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Some brainstorming about a Modern setting for Exalted.

First of all, I wouldn't go for a "Hidden Supernaturals" approach. This has been done to death and back, and frankly isn't necessary. I would go with an approach something like Aido's Fallen. The Supernatural is living with the Modern, and that's pretty much the way its always been, and that's that.

I would say that Terrestrials are immensly common and rule most of the major nations of the world. You could have non-Terrestrial Dragon Blooded, and methods of Exaltation that reflected the culture of the country. Ie, in Europe, its passed down by blood. In America, its somehow Democratic: maybe America's Terrestrial Essences goes to the best and brightest (like Solar Essences), or maybe they're handed out by elections. (Bet that would get people to vote!). China's might be handed out to Government employees, but never people with any actual power. This fits with old Confucian theories of government to some degree, and would vaguelly recreate the sitaution in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: The superheroes are mostly trying to play by the rules and support the governing structure, even if they don't totally believe in it.

One interesting idea would to set this in the 19th century, or another past Epoch. Or, to combine 19th century culture and stereotypes with 20th century technology with magic. Oh, that'd be so fucking cool. oh, man......(see that? That's history major drool, right there.)

In any event, several different varieties of Terrestrial are running the show. They've overwhelmed the Celestials even more than in Exalted: The number of Celestial Essences is still hovering around 1,000; whereas there are now close to a six million Terrestrials running around. (I figure a ratio of one Terrestrial per thousand humans?)

I think the major players of this setting would be Terrestrials and Spirits/God-Blooded. I think the strong influence of some sort of semisecret spirit court (again, see Aido's Fallen) would be cool. I would make exiled Spirits a playable character type of some nature. You can also do a lot with God-Blooded.

The Celestials then, are serious superheroes.

The Sidereals are Illumananti, keepers of a vast secret conspiracy to control the world. What are their goals, and how well are they doing?

The Abyssals are serial killers, Nazis, and Supervillians. Hey, a lot of action movies have a hard time coming up with motivations for their villians. "I've sold my soul to death" is a good motivation.

I would keep the Lunars roughly the same way they are in Exalted, or possibly like Werewolf(:The Apocalypse). They're fighting their own private crusades, and all the Terrestrials in the world can't catch someone who can turn into an Ant. They've been waging their own private wars for their own private ends for some time now. They've all got their own agendas. "Ecoterrorism" is sort of a stereotypical goal, but I personally find that unappealing. Tres 80s.

For the Solars, I would try one of two approaches:

-They're recently returned, and they're godlike. If you make the world dark enough, you could run them as revolutionaries a la the Matrix.

-They've been around for a while. They're too powerful to ignore, to valuable to destroy, and just generally the focus of the world. 90% of them are famous and powerful. They're not unified, but they're big.


Seems like a pretty cool idea! :) Though the number of terrestrials should be lower with that ratio. The worlds population is 6 billion, not 6 million million, so that would leave more like 6000 terrestrials, which seems small but then Creation is bigger than the world (I think). Also you might want to have a look at ExMod , which deals with the system (though it is a more hidden supernatural world (and indeed is set in the old WoD)). I'm not sure that you can have the Solars being big and still have a coherrant world. With Solar's running the show (because they would if they were there and allowed too.) but working within a modern scientific way of thinking, the worlds technological base would become rapidly advanced, though I suppose that could explain 20th centuary tech in a 19th centuary culture. I'm not sure that the suggestion you proposed for china is stable either...terrestial Exalts would tend to rise above where they were places (or if they didnt it would be an almost criminal misuse of their power and potential). Ditto for democratic or meritocratic parcelling out in America. There would be bribes and soon the essences would be moving in bloodlines once more, as any group/family that got one would tend to succeed more and thus be better able to bribe the next time around..though this could just be my cynicism. None the less, a very cool idea - Kraken

Creation is roughly 1/4th the size of the total surface of the real world. - JohnBiles

Ooops, just fixed my calculation. It now says "One Terrestrial per thousand humans".

Hmm.....I guess one would want to have the Solars recently returned, then. Because you're right, there's no way to keep them from carving the setting apart and (hopefully) rebuilding it in their own image. That's what they're there for, really. I think the more relevant question is stylistics. Is this going to look like TheAuthority, or The Matrix, or X-Men, or what? -MeiRen

I dont know ^_^ I can see very fun games working for all those different types, though perhaps TheAuthority might require to greater a degree of co-ordination between solars than is really healthy for your settings existance as you envision it right now ;). Maybe it just needs some sidereals keeping them in check.. Kraken

Who says the Solars need to be held in check =P. Seriously, the Solars are going to completly trash the setting, that's what they're there for. Ever wanted to run a campaign where you're the President? Play a Zenith. -MeiRen