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Revision as of 20:55, 13 June 2004

Perfected Artist's Brush Stroke</b>

 <b>Cost:2 motes per success
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Supplemental
 Min. Ability: 1
 Min Essence: 1
 Prereqs: None

The exalt channels essence that swirls from his mind to his fingertips allowing him to draw/paint/etc. with supernatural skill and deftness. This charm follows the exact rules for Masterful Performance Exercise except it only applies to drawing/painting/etc.

The Work of Eternity</b>

 <b>Cost: 5 motes
 Duration: 1 Scene
 Type: Simple
 Min. Ability: 2
 Min Essence: 2
 Prereqs: Perfected Artist's Brush Stroke

The exalt applies essence to perfect his markings so that they will never fade. This does not mean the surface they are on is indestructible merely that the applied material will not fade.

Work of Eternal Memory</b>

 <b>Cost: 5 or 10 motes
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Simple
 Min. Ability: 4
 Min Essence: 3
 Prereqs: The Work of Eternity

A highly gifted artist can give work emotional value. A highly gifted Exalted artist can actually instill memories into pieces of work. This can work for either the whole work or pieces of it, upon viewing an image the artist(for 5 motes) or any viewer(for 10 motes) suddenly senses the memory in immaculate detail. This can either be one event or a brief flash over a grand deal of material related to the subject. This can not display false information unless the user of the charm believes such information to be true. Anything done by the artist carries over with the essence shard so that future incarnations can view the memories.

For example, Mastered Artist draws an enormous mural of a battle with a Behmoth. He uses this charm many times for many different effects. Anyone who views the portrait as a whole can relive the battle. Anyone who looks at the Behmoth can suddenly get a quick sketch of its infamous deeds from its creation. The artist also encodes each of the members of a perfect circle with his feelings about these people so that only he can read it. Thus the total cost of applications would be: 10+10+5x5=45 motes.

The Perfected Artist's Drive</b>

 <b>Cost: 4 motes commmited
 Duration: The creation time for one piece of work
 Type: Reflexive
 Min. Ability: 3
 Min Essence: 2
 Prereqs: Perfected Artist's Brush Stroke

The artist infuses his mind with the essence of creativity. The time between rolls for the artist is dropped down to 1/4 of its usual level, however the artist must make a successful temperance roll to do anything short of defend himself from attack. The artist can not sleep more than once every 4 nights or eat more than once a day and these still require rolls. If the essence is decommitted before the work is completed, the artist will hate the work and never be able to work on it again although he may start over from scratch.


I'm looking for something to come after The Perfected Artist's Drive and perhaps one charm to reunite the tree. I'd also like any constructive comments. -Killed

Work of Eternal Memory would be cooler if the Exalt could instill any memory or emotion they wanted, rather than just true ones; further, by letting it encode different bits of information to different people, it steps on the toes of Linguistics a bit. IMO, make it just encode a single, cohesive feeling or memory of the Exalt's choice. This may be a picture of the Mouth of Peace which inspires hate, or a mural of a Circle fighting a 3rd Circle Demon with explicit details of how they defeated it. But that's just IMO, and probablly how I'll use it in my game :)

As for the Perfect Artist's Drive, why so harsh? Why not just treat it like the various Crafts Charms that let you create at x10 speed, without those awful drawbacks? DS

I dunno, I agree on the 'only true' restriction. Maybe it does allow false memories, but they don't feel as real? Anyway, could you use this to produce works that duplicate past-life memories from previous incarnations?? IF so, that'd be particularly cool:D Especially to help the Solar Cult and such. Remind people who the Solars were in the old times! -- CrownedSun

Hm. You could easily use Memory Reweaving Discipline, or an offshoot (maybe one that can wear off) to edit your memories, and lie that way. - willows

@DS its harsh because its supposed to be an essence enhanced artistic drive taken to the extreme. And really a solar with the success buyer can easily make any size art with little to know problem so getting a new roll 1/4 of the time basically will mean realistically a solar could paint a mural on every room in a manse in about a week at most.\\ @CS i'd definately let you use it with first age memories. Hmm, i don't like the bit about being limitd to essence users only now, so i kicked that out to just anyone. The reason i invented it was i was going to have a pc find an old art book that is the equivelent diary of his first age incarnation, the book will have everything from events, to spells, to how an artifact was created.\\ @Willows thats perfectly acceptable and i even imagined stuff like that being used in conjuction with it, just by itself you can't lie with it.

Something Dave came up with is the fact that there is a Craft(Calligraphy) and by extension there may indeed be Craft(Drawing/Painting) if you believe more in the craft philosphy than just convert these over to craft charms. -Killed

I think I'd call painting Craft instead of Performance, if only because of World Within A Picture Style (from ToT). Charms otherwise look okay to me. Maybe a little on the weak side.\\ _Ikselam