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Sharpshooter Armor
Artifact Level ~ 2
Commitment ~ 3 motes or 1 willpower
Repair ~ 1

Sharpshooter class power armor was designed by renowned artillerist and ordinance specialist Reynard Greytalon. The armor is a mass production model using systems adapted from Greytalon’s Fusillade class armor.

Sharpshooter Armor is intended for mortal use. Its systems were designed to draw directly upon a mortal’s dedication and strength of will. Fashioned for specialized use by weapon crews, Sharpshooter armor loses some of the versatility of similar designs such as the Ashigaru Armor. The dedicated nature and simplicity of its systems allows for a low maintenance design. These suits can be use for an entire month before needing a tune up.

Like most powered armors, Sharpshooter Armor provides a number of features besides simple protection:
Filtration Baffles provide a +2 bonus to resistance rolls against disease and poison and provide an hour of clean air.
Essence Enhanced Lenses Provide a +2 bonus to awareness rolls.
Targeting Matrices reduce external and internal penalties affecting ranged attacks by 1.
Skill Assistance Systems provide a single artificial specialty for artillery. This specialty may be applied to Archery and Craft rolls. No combination of specialties can provide more than three dice of benefit.

These statistics represent the more common Shogunate era model. Although much rarer, some First Age suits still exist. Such models are Artifact 3 and possess the following improvements: Reduced mobility and fatigue values (-0/0) and an increased soak (5/7, 4 hardness). The Skill Assistance Systems are more comprehensive and provide an energy weapons specialty as well. The finer quality of these suits negates the need for maintenance.

Fusillade Armor
||Soak B/L||Hardness||Mobility||Fatigue|| ||4/6||3||-1||1||
