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An excerpt from Prison Letters, penned by Flawless Mirror and assembled by Oma Marcus

The Incandescent Inveiglement Ritual.

To think I would be the practicioner of this spell. Me, of all the Cataphractoi Insensiblis that have presided, that I would wield such a power.

To say I now suffer indignation would be to downplay the meaning of the word. Locked now in the Tower of Endless Snow as I am, devoid of all knowledge of the outside world, I can hardly sleep after my latest contemplations.

The accusations have been building steadily. First the forging of Youthful Mourning, and now the claim that I have cast one of the Nine Scholars' Mantra. Preposterous!

To cast this spell is to irrevocably obliterate any and all passions within the subject and replace them with the utmost devotion. With but a single word, hate, ambition, motivation....all are turned to love. To the casual observer, this is a wonderous spell, transforming one's greatest foes into the most trusted of allies. But the irreversibility of this spell is what truly makes me shudder. The subject is a puppet, their every act in devotion and service to the caster.

The Caraphractoi has earned many an enemy in the past. Our methods are harsh, yet fair. But never have we imposed such a cruelty on a single being. I must think. I must see. I must determine who has done this to me.

I must be free!


See also: