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Solar Athletics Charms by CrownedSun

Incomparable Agility Style</b>

 <b>Cost: 1 mote per die
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Supplemental
 Minimum Athletics: 1
 Minimum Essence: 1
 Prerequisite Charms: None

The Solar using this charm manuevers with a grace and an ease that is the envy of all those without her level of ability, accomplishing feats of amazing agility by channeling her Essence through her muscles and nerves, giving her amazing reflexes and very precise control of her movements. The character also has a greatly increased awareness of her own body, and it's movement and position at any given time, and is greatly enhanced in her ability to coordinate those movements with both finesse and skill. The Solar gains 1 die on any Dexterity + Athletics roll for every mote used to activate this charm, and might be able to gain the bonus to other types of Athlethics rolls with a stunt and the permission of the storyteller. You cannot use this charm to more than double your dice pool for any action, as per the default cap for Solar dice adders.

Fall Absorbing Method</b>

 <b>Cost: 1 mote
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Reflexive
 Minimum Athletics: 2
 Minimum Essence: 1
 Prerequisite Charms: Incomparable Agility Style

Once past a certain height, most falls become fatal to any but the most resilient or lucky. Some of the most skilled can resist a fall more than others, and an Exalt with this charm can survive any fall no matter the distance plummeted or the surface he will be landing upon. The Exalt channels most of the force of the impact through his body and into the ground below him often resulting in cracks and fissures on the ground around him after his impact. In order to avoid the damage from a fall, a Dexterity + Athletics roll is necessary; the difficulty depends on the state of the surface. A simple success suffices for most terrain, but ground that is sharp and uneven is difficulty two or three and any traps (blades, spears, etc) raise the difficulty to four or five depending on how much free room is available. If the roll is successful, then all damage from the fall is avoided and the character is free to act immediately upon landing.

Limber Contortionists Method</b>

 <b>Cost: 2 motes per success
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Supplemental
 Minimum Athletics: 3
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Incomparable Agility Style

By channeling Essence into his frame, the Exalt using this charm becomes exceptionally limber and loose, his joints allowing mobility far beyond what they would normally support and even his bones offering unparalleled flexibility. While not as proficient in this art as the Lunar Exalted a Solar with this Charm can squeeze into some very tight places, and Solars with this charm can escape from most bonds or restraints with ease.

First, the character makes a normal Athletics roll to squeeze past a barrier, into a narrow space, or to escape from any kind of restraint or bondage. The character can then buy one additional success for every two motes spent on this charm, up to a limit of the characters Essence + the number of successes originally rolled. If squeezing into or past a tight expanse, the area must be at least vaguely large enough to contain the character. If a superhumanly skilled contortionist could accomplish the feat, then the character can do so as well – with accomplished ease!

In addition to normal restraints, this charm can also be used to add successes on a Dexterity + Brawl or Martial Arts roll to escape from a Clinch using the same system.

Obstacle Avoidance Gait</b>

 <b>Cost: 4 motes
 Duration: One scene
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Athletics: 4
 Minimum Essence: 3
 Prerequisite Charms: Limber Contortionist Style

The thick underbrush of the Jungles of the South. Cramped backrooms filled with crates and sacks of flour. The cargo holds or access tunnels of a ship. Collapsed ruins with uncertain footing and numerous obstructions. Underwater reefs of Coral, or mazes of Kelp. All of these things can slow travel to a crawl, as the character has to work their way through or around them. Not so, an Exalt with this charm. For the rest of the scene, he ignores all such obstructions and can move at his maximum running speed through any kind of obstruction or condition from the most cramped back rooms to the deepest jungles of the South.

This charm does not affect the method of movement being undertaken (swimming or flying), only obstructions that gets in the way and slow down travel at the ‘normal’ rate. Swimmers with this charm don’t start swimming at their running rate even in clear water, and fliers aren’t slowed down in clear skies by using this charm.

Bodily Avoidance Technique</b>

 <b>Cost: 3 motes
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Reflexive
 Minimum Athletics: 4
 Minimum Essence: 3
 Prerequisite Charms: Limber Contortionist Style, Any Two Dodge Charms

A character with this charm adds his skill in manipulating his body to his skill at moving it to avoid blows, allowing him to combine his effects at both. When using this charm, the Exalt can add his Athletics skill value to a single dodge roll – this is considered an Athletics bonus and thus does not count toward the number of dice that can be added to a Dodge roll with Dodge charms. If this charm is activated by itself, it allows the character to take a stationary dodge with just his Athletics value (do not add Dexterity).

The amount of space available for movement never affects the use of this charm; the character can dodge without penalty in any situation, even when climbing a ladder or while restrained. Armor mobility check penalties are applied as normal, however.

Following the Sun's Path</b>

 <b>Cost: 6 motes, 1 willpower
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Athletics: 5
 Minimum Essence: 4
 Prerequisite Charms: Obstacle Avoidance Gait, Eagle-Wind Style

The light of the Sun can maneuver past even the stoutest barriers, finding the most minute of cracks and making it’s way triumphantly into that which has been sealed against it. Solars with this Charm are similarly powerful in the arts of relocation, able to appear anywhere that a ray of light can penetrate. One moment, the Solar is standing in a location. The next his anima shines so brightly that it’s almost blinding, and then immediately dims leaving the space where the Solar was standing barren. Within that single moment, the Solar instantaneously appears in another location up to her Essence x 50 yards distant.

Any barriers between the Solar and his destination are ignored as long as there is even the smallest crack within them (though certain Sorcery can block this charm), and the Solar needs no clear line of travel between her old and new locations. Any traps or sorcerous triggers between the two locations are ignored as well. One moment she stands in one place, and the very next she is somewhere else.