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Revision as of 13:41, 22 March 2005

For Quick reference:
Here is the Foundation page for The End of the World.
Here is the Introduction.
Here are links to the Characters.
Here are the House Rules.
Here are links to the Missions, as they are made available to the players.
Here you will find the additional elements about the version of Creation that The End of the world is played in. I call it Player Notes.
Here you will find the current disposition of the Sidereal Shards for this game.
Here are links to the Storyteller notes. (Players please refrain from visiting here.)

... You see a child crying in the street. She is crying and dirty, her white linen clothing torn and muddy. All about her are the sights and sounds of war. The shattered masonry of a house? a wall? a well? you cannot tell, but whatever it was it is rubble now.

Fire casts both light and shadow upon her face. Still she cries, but none come to help her. Then a foot steps into your vision. A soldier in the regalia of the realm walks by ignoring the cries of the child. His armor battered, and shield lost, still he carries on out of the vision.

The clawed foot of a beastman lands next to the child, and it's furred muzzle snarls and prepares to snap at the very throat of the babe. When suddenly bony hands explode from the soil, followed by a skelatal corspe that rises up. They lock into combat and fall off to the side.

A shadow passes over the child, then sunlight seems to pierce the veil, then shadow again, then sunlight.

The child sits alone in the middle of chaos, and island unto herself.