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Revision as of 19:23, 10 August 2004

Name: Oaryet
Caste: Dawn
Nature: Paragon
Concept: Knight-scholar
Anima: A great celestial lion made of bright white light and fire.
XP Left/Spent: 20/16

3, Charisma 3, Perception 3
Dexterity 6, Manipulation 3, Intelligence 3
Stamina 3, Appearance 3, Wits 3

3, Athletics 1, Awareness 2, Brawl 3, Dodge 2, Endurance 2, Investigation 1, Linquistics 2, Lore 3, Medicine 1, Melee 5(Daiklaives +2), Occult 1, Performance 1, Presence 1, Resistance 1, Stealth 1, Survival 1, Ride 1, Sail 1, Socialize 1

3(Celestial Daiklaive-orichalcum)
Contacts 1
Manse 3(Freedom Stone, the manse is located within a seacove northwest up the coast from Lap)
Manse 3*

2, Temperance 2, Conviction 2, Valor 5
Virtue Flaw Foolhardy Contempt
Willpower 7
Essence 4
Personal 19
Peripheral 46/38

Health Levels 0*1, -1*3, -2*4, -4*1, Incapacitated

Merits and Flaws</b>
Legendary Attribute: Dexterity

Ox-Body*1(-1*1, -2*2)
Dodge: Reed in the Wind(1m/2dice)
Medicine: Body-Mending Meditation(10m)
Melee: Golden Essence Block(1m/2dice), Dipping Swallow Defense(2m), Bulwark Stance(5m), Fivefold Bulwark Stance(5m, 1wp), Excellent Strike(1m/die), Hungry Tiger Technique(1m), Blazing Ruler's Blade(10m)

Power Combat</b>
3B/1L/0A, Base Initiative 8, Mobility Penalty 0, Fatigue0 , Dodge 8
Fist: Speed 8, Accuracy 10, Damage 3B, Defense 11, Rate 5
Celestial Daiklaive - Orichalcum: Speed 16, Accuracy 18, Damage 11L, Defense 17, Rate 6

Oaryet is a deeply honourable man. Saheel has made a great impression on this young man and he takes his roll as the striking arm of the group very seriously. He is studious as well though, learned and well taught for someone with such martial skill. Easygoing when not on the job, serious though when battle is nigh. His weakness though is pretty women, he likes them and even though he isn't from a chauvanistic culture he doesn't like to hit them.

Oaryet is tall at 6'2" but lean from hard work training with weapons. He could use more full body intensive long work though to build up his endurance, most of his training not having gone on for hours and hours on end. He has wavy blonde hair, clean shaven, blue crystal eyes and a quick smile. In this far south oasis he wears an open white shirt and pantaloons of white as well and goes shoeless on the green grass of the oasis. A functional leather sheath is around a intricately forged golden blade with the name of its forger and original user scribed on the side of the blade in red jade letters. Most distinctive about him though is the way he moves. His movements betray an obvious level of preternatural speed and skill, even when he is moving slowly there is a measure of grace and control the that greatest dancer would envy.

Oaryet lived in a small village within the Scavanger Lands. This village had hung on by its teeth to its little patch of land for centuries, its people stubborn as stones. Bandits, barbarian raiders and tough soil to work with bred in them a simple division of work. Either you were one of the ones who worked and trained to take up arms against raiders and bandits, or you mastered the arts of the woodsman to hunt and gather.

Oaryet took to being one of the former ones. At a young age he proved his worth, striking down the barbarian leader who lead a raid against them. He always felt the importance of his work, of protecting their home. His life would have likely been a short one, his courage on the battlefield taking him out again and again until someone luckier or better cut him down but it would seem fate had other plans.

He exalted, appropriately enough, during a fight against some bandits. To be fair, the people of that village were afraid of him. A deeply pragmatic folk though, they weren't about to send him away just because of some old legends about what he was said to be. He did not stay there long however, for Saheel came for him. Before the awesome force of personality in that ancient solar he felt himself humbled and came willingly.

Having always grown up with responsibility and duty he actively took to the teachings of the Zenith, striving to be a proper Bronze Tiger. With two other zeniths around and Saheel on top of that he set his sights on mastery of the blade and would seek to take up the mantle of a general later in his life should he live so long. Saheel made a lasting impression on the boy and so while he studied the arts of combat he also studied history, philosophy and other intellectual pursuits.

<b>Possible Plot Hooks

BogMod http://www.lensmen.net/wiki/exalted.pl?Dissolvegirl/TaskForceCreation


Cut the stuff about Lytek. Trust me. :) --dissolvegirl