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Spent from their lovemaking, they lay together beneath the moon, her huddled close against him, her head laying against his strong, broad chest. Her fingers traced small lines across the smooth, chocolate colored skin.

She could barely believe that he had rescued her. A mighty stallion, wild eyed, fiery tempered, leaping through the flames, fending off her attackers. Then he had stolen her away, she mounted upon his bareback.

How long ago had it been since the barbarians ransacked her village? How long had it been since she had travelled with him, the two cast together by chance and honor ?

Her mind spend through the memories of the adventures they had had since, and everything that had brought them here. His temper had been fierce, hot, violent blood coursing through his veins. He was utterly wild, untamable. But for her... for her he was gentle.

She lifted her eyes to his. Large and soulful, they reflected the stars in them as he stared up at them, his silken black hair falling around his face like the mane he wore in his favored form. He was handsome, strong, faithful.

He glanced down at her, mistaking her aching, vulnerable look for sadness. "You're thinking of your father, aren't you?" He murmured it softly, gently pulling her close, trying to comfort her. She smiled at him, and shook her head.

He kissed her forehead. "Don't worry, Ellie. I said I would see you through this, and I won't leave your side until I do."

Strangely comforted by his words, she closed her eyes and slept against the flanks of her Horse God.

Tasim with Edged Hooves

Symbology : Friendship, wisdom, strength The horse is a kind, intellegent beast that has frequently been associated with propitious events. In the Chinese zodiac, horse people are friendly, adventerous, and passionate. In Greek mythology, the winged horse Pegasus was the source of inspiration and poetry. Horses have also been associated with sexuality or fertility. In the Hindu Ramayana, the king Dasa-ratha asks the gods to grant him a son and, to please them, sets a magnificent horse free for a year. Upon the horse's return, Dasa-ratha recieves word that he will have four sons, all of whome become the incarnation of the god Vishnu, the perserver of life on earth.

Charms :
Finding the Spirits Shape: Horse
Beast Instinct Method
Food Scenting Method
Water-Providing Technique
Wolf Endurance Method
Fortitude of the Aurochs
Body Weapon Technique
Steel Paw Style
Deadly Beastman Transformation (1)

War Horse Form : Strength 6, Stamina 5, hooves do lethal damage, runs quickly.

Beastwoman Form : Strength +3, Stamina +2, Lightning Speed, Fearsome Appearance

Tell : Horse's eyes (the large, passionate eyes, filled with compassion when caring, filled with wild rage when angered)

When I first started playing Exalted, I had two female players. Both wanted horses. Both doted extensively on their horses. They invested background points into those horses.

They loved those horses.

No, they were not 13, both were in their twenties. Both currently have children of their own.

I was struck how much they appreciated horses! I am well aware that pre-teen girls have a fascination with the creatures, but I had no idea that it could have such a grip on a feminine psyche.

So I set down to thinking.

A horse, in many ways, embodies everything that a woman seeks in a companion. He is strong, his muscles ripple as he moves. A horse can kill a man with a kick, and can tear down a fence if he really wants to. They are wild and untamable, but... for her, they will relent. A horse will whicker gently to it's mistress, nuzzling her affectionatly while gazing at her with those love filled eyes. It will work with her, the two of them riding to freedom and adventure, and it will defend her with its life if need be.

So, I created a girlish fantasy with this totem, a creature I felt embodied all the virtues that 13 year old girls (and perhaps some 20+ year old "girls") drooled over.

He also shows some other, interesting things: Despite being Full moon, he's hardly an awesome warrior. He gets by. Full Moons are about physical prowess. Yes, many many of them kick ass and take names, but the only truly definining characteristic is that they are ALL physical. Tasim can run at his highest speed for days on end, not needing food or rest, only sleep weighing him down (and he's one charm away from ignoring that). This is quite an acceptable concept, to my mind, of a Full-moon, showing that not all must be bloody handed fighters.

Many other possibilities are available to the horse totem, of course. A ghostly white mare that carries the dead to the next world (No-moon) or perhaps an adventerous and lucky white and brown speckled pony (changing moon). Horses have provided inspiration for many fantasy creatures: beings of poetry and love, or of virtue and violence. The centaur, the unicorn, the pegasus, all stemmed from the Horse concept, and so can your Lunar.

A final note: Tasim's warfrom is a massive, black, vengeful horseman, rearing high with silver hooves that spark against the ground, raging, burning eyes, and a wild mane. This is why I gave him fearsome appearance.

I found myself obscurely disappointed that Mailanka chose not to use the fabled "mammoth equine trouser snake" as this guy's Tell. Especially after the opening sentence of the little story. ~_^