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This is a character created for StalkerofShadows' PbP game on RPGnet's forums.

Nerigus Lynitte

Concept: Seventh Legion ID Covert Agent
Aspect: Fire
Nature: Thrillseeker (Regain Willpower by entering and then exiting life-threatening situations)
Anima: Ever-expanding concentric rings of brightly colored (orange, blue, green) flames
Anima Power: Burst into flame for a scene, doing Lethal damage and becoming immune to fire damage.
Great Curse: “Valor flaws often drive a Fire-aspected Dragon-Blooded to become a burning engine of destruction, as her passionate hatred for her foes overwhelms her.”


- Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 5, Stamina 2
- Social: Manipulation 4, Charisma 4, Appearance 3
- Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 3

Abilities: (Lookshy characters have certain mandatory ability levels, and receive 35 dots)

- Caste: Athletics 2, Dodge 3, Melee 3 (2 mand), Presence 3 (1 mand), Socialize 2
- Favored: Stealth 3 (1 mand), Larceny 3, Performance 3 (1 mand)
- Other: Bureaucracy 2, Investigation 2, Brawl 2 (2 mand), Ride 1 (1 mand), Archery 2 (2 mand), Lore 2 (2 mand), Linguistics 3 (3 mand; speaks: Riverspeak (native), Low Realm, High Realm, Heliocode)
-Specialties: Performance (Acting)


- Arsenal 4 (8 dots, highest 4; Red-Jade Short Sword (“Dire Situation”; Artifact 1; Speed +3, Acc +2, Dmg +3L, Def+2, attune 3m; Kludge using Core), Red-Jade Hearthstone Amulet (Artifact 1; attune 1m; Core p.337), Greater Silver Quill (Artifact 2; takes dictation!, no attune; CB:E pp.79-80), Mundane Box (Artifact 1; disguises contents as perfectly mundane, diff +2 to search, no attune; AB:A p.76), Dragonfly’s Ranging Eye (Artifact 1; allows the user to simultaneously perceive her own field of vision and another within LoS and range (Ess. x20 yards), attune 1m; AB:A p.75-76), Essence-Scrying Visor (Artifact 1; 1m/scene to negate darkness penalties, 3m/scene for essence sight, no attune; AB:W p.79), Memory Stone (Manse 1; allows the wearer to remember everything seen, heard, etc., even allowing after-the-fact Perception + Awareness rolls; set in “Dire Situation”; CB:N p.78))
- Backing 2 (Seventh Legion ID, official rank Chuzei)
- Connections 1 (Liaison Directorate)
- Connections 1 (The Guild)
- Connections 1 (Nexus)
- Manse 2 ((Prism of Focused Passion) AB:F p. 78)
- Retainers 1 (Arla Sweet-Bloom, her secretary and personal manager who knows nothing of Lynitte’s covert position, and Turlie, her maid, thaumaturge, and secret ninja! ^_^; <jk> )
- Reputation 1 (Up-and-coming performer in Nexus)
- Resources 3 (Very comfortable lifestyle, and enough money to make small bribes to doorkeepers, guards, etc.)


Virtues: Compassion 1, Conviction 3, Temperance 2, Valor 3 Essence: 2 personal [Essence+Willpower]: 7 peripheral [(Essencex4)+Willpower+(∑ 2 highest Virtues)] 15(20) committed: 5
Willpower: 5 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Health Levels: -0x1 [ ], -1x2 [ ][ ], -2x2 [ ][ ], -4x1 [ ], Incap.x1 [ ]

Charms: (Lookshy charas select 6 (4 from fav/caste) and gain two (indicated) free)

- *Elemental Bolt Arrack (Mandatory for Lookshy; Lore, E:tDB p.181)
- *Wind-Carried Word Technique (Mandatory for Lookshy; Linguistics, E:tDB p.179)
- Effortlessly Rising Flame (Athletics, E:tDB p.202)
- Falling Star Maneuver (Athletics, E:tDB p.202)
- Flickering Candle Meditation (Dodge, E:tDB p.205)
- Stoking Bonfire Style (Melee, E:tDB p.208)
- Phantom Fire-Warrior Horde (Presence, E:tDB p.209)
- Indisputable Physical Analysis Technique (Investigation, E:tDB p.217)
- >Distracting Breeze Meditation (Stealth, E:tDB pp.184-185)
- >Observer Awareness Method (Larceny, E:tDB pp.219-220)
- >Memorable Performance Technique (Performance, E:tDB p.228)
- >> Loquacious Courtier Technique (Socialize, E:tDB p.211)
- >> Enchanting Performance (Performance, E:tDB p.229)

Merits & Flaws:

- Climate Sensitive 2 pt. Flaw (Lynitte gets violently seasick on boats on the most sheltered of harbors)
- Secrets 2 pt. Flaw (Lynitte is a covert agent of the ID)


Lynitte is visible from some distance, with somewhat short, vividly orange hair that grows more yellow as it grows in length, and which seems continually stirred by rising currents of air. Her eyes, by contrast are the bluish color that can be found at the base of a candle flame, pale and bright. When not paying attention to her situation (thinking deeply or when NOT playing a role), her movements are restless and constant. If her attention is called to this fact, she seems utterly puzzled, as though the speaker is doing so in some incomprehensible, alien language. Her smiles are gentle and generous, and she appears in all ways a truly engaging person, and when she smiles, she sits or stands quite still. Her age is hard to determine, and she can easily pass for a teenage prostitute looking for an early john in the morning, and a society Madame at the theater in the evening with only the most superficial applications of different cosmetics. Her wardrobe is not truly very large, but it is well designed, in much the way a stage illusionist’s is, and so one dress is made to serve for five, each afterward described entirely differently from the rest.


Lynitte’s early education was unremarkable save for a precocious talent for dance and for acting. Her teachers in the salons rarely had cause to praise her academic work, yet by the same token, they rarely had cause to criticize it either. It became fairly obvious early on that, even if there were a position in her family’s trading concerns, she would not likely be selected to fill it until the elders grew desperate. It wasn’t that she wasn’t capable, you see, but rather that she felt no need to apply herself to the task. On the other hand, she quickly rose to a degree of celebrity in the performing arts, a field very much in demand in Lookshy. As a girl, she was part of a number of shows that toured the various field force postings to perform for the Legion. Her exaltation was remarkable only in that she became a child of fire in a house noted for the number of its members aspected to the element of wood, yet after her exaltation, her popularity grew somewhat more. Lynitte’s entry into the Legion for her mandatory service was cause for a fair amount of unwanted celebrity.

Being a younger daughter of one of the more mercantile Gentes of Lookshy, and despite her earlier distaste for academics, or perhaps because of it, on entering the Seventh Legion, she gravitated almost immediately to assignments with, and eventual transfer to, the Directorate of Intelligence. Her postings were often covered as performances staged by the Liaison or Stores Directorates, the Directorates to which her service record indicated she was assigned. In reality, she was responsible for uncovering a conspiracy and three separate compromised officers. She was also responsible for the recovery of the true orders a client’s general had given to his troops that would have left a dragon of Legionnaires on loan to that country unsupported in a manner that would have won the battle, but lost at least half the troops, and the note detailing his plan to try and get out of paying for the Legion’s services in that battle. Needless to say, the other side in that conflict received a very favorable offer for the Legion’s withdrawal from the field, and the client received a very stern letter advising her to choose her servants more carefully. The general received a two-foot steel hemorrhage and a shallow grave, as a gratis service. At the end of her required term of service, Lynitte was formally “discharged” with full honors. This was, of course, a ruse intended to enhance her utility to the ID. She was provided with funds, some equipment, and a small staff to work with her, and was assigned to infiltrate the social and privileged set in Nexus, in order to provide the General Staff with information about the attitude of their neighbor, as well as economic data that might serve as indicators of any number of different activities throughout the Scavenger Lands. Of especial interest were to be the contacts and informants she might develop within the Guild. Lookshy likes to know when the force that they are to face as part of a contract has purchased and received an installment of high quality steel swords, for example, or has purchased a large number of slaves that might be used to construct earthworks or even used as a front-line cushion.

Lynitte has been effective in establishing a preliminary network of informants, and even in recruiting a few agents, mainly clerks who make one extra copy of the ledgers and letters they keep for their employers. She has also established herself as a rising star of the Nexus stage, landing roles in a number of ballets and stage plays, and even performing on her own as a secondary billing. She has established a regular presence at a number of tea-houses and restaurants, and at a number of mid-range boutiques in the Cinnabar district and the “lower-end” parts of Bastion.

Recently, she has received information that a member of the infamous Grass Spiders had gone rogue, but was unable to act in time before they were captured by their former compatriots. Now, however, the rogue has reappeared, and the ID has given her orders to observe, to protect, and if possible to recruit. Further, she is to observe the rogue’s associates and develop any leads she may find. Also, she has received notice that a Heptagram-trained Dynast of House Cynis has been observed in the area. Her orders in that regard are to observe, and to divert any attempts by agents of the Scarlet Boobs (the actual wording of the orders; her superior is occasionally excessively cutesy) to recover him.


Artifact Short Sword (“Dire Situation”, a Red-jade short sword), Hearthstone Amulet with Hearthstone, Greater Silver Quill, Mundane Box, Dragonfly’s Ranging Eye, Special Clothing (Lynitte’s clothing is designed to be reversible, easily alterable, and easily removable; she typically wears two or three different core outfits at once, any of which can be removed or rendered unrecognizable, due to their design, in one turn), a small roll of a variety of different stationeries kept in a small tube, a small amount of money for on the spot bribes, Duplicate Keys (Lynitte has keys to a number of offices in the district, courtesy of her growing network of agents and informers), Incriminating Documents (carefully constructed sets of copies of documents intended for eventual blackmail purposes and possible recruitment efforts; most sets are still incomplete, but could still be used in a pinch), Pass of Admittance to the Seventh Legion’s Nexus Post (the Legion maintains a sort of consulate in Nexus that serves to negotiate contracts of a certain level, and to act as advocate for Lookshy business interests in Nexus; passes of admittance allow one to pass the guards, and the higher ranked ones allow admission all the way to the consul; Lynitte’s is one of the higher ranked ones; the consul herself is only a taizei, one rank above her).


- Base Initiative: 8
- Attacks:
- Fist (Speed 8, Accuracy 7, Damage 2B, Defense 7)
- Kick (Speed 5, Accuracy 6, Damage 4B, Defense 6)
- Sword (“Dire Situation”; Speed 11, Accuracy 10, Damage 5L, Defense 10)
- Dodge Pool: 8


+4bp Flaws, 3x-5bp Favored Charms (Distracting Breeze Meditation, Observer Awareness Method, Memorable Performance Technique), -1bp Favored Ability (Socialize from 1 to 2), -3bp Background (Resources)


+35 ST Pre-game distro, -20 Favored Charms (Loquacious Courtier Technique E:tDB p.211, Enchanting Performance E:tDB p.229), -12 Attribute (Charisma from 3 to 4), -3 Specialty (Performance (Acting))


Comments and evaluation of this character appreciated! -Suzume