Difference between revisions of "Shallows/EotWJustHappened"

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Revision as of 17:55, 23 March 2005

For Quick reference:
Here is the Foundation page for The End of the World.
Here is the Introduction.
Here are links to the Characters.
Here are the House Rules.
Here are links to the Missions, as they are made available to the players.
Here you will find the additional elements about the version of Creation that The End of the world is played in. I call it Player Notes.
Here you will find the current disposition of the Sidereal Shards for this game.
Here are links to the Storyteller notes. (Players please refrain from visiting here.)

1) "After a few moments, the mainroom was empty except for the sidereals and the staff. It was at just that moment a large imposing figure appeared in the entrance."

OK, so who's the figure? Beat's me, but we learn shortly that he's this large imposing earth aspect apparently. But I haven't decided yet. However I have decided he's someone that Subtle Wickedness is supposed to be handing the envelope off to. He could be exactly what he appears, but then he should have gone down to Strife's fear of the eye charm. And I just wasn't ready to let him go. Besides, why would SW give a dragonblood the note. So I have decided that he is either an Abyssal in disguise or he's the Sidereal Akuma. I guess we'll see shortly.