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Social Maneuvering

For romance and flirtation, the character rolls Charisma + Presence, while less scrupulous methods may require Manipulation + Presence. The difficulty of the roll is determined by the situation, apparent differences in status, and the appearance of the seducer. Difficulty is further increased by one if the pairing is outside the target's usually sexual orientation.
Could be done with Presence plus Charisma, Manipulation, or Intelligence. The difficulty is determined by the strength of the character's arguements, the strength of the target's convictions, the conditions under which the persuasion takes place, and the target's Willpower.
Direct threats of force are handled with Strength + Presence, while indirect threats (such as to a family member) require Manipulation + Presence. The difficulty is set by the credibility of the threat, the severity of the threat, and the target's Valor (or, while not canon, the target's Conviction when the threats are of the Manipulation variety).


  • Appearance + Presence might be used to inspire troops just by being there.
  • Manipulation + Presence would be used to convince a soldier to perform an unpleasant task.
  • Intelligence + Presence to make plans for an army.
  • Perception + Presence might give an indication of how the enemy troops are led.
Blending into the Underworld
Charisma + Larceny with a difficulty depending on how organized crime in the area is and how strong (and incorrupt) the local law officers are. Either situation makes it difficult to forge new contacts.
Buying and Selling
Haggling is an extended opposed roll of Wits + Bureaucracy. This contest continues until either character chooses to stop. Typically, 5 successes will halve or double the price, although this is mostly for flavor since the Resources system does not deal with such small increments of wealth.
For officials who would not ordinarily accept a bribe, a Manipulation + Bureaucracy check (difficulty depending on the honesty of the official, and the severity of any possible punishments).
Sensing Social Situations
Perception + Socialize (difficulty depending on the complexity of the situation in terms of the number of participants and the amount of history between them).

Making Friends:

  • Perception + Socialize to find people who could make good allies. Difficulty set by how attractive of a friend the character would make in return.
  • Charisma + Presence to become friends with them. Difficulty set by the relative statuses of the parties and the compatibility between their personalities and beliefs. This is an extended roll, with the interval determined by the social situation - formal settings are slow to sway people to friendship, while the comraderie of a shared battle can often contribute to a lasting friendship.
Social Attacks
Poisoning the waters against someone is a Manipulation + Socialize roll made during conversation with the individuals the character wishes to persuade. The difficulty is determined by the competence of the target, and the targets political situation. Without sufficient successes on this roll, the attacks may seem petty and lower the opinions people have of the character.