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7. Path of the Unconquered Sun

Centre-of-the-Sky Awareness

Cost: 3 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Minimum Awareness: 1
Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: None

The Sidereal's anima burns in three lights: A hot golden fire spills from her eyes, her right hand is limned in green, and her right streaks the air with misty silver. She percieves the scene as though from the centre of existence; this makes her instantly aware of any thing that is perturbed. This Charm adds the character's Essence in automatic successes to an Investigation roll.

Reflection Divining Principle

Cost: 5 motes
Duration: Varies
Type: Simple
Minimum Awareness: 2
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms:None

The Sidereal winds a golden thread of sunlit destiny into a reflective surface, so that he can see from its point of view. An object in the grips of this Charm reflects not what is before it in the present, but what was around it in the past. Starting from the present, the Sidereal can "rewind" the object's reflections quickly enough to review an hours' worth of events in a minute, or freeze a single image, turning the object to see it from different angles. He can continue this procedure indefinitely, reviewing up to his Essence in days' worth of past time. However, this Charm is intimately bound to light and darkness; each time the Sun passes overhead in the reflection, and when He rises and sets, the Sidereal must roll his Intelligence + (Ability) to continue the vision farther into the past. Repeated invocations of this Charm only have to roll for each such juncture once; the obstacle need be surmounted only a single time.

Incriminating Gaze

Cost: 5 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Minimum Awareness: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Checking the Sun's Path

Such is his wisdom that the Sidereal can find evidence where there is none to be found. Under the stark light of his eyes, details disarrange themselves to provide the evidence he needs. This fabricates as many pieces of evidence as the Sidereal's successes on an Appareance + Investigation roll; these evidences point to the truth.

Confession Obelisk

Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower, 1 Health Level
Duration: Five Days
Type: Simple
Minimum Awareness: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Centre-of-the-Sky Awareness, Reflection Divining Principle, Incriminating Gaze

This Charm uses a Scriputre of That Old Thing. The Sidereal defines a crime in her mind and plunges the prayer strip into the earth. A sandstone obelisk bursts forth. Local spirits of sky and light are drawn to visit it; they leave small clues and gifts around its base or carven into its surface, revealing their knowledge of or complicity in this crime. Mechanically, this Charm is identical to Embracing Life Method.

21. Indecision


Cost: 3 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: Indefinite
Type: Simple
Min. Presence: 2
Min. Essence: 1
Prereq. Charms: None

This Charm causes the target to lose his Nature.

Gracious Unbinding of Cords

Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Min. Presence: 3
Min. Essence: 2
Prereq. Charms: Indecision

Among the weavers who decide Fate, it is said that every decision is an embroidery, which marks the Tapestry with a tiny flower. The Sidereal using this Charm reaches into the strings of fate and pulls the needle from his victim, preventing her from weaving such a flower. The victim is then unable to come to a decision on a particular matter until she has overridden and made meaningless the decision of any other person, thereby stealing a needle for herself. The Sidereal does not choose this person; any exertion of the target's will will suffice.

While the victim is unable to come to any specific decision on this mater, she is also more vulnerable to persuasion, which will have its impact when she imposes her will and thus frees her deciding capacity. Reduce the difficulty of rolls to persuade her to arrive at a particular conclusion regarding the matter by 1 per day she is under the effects of this Charm; treat the successes on these rolls as extended rolls to persuade, which will be compared when the target shakes off the Charm's shackles.

27. To the Machine Hell

Process-Appropriating Process

Cost: 3 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Min. Larceny: 3
Min. Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Creation-Smuggling Procedures

With this Charm, the Sidereal rips a patch of Essence-woven machinery from one creature's fate and stitches it into her own. If her player succeeds at a Wits + Larceny roll, he may select a Charm that the targeted creature knows, whose Essence requisite is no greater than the number of successes rolled. The target loses the use of that Charm until the end of the scene, and the Sidereal may use it during that time. Neither may learn new Charms while this Charm is in effect. Machine spirits who lose access to all their Charms while suffering from this effect die and cannot be restored; their Essence is reborn as a spirit of the Loom.

Eclipse and Moonshadow Caste Exalted may, once they have stolen a Charm, learn it as though tutored, provided they have the prerequisites.

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