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Revision as of 17:29, 25 August 2004

Name: Laughing Leaf
Caste: Changing Moon
Concept: Seeking to redress and ancient wrong
Nature: Hedonist
Anima: A shifting prism of bright silver and dark-blue light. When it goes iconic an abstract, statuesque image of a snake made of bright silver light forms, around which realistic looking leaves of dark-blue light swirl.
XP Left/Speft: 0/0

Strength 3, Charisma 4, Perception 3
Dexterity 5, Manipulation 3, Intelligence 2
Stamina 3, Appearance 5, Wits 3

Athletics 2, <b>Awareness
3, Brawl 1, Dodge 1, Endurance 1, Larceny 1, Linguistics 1, Lore 1, Melee 5(Spear 2), Performance 3, Presence 3, Resistance 1, Socialize 1, Stealth 2, Survival 4(Jungle 1, Forest 1)

3(Moonsilver Shatterspear)
Heart's Blood 3
Renown 1

2, Conviction 3, Temperance 2, Valor 3
Virtue Flaw Curse of the Heartless Weasel
Willpower 6
Essence 2
Personal 14
Peripheral 32

1, Mettle 3, Cunning 17, Glory 4

Merits and Flaws</b>
Eternal Vow, Throwbacks Special 2

Defensive: Steel Paw Style(1m), Feline Gaurd Technique(3m)
Melee: Sensing the Deadly Flow(1m/die)
Shapeshifting: Hide of the Cunning Hunter(1m), Finding the Spirit's Shape(1m), Humble Mouse Shape, Shaping the Ideal Form(1m), Deadly Beastman Transformation*2(5m)

Deadly Beastman Transformation</b> +3 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +1 Stamina
Resiliance of Nature, Wound-Knitting Power, Rugged Hide


<b>Power Combat</b>
<b>Initiative Base
8, Soak 3B/1L, Dodge 8, Fatigue 0, Mobility Penalty 0
Fist Speed 8, Accuracy 7, Damage 3B, Defense 8, Rate 5
Moonsilver Shatterspear: Atan Udal Speed 20, Accuracy 19, Damage 13L, Defense 13, Rate 4

DBT Power Combat</b>
<b>Initiative Base
10, Soak 6B/6L/0A, Dodge 10, Fatigue 0, Mobility Penalty 0
Fist Speed 10, Accuracy 9, Damage 6B, Defense 10, Rate 5
Moonsilver Shatterspear: Atan Udal Speed 22, Accuracy 21, Damage 16L, Defense 15, Rate 4

In the far east, where the Meander River converges, there lies a tribe. Amongst this tribe is a tradition. Any who wish to remain with the tribe as adults must complete a test. They must travel up the river, and take one of the stones from the source of it in the mountains. They must steal it from under the nose of the gaurdian who gaurds a patch of saphires that grow from near the lake from which the river starts. Those who fail are devoured by the spirit. Those who succeed are praised and welcomed as adults. Those who do not go never can hope to gain the respect of their fellows, for they will always be children in the eyes of the tribe.

Laughing Rain, who was known as Goldchild due to the rare blonde hair she had, was one who seeked to be an adult. She left late in the year, and the river was turbulent and swollen from heavy rains. Her travel was slow, and more dangerous then normal. Half her gear was lost on the way, and it was only because she would not allow herself to return and be ridiculed did she not turn back. The idea of failure never entered her mind. Her parents had done it, they had raised her well, she would succeed, it was as simple as that. Reaching the source she beheld a sight she did not expect. The great gaurdian spirit was prostrating itself before a young girl with silver hair.

She knew the tales, the stories of the Moon Goddess Luna. Like the spirit she dropped to her knees and averted her gaze, lest the Goddess become offended by her mortal impudence. Instead she felt a cool touch on her brow. "Dear child, today you are born again and yet once more. You are an adult to your people and even more. For you are know one of my children. The world is full of greater things for you to do then raiding a small gods treasures and the concerns of your once family beneath you know. Go and dream of more worthy things." She fell asleep then.

When she awoke she was at the foot of the mountain, a changed woman now. She did not return to her tribe, for as Luna had said, what need she care for their beliefs. So instead she tried to seek others of her kind, and before long was found by them. She trained with one who never seemed to leave his deadly beastman form of a powerful manbear. She became his student willingly and when she was finished was told of Silver Pact though she has not chosen to join or avoid it yet. He said that with her training done, their time together was over and sent her on her way.

During her tests, she was able to liberate a shatterspear from a ruin. Her chosen weapon now she favors its use in all combats, refusing challenges that would demand she put it away. More and more her mind turns to a past memory, a time when she suffered a grave insult from her spouse and could do nothing about it. Now she feels that she must seek him or her out, and draw his blood in the same way as she received once long ago.

Aside from that goal she likes to enjoy herself. Test her skill with a weapon, and use her looks and charms in villages and cities she travels though. Many secrets can be pulled from people who share your bed, and once or twice a village or city preparing against a barbarian invasion suddenly found their captains slain.

She stands a little under 6 feet in height. She has long blonde hair which is held back in a basic ponytail. Clear sky blue eyes, and a rounder compared to thin face. She dresses in dark leathers when not in the act of some kind of infiltration or seduction or the like. The leathers don't cover much, to leave her as free as possible. Simple shorts and a vest that ties up across the front, showing some of her cleavage down the middle. A little distraction for her foes never hurt. Her tattoos are done in a mostly square and hexagonal design, concentrated mostly on her back and expanding from there. The ones on her back seem to mix with her snake scales, which only adds to the geomantic effects and strength of her tattoos. A great spear of moonsilver is kept in her hand, and woe the person who tries to touch it or take it.

Plot Uses


== Comments ==

Cunning 17?! - Kraken

Yes, I too am very, very confused by the Renown points here. Cunning 17 is very much a thing, but Glory 4 and Succor 1 also sort of get to me. How one only gets Glory 4 with Valor 3, and how one gets Succor 1 with anything approaching human-standard Compassion (this character reads very Compassion 1 to me), is a mystery to me. -- AntiVehicleRocket (who don't know Renown, but she knows what she likes)
Its simple, first of all you start off with 20 points ti disperse. Second of all she gets 5 more points for her Renown background. Now since you get renown for various deeds, and these would be deeds done during her training, clearly her training included much more in terms of situations to gain renown from then other situations. If no test shows up to let you gain Succor, then you don't gain any. Clearly her mentor was trying to make some point in his tests. -BogMod
(Yes, yes, BogMod, I do know how Renown works.) Okay, I'll ask: what point was he trying to make? That Laughing Leaf is very high-Conviction? I feel like this still needs more justification to make sense, is all. -- AntiVehicleRocket is not judgmental, just confused
I think his point was brains over brawn. Ergo, lots of situations where you get rewarded for thinking things through with a plan. -BogMod