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Will of Hesiesh

Paradise Cloud, humble scribe-historian of the Immaculate Order writes:

Here we learn that the Anathema were cowards in the face of truth and that we, the Terrestrial Exalted, far surpass their vile kind in our understanding of, and closeness to, Perfection.

It has been proven that our kind possess unique attunements to the reflex waves of Essence, as can be seen through any lens of Mela. In his White Words Codex, Ausang Torokanu teaches that these are echoes of the moral purity passed down to our kind by Hesiesh himself:

"Unto us the Immaculate Dragons gave a perfect world and we must but tend it, just as a the master of a house may plant a bounteous willow in his courtyard and rely on his servants to see that is watered when the roots are dry, pruned where it grows wild and healed where blights alight upon it's limbs. But in order to know what the master intends must we, the servants, not be given instructions for the care of our charge? Such are the teachings of the Immaculate Texts. But must not the servants also be provided with succour themselves, so that they will not weaken as they tend? Such is the Will of Hesiesh. The power of the Dragon-chosen is not just a moral superiority, nor just a natural responsibility to our lessers. We are imbued with a physical morality. Our every action is both driven and justified by our perfect natures. Do we not have a natural connection to the flows of essence that envelop all things? This is the physical Will of Hesiesh - passed unto us so we may better tend to our charge, The Perfected Heirarchy."

And yet see how the Anathema hid from this evident truth. Does not the Deceiver, White Carp, write these words of untruth in her Historius Benes Magisterius,

"The Legacy of Brigid lives on in the World it seems. When I hear my lieutenants talk of the Will of Hesiesh I chuckle at the ignorance of Terrestrials and bear thanks that they do not know the truth behind their gossip."

Does not the Anathema's Eightfold Glorious Paths of Obesience pass these orders, so that the truth may be concealed from all:

"No more shall the Gift of Brigid be referred to by Her name. When the last Isparian Wall was injuncted, allowing the Galieric Safes to fall open and from within them the Effort to be removed, her trap was laid and now there lies danger in such things. By those sanctioned by the Deliberative to speak of these matters, her Legacy shall be attributed to Hesiesh."

Does not The Forsaken, Wings in Amber, also lie to us when she warns in To Be Chosen: Debts to Fate and Future that:

"Brigid was the first to grow into pridefulness and the first to fall before the blades of her once-friends. And in her anger, she was also first to bless the Terrestrial Host with the power to one day undo their masters. Look to yourself lest her fate become yours. We have hidden her Legacy away but her cunning was great and it may escape our containment just as her deeds may be repeated if we are not vigilant."

See the blindness of the Anathema, who dare not to look the truth in the face - Hesiesh blessed us and not them, and in their jealousy they invented this fabled Brigid and her imaginary Legacy as an excuse for then to not admit that the natural affinity for essence our kind enjoys is the blessing of our patron, Hesiesh.

See also:

- Voidstate