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Logos Nail

Artifact Level ~ 4
Commitment ~ 10 motes

Logos Nail was forged from the Moonsilver pieces of a broken First Age weapon known as Coaltion's Wrath. For more of that story, please see The Legacy of Coalition's Wrath.

Logos Nail is a great spear, with a haft carved from the trunk of a massive tree, petrified by the poisoned blood of Oramus. A two foot long Moonsilver spike serves as the weapon's head. The point is affixed to the haft by a great serrated tooth, said to have come from a deep sea behemoth. Tendrils of moonsilver weep and twine down the shaft from this point, constantly gripping and straining against it. The tip itself shudders and writhes, but always maintains a barbed or serrated edge. The weapon settles into a state of keen, steady, eagerness when wielded in combat and ceases its struggle. It is said the character of the Moonsilver was altered by the death of the Primordial.

When a foe is wounded by the Logos Nail, pieces of the head break off into their flesh. These pieces writhe in desperation, anxious to be inlcluded in the bloodshed every time the Spear is used to strike a different target. Whenever the character wieleding the Logos Nail inflicts damage, every other living target he has damaged that scene recieves 8 dice of lethal damage soakable only by stamina. An attuned user may, by spending a willpower, cause the tip to explode sending a fragmented cloud of moonsilver shards into his foes. This is a 6/-1 miscellaneous action that may not be flurried or modified by extra action charms. Make a melee attack roll as normal and apply the effects to everything in a 90 degree arc in front of the character and out to a range of 10 yards. Using this effect lowers the base damage of Logos Nail by 4 for the scene. If the base damage is reduced to 0, the weapon may no longer be used for the rest of the scene.

Up to 2 hearthstones may be pressed into the writhing mass of moonsilver at the head of this weapon and its attuned wielder will benefit as if they were set into sockets. Like all of the weapons forged from the pieces of Coaltion's Wrath, Logos Nail does aggravated damage against the Fair Folk and creatures of the Wyld.

|| ||Spd||Acc||Damage||Defense||Rate||Tag|| ||1E ||-||-||-||-||-||-|| ||1E PC ||-||-||-||-||-||-|| ||2E ||5||+5||+16L/22L(L)/6(O)||+4||2||2,L,O,R|| Statistics include the Moonsilver MM bonus.


This may be a level 5 due to mythological uniqness if not actual powerlevel.-Ambisinister