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Bleeding Moon's Flesh

Flesh-Crafted Protective Suit
Artifact ••••
Commitment: 10 motes

Many who have heard of this artifact believe its name to have some poetic significance; a metaphor of some sort that its wearer inscribed within it in a surge of scholarly insight. They're horribly wrong. In truth, the name of the artifact is in honor to the battle that originated it. The name is, in fact, quite literal.

Shrouded in macabre crimson, the history of this magical, protective suit is dearly tied to both the wearer and its forger. When Red Dirja, a rogue Sidereal, marched from Yu-Shan, she offered her services to one of the least likely beings a Fate-worker would choose: the Deathlord First and Forsaken Lion.

The Deathlord, seeing the potential of having a very experienced and immensely bloodthirsty Sidereal under his control, decided to take the woman very seriously. Instead of granting her access into his armies and territory, the Deathlord put her to use immediately, as well as tested her to see just how useful she would be.

For years a Lunar Exalt had been plaguing the territory of one of the First and Forsaken Lion's deathknights, a young masked man named The Warden of the Faceless Peons. Though ruthless and cunning, the deathknight had not been able to defeat the Lunar, or even find the animalistic demi-god's lair. Red Dirja, The Fell Star, was sent to dispatch of this moon-borne Exalt and aid the Abyssal in re-conquering the vale where he was stationed. If possible, she was to create a shadowland. She approached with a plan already hatched, and the first thing she ordered the deathknight to do, after demonstrating the edicts from his Deathlord, was to ravish every single mortal in and around the vale. This they did, and more. Torture and bloodshed were daily as large forces of zombies stretched far and wide, anihilating each man, woman and child.

When the Lunar, who's name was Bleeding Moon, returned, he was infuriated. Sorrow permeated his skin as he launched an assault against the undead forces. He threaded ferociously through the zombies and hungry ghosts that attacked him, toppling them by the dozen even as he made his way closer to the Abyssal who stood guard before a single tent. Though he did not perish, the Abyssal was easily dispatched, and the guarded tent mowed down by the Lunar in his ferocious rage. Then, he confronted The Fell Star...

The fight was shorter than she had expected. Within a few minutes of terrible Essence discharged by the two had filled the sky, and Bleeding Moon felt the savage starmetal blade pierce his furred chest, a great howl drifting into the storm of colorful Essence above.

Red Dirja returned to her Deathlord with the body of the Lunar in tow, tossing the death-ridden body to the ground. In reward, not only did the First and Forsaken Lion grant her a position of high rank (though also of high vigilance) in his armies, but used her trophy to craft her a prize.

He sent a troop of one thousand of his Legion Sanguinary to retrieve the Hun of the felled Lunar, knowing that somewhere near the vale, it would be suffering. When the Legion returned, he drove a soulsteel blade into the ghost's chest, mimicking the blow Red Dirja had killed him with. The Lunar's dead flesh was soaked in its own blood and mixed with its ground bones before being stretched into a suit. The dead Exalt's soul was forged into soulsteel, and then used to sow the flesh of the Lunar into a suit that fit the Sidereal's skin tightly.

The suit was called Bleeding Moon's Flesh by the Sidereal (at the acceptance of the Deathlord) and she was gifted with it, and all it's respective powers, many of which were directly related to those powers the Lunar possessed in life.


The effects and powers of Bleeding Moon's Flesh are manifold, but all circulate around the same principle: duplicating and extending the protection that the Lunar's powers and charms had for him, and making them available for Red Dirja.

For starters, the suit provides a bonus to the wearer's Lethal and Bashing soak of +9 each. This soak is representative of the difunt Lunar's incredible hardiness. However, this is taken even further, providing an Aggravated soak value equal to the wearer's Lethal soak with the armor [Stamina (halved) + 9].

Additionally, the suit's protection does not incite any Fatigue or Mobility Penalties; nor does the wearer suffer the normal penalties for Charm usage while wearing armor (i.e. she can use charms that are not compatible with armor freely).

The suit costs 10 motes to attune, and can house a Hearthstone in a socket just beneath the neck area of a level no greater than 3.


I note that it is also an acronym for "Bad Mother F**ker"... - MelWong