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Latest revision as of 17:41, 8 June 2007

Artifact Level ~ 4
Commitment ~ 7 motes

Pinnacle was created as a prototype for the Solar Deliberative. The Deliberative was intrested in whether or not supberb weapons could make up for lack of training in the wielder in situations where emergency troops needed to be raised. While Pinnacle is certainly next to useless in the hands of a mortal, it did illustrate the point that what the Deliberative sought could be achieved with further work.

Pinnacle is a simple and deceptively elegant weapon. Its slender, single-edged blade is just shy of five feet in length and bears no inscriptions or inlays to mar its lines. The crossguard is straight and unembellished. It bears a very utilitarian hearthstone socket. A second socket is set into the weapon's pommel. The blade's alloy contains a proportionately higher ratio of Orichalcum than most other weapons of it size.

Due to the excellence infused into its construction, Pinnacle always adds 1 automatic success to all attack and damage and defense(In 2E this is represented by its higher defense value) rolls. As a result, its wielder can never botch an attack made with it. In addition, its wielder may focus and harmonize his essence with the blade's executing a superlative and peerless strike or parry. Doing so counts as a supplemental charm action, costing 5 motes, which results in an attack or defense where all the dice come up as successes. When executing an exemplary technique, the character cannot split his actions.

If the character has not yet used a charm he may supplement an attack for 5 motes, counting as a charm activation. This results in all dice coming up as successes, sets the action's speed to an unmodifiable 6 and carries a -2 DV penalty. The character cannot iniate a flurry if he uses this option. If the character has not yet activated a charm and is attacked, he may reflexively activate this power to allow him to apply his PDV to an attack, even if that attack is unparryable.

|| ||Spd||Acc||Dam||Defense||Rate||Tag|| ||1E ||+4||+4||+4L||+2||-||-|| ||1E PC ||+9||+5||+5L||+3||5||-|| ||2E ||5||+4||+5L||+5||5||-|| Stats include the Orichalcum MM bonus