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7th Day of Resplendent Water, RY 768

The Lesser Deliberative’s festival proposal passed the Greater Deliberative. I signed up for the host/hostess club. It should be fun.

16th Day of Resplendent Water, RY 768

The rest of the freshman class has started taking archery lessons with Rector Belar to prepare for the Tournament of Scarlet Grace. I’ve been continuing to work with Rector Danic, though. I really do want to learn archery, but I’ve got 3 years ahead of me and I think what I’m doing now is more important. Using a bow won’t help me much more than my rapier. And if I can’t wield a daiklave, I can’t wield a powerbow, either. Besides, bulking up will help me socially and politically, too.

20th Day of Resplendent Water, RY 768

Saiki showed up a few minutes ago with word of a merfolk tribe on an island a few days away. It’s outside Cheraki waters, so we’re going to have to handle it. I’ve dashed off a letter to Rector Danic, but I can’t help but feel like we’re rushing into this without enough information.

27th Day of Resplendent Water, RY 768

Scratch one tribe of merfolk. There may have been a few survivors who weren’t at their village when we hit, but they won’t be attacking any more ships. It was a difficult fight and were it not for our good fortune, we might’ve suffered several casualties. It would’ve been an easier time if my swimming lessons had born fruit, too. But either I’m a terrible teacher or they’re terrible students. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle, I guess.

Of more interest to me than the merfolk is that we recovered the cargo of the Amethyst Serpent, the last ship we know that they took. It belonged to Cynis Yorake. The interesting part is that he only ID’d 11 of the 12 crates we found. I haven’t decided if he didn’t know it was carrying the 12th and one of his people cut a side deal, or if he did know and realized it’d be foolish to acknowledge it.

I hope he goes easy on Judas, but there’s no way I’m covering for somebody that inconsiderate or that stupid. What’s worse is if he actually DID make the deal he claims to have made with Yorake. I can only imagine what a man like Yorake could do with someone like Judas.

4th Day of Descending Water, RY 768

Lucretia of Pyron. Now I really wonder if Yorake knew she was on his ship or not. Either way, I’m even more worried about what Judas might be doing with him.

She claims she was on her way to Diamond Hearth with some idea of how to stop the Mask of Winter’s juggernaut from being loosed on Creation and the Underworld. Apparently this isn’t an immediate threat, because she says she’s willing to stay on campus for awhile with Virtuous Cloud. She’s just a mortal, but having her on campus makes me nervous.