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Heartsong, Orichalcum Grand Daiklaive - Lv. 4

Heartsong is a beautiful orichalcum grand daiklaive. At over 6 ft in length, it is larger even then most daiklaives, making it very difficult to draw without special preparation. The handle is a rainbow of gold-tinted hues which is padded by a special clear wrap to prevent the wearer's hands from slipping. The wrist guard is a circular golden disk 6 inches in radius, engraved with silvery lines which run up the bottom of the golden blade in a beautiful, fluid, yet symetric pattern. Most marvelous is the blade itself, which radiates with a sort of power and perfection which can cause a man to avert his eyes. It is most slender near the base, where silvery wires bend and flow up to meet in a sort of a dance near the middle, where the blade is widest. Anyone near the blade while it is drawn will hear its song, which is actually the song of wielder, translated by Heartsong. While the wielder is angry, the song will be intense and violent. While the wielder is sad, the song will be sad as well. The song grows louder as the wielder's emotions peak, and sometimes in the past, heartsong could be heard from miles away.

Heartsong: Spd:+2 Acc:+2 Dmg:+9L Pry:+1 (+1 Spd, +1 Acc, +1 Pry Orichalcum) - 10 motes to commit.

  • Heartsong sings while it is drawn. This effect causes the wielder's emotions to come to life in song, reaffirming his sense of self. This has no mechanical effect, but the bearer of heartsong regains willpower approximately 10x as fast as others, especially when relaxed and training with the blade, but only when the blade is drawn and carried.
  • Heartsong itself responds to its own song, drawning strength from the wielder's emotion and personality. Whenever the wielder spends a temporary willpower, Heartsong gains 1 point of Speed, Accuracy, and Defense, for the scene. When the character channels through a virtue, heartsong gainst points in Speed, Accuracy, and Defense equal to the value of that virtue for the remainder of the scene. Never will heartsong gain more points from this power than the character's highest virtue x 2, and points gained in excess of the character's lowest virtue will be reduced by 1 at the beginning of every round until the bonus reaches the value of that virtue.

Charon - Soulsteel Canon - Lv 4

Charon is a semi-intelligent artifact which serves as a canon protecting the wearer's right arm with equivalent of soulsteel reinforced breastplate armor for one arm. The lower half, below the elbow has a lightly spiked heavy gauntlet attached to a heavy soulsteel bracer. The bracer has 4 soulsteel blades extend down the length of the forearm, arranged along the top, bottom, and outside of the bracer. The blades make poor weapons, but allow the wielder to parry lethal damage without a stunt. The bracer is connected to the upper arm guard by 2 soulsteel chains which serve to protect the wearer's elbow and allow mobility. The upper arm guard is shaped as the front half of a skull. It is, in fact, the front half of a skull, complete with jaw and teeth. The back half is removed so that the weared can attach it around his arm with leather straps. When attuned, the eyes of the skull are as black as the void, and gazing into them is not recommended. On the bracer is writted in Old Realm, "In stillness is salvation."

Charon - 10 motes to commit

  • Charon provides +2 Str in the wielder's right arm.
  • Charon may perceive ghosts even when they are dematerialized, though he does not impart this ability to the wielder.
  • Charon may understand any language spoken by anyone who has died knowing that language
  • Charon posses the following attributes and abilities: Per:3 Int: 3, Wits:3, Lore:1 (Underworld +3), Awa:5
  • Charon is watching, and can communicate silently with the wearer. He will answer any questions accurately and completely.
  • In addition, if the wearer is fully attuned to the soulsteel, Charon will volunteer information. He will advise the wearer on phenomenon he is familiar with, warn the wearer of impending danger, translate for the wearer without being asked.
  • The wearer can use Charon to create a blade of necrotic essence as a dice action. Depending on the amount of essence spent, 3 different sorts of weapons can be created. The player of the character wielding Charon decides the stats of these blades, however once they have been decided upon, they may not be changed unless the character's melee or essence goes up or down, and then points may only be added or subtracted to represent this loss or gain. All figures are rounded mathematically.
  • This weapon does receive the normal bonus for soulsteel if the wielder is fully attuned, and the wielder may not be disarmed while he is wielding this weapon, though effects which force the wielder to deattune may force the wielder to remake the blade.
  1. For one mote, Charon creates a dagger, which can have no more of a damage bonus than 1/2 the character's melee. The character receives his Melee+Ess points to distribute between Spd, Acc, Dmg, and Pry when creating this weapon.
  2. For two motes, Charon creates a sword, which can have no more of a damage bonus than the character's melee. This weapon has the character's Melee + 2 x Ess points.
  3. For three motes, Charon creates a daiklaive, which can have no more damage than the character's melee x 2. This weapon receives the character's Melee + 3 x Ess points.

Mindforce Gloves - Soulsteel gloves - Lv 3

These black fabric gloves appear normal except for the blood-red pentacles on the palms which glow when used, and the soulsteel around the wrists

Mindforce Gloves - 10 motes to commit. Both required

  • As an action, the character may extend one glove and apply force at a distance. The character rolls WP. If the gloves are used more than once in a round, than multiple actions apply. This force acts at a distance of up to the character's WP. Every success on the WP roll acts as a dot of Str which is applied to the object. This force can be in any direction. If used to move an object in a straight line to or from the character, sufficient force is all that is needed. Any other sort of targeting requires a Wits+Thr roll. Success on this roll count as attack successes if used appropriately. If both gloves are used, then the Wp roll receives 1 automatic success, and more complex actions, such as rotating are allowed on a succssful wits roll with a DC of at least 2.
  • The Gloves may be used to augment a thrown attack by splitting the character's dice pool to throw a weapon and direct force into the attack. In that case, every success on the WP roll adds 50% to the weapon's range, and 1 to the weapon's damage.
  • The character may revert to a parry and use the gloves to parry an incoming ranged attack. Successes on the WP roll count as parry successes.
  • The gloves have no effect on living targets, though they may affect a target's clothes or posessions. Objects and weapons may be torn free, or the target's clothes or armor may be manipulated. However, living targets can not be controlled for an extended duration by the gloves, no matter what the character has ahold of, for the target's life force interferes. So, a brief force may be applied to a target, but he may not be suspended in midair. This effect may be dodged, but not parried.
  • The character must be able to clearly see an object he wishes to affect.

The Cloak of Night - Soulsteel heavy cloak - Lv 4

The cloak of night appears to be a large matte black cloak of fine quality. However, the clasp is a small soulsteel raptor claw, and the cloak is very powerful, especially at night.

The Cloak of Night - 10 motes to commit

  • +6L/+6B soak, does not stack with armor.
  • +2 DC to spot in the dark.
  • 1 HS setting in the clasp, much concealed by a small soulsteel claw.
  • Can see perfectly in the dark.
  • Flight, up to normal movement speed as part of movement. Allows for agile flight and hovering, and requires little concentration. However, no charms can be used while in flight, and it only works at night.

So Charon is 10 motes to commit to at all, and if you're not an Abyssal and want to be attuned to the Soulsteel it's 20?\\ Also, the only effects for attuning to the Soulsteel are those listed, yes?\\ Do you have levels for these artifacts yet?\\ Finally, the range increment for the Mindforce Gloves is given in yards I assume, yes?\\ ~*~Braydz~*~\\ p.s. These're fabulous artifacts.

Thanks Braydz. You're right about the soulsteel stuff. And I added the artifact levels. And Yep, all ranges, and other distances are measured in yds. - Morpheus