says dramatically “SOMEONE IN THIS ROOM IS A SOLAR DEMON!”

Anaria lines up the Watch-members (after incinerating Yigor, body and soul with Fire Dragon Breath!) and marches down the line, gazing into each ones eyes and seeing who sweats. Our exalts start channelling Valour to bluff her out and play innocent.

The Captains fine, looking on in innocent gullibility.

Anaria barely looks at Brand as he is cool as a cucumber.

She pauses at Floating Summer Orchid, searching her features for…. something.

Ravitsu passes with flying colours.

Then looking at fresh-faced Jaq, her face pales.

“These TWO!” shouts Anaria pointing at….. …

….Jaq and Orchid! DUN- DUM- DUM, Dum-de-DUUM!

Cue Eastender style drum roll and ending credit music as we pause on a cliff hanger ending!

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