Difference between revisions of "Malikai/Kuric"

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Latest revision as of 18:43, 24 February 2004

Name:   Kuric\\ Nature:  Follower\\ Concept: Chronicler for the Leather Foxes\\ XP: Left/Total: 0/0


Strength: 2, Dexterity: 3, Stamina: 2
Charisma: 2, Manipulation: 2, Appearance: 2
Perception: 2, Intelligence: 3, Wits: 2


Archery: 1, Athletics: 1, Awareness: 2, Brawl: 1, Bureaucracy: 3, Dodge: 2, Endurance: 1, Linguistics: 3 (Native: Riverspeak; Old Realm, High Realm, Low Realm), Lore: 3, Medicine: 2, Melee: 1, Occult: 2, Resistance: 1, Ride: 1, Socialize: 2, Stealth: 1, Survival: 1.


Allies: 3 (The Leather Foxes), Resources: 2.


Compassion: 2, Conviction: 2, Temperance: 3, Valor 2.

Willpower: 5\\ Essence: 1\\

Health Levels -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Incap


Equipment here


Base init: 5
Soak: 3B/3L/3A (Chain Shirt, 3L/1B, Mobility Penalty -0, Fatigue 1)
Dodge: 5
Punch (Spd 5, Acc 4, Dmg 2B, Def4)
Kick (Spd 2, Acc 3, Dmg 4B, Def 3)
Staff (Spd 5, Acc 4, Dmg 4L, Def 3)
Knife (Spd 8, Acc 4, Dmg 3L, Def 2)
Spear (Spd 8, Acc 5, Dmg, 5L, Def 4)
Self Bow (Acc 4, Dmg 4L, Rate 2, Range 150)

Character Description

Character description here

Expanded Backgrounds

More details about backgrounds here.

Comments? - Malikai