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Luna's Favored Style

By Pounce


Surprising Change Attack</b>

<b>Cost: 1 mote + cost of change
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Min. Martial Arts: 3
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: None

The lunar makes an unarmed martial arts attack as normal but changes her form in the instant before the attack lands. The lunar rolls the attack as normal but calculates damage based on the second form. In addition the sudden change makes the very difficult to dodge or parry if there is a significant size difference (more than a foot in height). +3 to the difficulty of dodging or parrying this attack. This charm may be used in conjunction with Finding the Spirit’s Form or Deadly Beastman Transformation without a combo. This Charm may not be taken by beings that cannot change their form.

Seeing Where the Enemy Does Not</b>
<b>Cost: 3 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Min. Martial Arts: 3
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: None

By observing the target for an entire turn the Lunar gains a supernatural understanding of the limits of his target’s senses. He may not attack any one in the turn is charm is used but may defend as normal. Make a contested roll between the lunar’s Perception + Stealth and the target’s Perception + Awareness. If the Lunar wins he has found a blind spot and may make a single attack on his next turn as if the target is unaware of the attack.

Graceful Flurry of Blows</b>
<b>Cost: 1 mote
Duration: One turn
Type: Supplemental
Min. Martial Arts: 3
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: None

Generally when a character splits their dice pools for multiple action their actions become less effective. However, characters with this charm can order their dice pool penalties however they wish. For example you split your dice pool for 3 actions, usually your actions will be -3, -4, and -5 but using this charm they can be -5, -4, -3 or -4, -5, -3. This charm can also be used for defensive actions.

Luna’s Favored Form</b>
<b>Cost: 5 motes
Duration: Scene
Type: simple
Min. Martial Arts: 4
Min. Essence: 4
Prereqs: Surprising Change Attack, Seeing Where The Enemy does not, Graceful Flurry of Blows

Upon completion of this kata to honor Luna the Martial Artist a mercurial strength, his hair becomes a pale white and his eyes reflect the face of the moon. The martial artist may add his Martial Arts score to either his Strength, Dexterity or Stamina for the rest of the scene. He can redeclare which attribute the charm boosts at the beginning of each turn, before initiative is rolled. These dice cannot more than double an attribute and apply to the Lunar’s maximum dice pool. He also soaks lethal with his full stamina.

Invisible Claw Wave Prana</b>
<b>Cost: 5 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: 1 turn
Type: Simple
Min. Martial Arts: 5
Min. Essence: 4
Prereqs: Luna’s Favored Form

This charm changes the exalted claws into hollow structures that when swung generate a vacuum wave that will rend a target from a distance. To attack, the exalted makes a Martial Arts attack as normal against a target up to Essence yards away. The wave is invisible and unblockable without a stunt or a large shield. Damage is lethal and is calculated as a normal unarmed attack for the character, including natural weaponry. Damage is not applied until the targets next action as mysterious slashes suddenly burst open as all the target will feel is a light breeze when first hit.

Frightening Piston Punch</b>
<b>Cost: 4 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Extra action
Min. Martial Arts: 5
Min. Essence: 4
Prereqs: Luna’s Favored Form

Upon the successful completion of any unarmed attack the Exalted’s limb extends with explosive force, impacting the target a second time. The first strike must impact the target, if the target dodged the first attack this charm cannot be used. Roll the second attack as normal. If the target parried the original attack subtract any leftover successes from parrying the first attack from the second attack. The target is not allowed additional defense unless he/she uses a perfect defense charm.

Sword Grasping Wound</b>
<b>Cost: 4 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: instant
Type: Reflexive
Min. Martial Arts: 5
Min. Essence: 4
Prereqs: Luna’s Favored Form

When the Lunar has been wounded for at least one health level of damage he may activate this charm to attempt to suck the weapon inside her body. Make a reflexive Strength + a number of automatic success equal to the number of health levels inflicted roll opposed by the target’s Strength + Melee (or Martial Arts if a martial arts weapon). If the Lunar wins by the targets Strength the weapon is sucked into the Lunar’s body. If it is a normal weapon it is simply digested. If made from any of the five Magical Materials the Lunar may disgorge it at any time. If the Lunar simply wins the weapon is freed at the beginning of the next turn. If the target wins, nothing happens.

One-Thousand Forms Defense</b>
<b>Cost: 10 motes 1 willpower
Duration: scene
Type: simple
Min. Martial Arts: 5
Min. Essence: 4
Prereqs: Sword Grasping Wound, Frightening Piston Punch, Invisible Claw Wave Prana

This charm unlocks the protean nature of the Lunar Exalted. While this charm is active the Lunar may reflexively change his form to any in his library with out any essence cost and ignores the affects of true form lock. He may not change mid attack unless he uses Surprising Change Attack but any other time is allowed. In fact he must change his form at least once per turn or the charm’s affects will end. Each change is accompanied by a bright flash of light that confuses attackers. Subtract the Lunar’s Permanent essence from the dice pools of any attack made against him. Smaller forms are much more difficult to hit according to size. Half the size of a man is +1 difficulty to hit (large dog) Small is +2 (large house cat) tiny is +3 (mouse)

Example: Too Fast to See, a Lunar martial artist, is toying with a young solar. Too Fast has Luna’s Favored Form and One-Thousand Forms Defense active. The young solar attacks with a charm-enhanced dice pool of 15 - 5 (Fast’s permanent essence) = 10. Fast turns into a cat and dodges with a dice pool of ten. Solar rolls 5, 6, 7, 7, 2, 3, 7, 7, 8, 0 = 7 successes - 2 for hitting the small target = 5. Fast rolls 4 successes. The Solar hits, but as he does, Fast changes into a rhino to soak the damage.

Many Mouths, One Bite</b>
<b>Cost: 5 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: Instant
Type: Extra Action
Min. Martial Arts: 5
Min. Essence: 5
Prereqs: One-Thousand Forms Defense

In a flash of essence the target is surrounded with duplicates of the Lunar, which strike him as one and then reform into a single individual. Roll a single attack and apply the result to a number of attacks equal to the Lunar’s permanent essence. The target is surrounded from all sides and may not dodge but may parry. Damage is determined separately for each attack.


Interesting form, and definantly some nice ideas in there. I can see Lunar Martial Artists, but I think the very nature of their Charms leads them to base them on Attributes, making most of these Charisma (shapeshifting) or Dexterity. I might add a basic MA 3 requirement to the Form Charm and anything below it, MA 4 to anything beyond the Form. Dunno. Oh, and specify this Form can't be used with MA weapons? It just doesn't strike me as armed. But, in general, very nice work! - Telgar

I'd personally take off the 'No longer locked into your True Forms' aspect of the One Thousand Forms Defense.

And I LOVE the Invisible Claw Wave Prana. Maybe even make it so the target doesn't take any damage until the Lunar wills it with a reflexive action- they don't even soak it when the attack is made. The damage dice just keep piling up, until eventually the target just explodes. :) It'll probally show up in my games. - DariusSolluman

Thanks guys, I've just posted a revision of the tree on the forums, take a look. -Pounce

I just wanted to suggest the name "one thousand forms style" for this martial art. The charms themselves are excellent, but the name "lunar's favoured style" doesn't strike me as very martial arty. Just my tuppence. - Voidstate