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Insight Charms

Heightened (Sense) Method (Per)
Simple; 3/1; No Keys; Choose sight, scent/taste or hearing/touch when taking this Charm (must buy three times for all effects). Spend 5m to convert all Perception dice to successes for purchased sense for a scene. May only have two versions of this Charm active at once. Dice converted with this Charm count toward the conversion limit of Perception Essence Adaptive. [Prereq.: Any Per Ex.]
Ever-Wary Fox Technique (Per)
Reflexive (Step 2); 2/1; Combo-OK; Spend 1m when resisting surprise to add (your Perception) to your dice pool – alternately, spend 3m to become aware of any attack. [Prereq.: Any Per Ex.]
Sense-Borrowing Method (Per)
Simple; 3/2; Combo-OK, Touch; Spend 5m to use senses of touched being while Essence remains committed and subject remains within (Essence) miles – subject must be willing or Lunar must roll (Wits + Awareness) against a difficulty of (target’s Essence) to use this Charm. Animals of Lunar’s totem species are automatically willing, most other animals aren’t without Charm or attempts to befriend them. Failing the roll means target with Essence 2+ knows a Charm was used. While using this Charm, all actions suffer –2 external penalty. [Prereq.: Any Per Ex., Pack-Forming Presence.]
Observed Prey Instinct (Per)
Reflexive (Step 1 or 2); 3/1; Combo-OK; The Lunar spend 2m instinctively when she is being observed to realize the fact. May roll (Perception + Awareness), difficulty 3, to determine direction of observer. [Prereq.: Ever-Wary Fox Technique.]
Weather-Scenting Method (Wits)
Simple; 2/1; Combo-OK; For 1m, the Lunar adds (her Wits) in automatic successes to a Sail or Survival roll to predict the weather (see Exalted, p. 134-5). [Prereq.: Any Wits Ex.]
Unerring Elemental Direction Sense (Wits)
Simple; 2/1; Combo-OK; For 1m, Lunar may determine the exact direction of any one of the Five Elemental Poles – alternatively, may roll (Wits + Awareness) to determine current location, with 1 success granting a direction (North, East, Center, etc.) and 5 successes giving precise location relative to any desired landmark. [Prereq.: Any Wits Ex.]
Wyld-Sensing Instincts (Per)
Reflexive (Step 1 or 2); 3/2; Combo-OK; Lunar spends 3m automatically when entering a different level of the Wyld (Creation, Bordermarches, Middlemarches, Deep Wyld) and knows of the change – may then make (Perception + Survival) roll to determine how much time until changes begin (1 success – three actions, 3 successes – 3 long ticks, 5 successes – 30 long ticks). If used voluntarily in Creation, determine direction and distance to strongest Wyld zone within (Essence x10) miles. [Prereq.: Ever-Wary Fox Technique.]
Wyld-Object Appraisal Method (Per)
Simple; 3/2; Combo-OK; By spending 1m, Lunar can determine what an object found in the Wyld’s original form was, whether it is safe to remove it from the Wyld and whether it will maintain its current form if removed. [Prereq.: Wyld-Sensing Instincts.]
Harmony With Reality Technique (Int)
Simple; 4/3; Shaping; For 10m and 1wp, plus 1m/pound, the Lunar may permanently force an object found in the Wyld to maintain reality in Creation. [Prereq.: Wyld-Object Appraisal Method, Lunargent Transformation.]
Ritual of Lunar Stability (Int)
Simple; 5/4; Shaping, Combo-OK; For 10, 1wp, the Lunar may reduce the Wyld level of a single waypoint (an area in the Wyld) no larger than (her Essence) square miles by one for every 3 successes gained on an (Intelligence + Lore) roll – this effect lasts for a number of lunar months equal to (her Essence). [Prereq.: Harmony With Reality Technique.]
Moonsilver-Scenting Sense (Per)
Simple (Dramatic Action); 3/3; Combo-OK; By spend 3m, the Lunar may take a dramatic action lasting 10 minutes to scent the air for moonsilver within (Perception + Essence) miles, forged or otherwise, as long as it is not attuned to someone. A (Perception + Awareness) roll allows the Lunar to determine presence or absence for 1 success, approximate distance and direction for 3 successes, and exact whereabouts and situation for 5 successes. [Prereq.: Wyld-Sensing Instincts.]
Night Is Day (Per)
Reflexive (Step 1 or 2); 2/1; Combo-Basic; For 1m, the Lunar ignores any penalties for darkness for a scene. [Prereq.: Heightened Sight Method.]
Comprehending Ears Meditation (Int)
Simple; 2/1; Combo-OK; For 4m, Lunar may make (Intelligence + Linguistics) rolls to understand spoken speech – 1 success is general gist, 3 successes is ordinary meaning, 5 successes is subtle subtext – for a scene. [Prereq.: Heightened Hearing or Touch Method.]
Calls of the Human Prey (Int)
Simple; 3/3; No Keys; For 5m, may perfectly speak and understand for a scene a language known to a human whose Heart’s Blood she has consumed. [Prereq.: Comprehending Ears Meditation, Prey’s Skin Disguise.]
Feral Ears Metamorphosis (Int)
Simple; 2/2; Combo-OK; Spend 2m to speak with and understand animals for scene – use (Intelligence + Survival) in same fashion as (Intellilgence + Linguistics) roll of Comprehending Ears Meditation, save that may speak as well as understand. No roll required for totem species – for all others, gain one automatic success for every individual of that species whose Heart’s Blood you have consumed. [Prereq.: Comprehending Ears Meditation.]
Seeing Without Looking (Per)
Simple; 4/2; Combo-Basic; For 4m, may substitute hearing for seeing for all effects – ignore blindness penalties (though being deafened and blinded will blind you normally), cannot be surprised or attacked from behind unless attacker is beyond normal hearing range, concealment effects that rely on vision have no effect on you. [Prereq.: Heightened Hearing and Touch Method.]
Blood-Kin Sense (Per)
Simple; 3/2; Combo-OK; For 1m, may determine blood relationship between target and anyone known to character. Roll (Perception + Awareness) to determine how much information: 1 success – presence or absence of such relationship, 3 successes – some indication of nature and degree, 5 successes – complete details of target’s lineage for (Essence) generations. Gain 3 automatic successes for tasting target’s blood. [Prereq.: Heightened Smell and Taste Method.]
Blood on the Wind (Per)
Simple; 3/2; No Keys; For 5m, may flawlessly track any mundane target for a day. This Charm constitutes supernatural tracking, and grants (Essence) automatic successes in such contests. [Prereq.: Heightened Smell and Taste Method.]
Emotion-Revealing Scent (Per)
Reflexive (Step 2); 3/2; Combo-OK, Social; By spending 2m, reduce the difficulty of a roll to read motivation by (Perception), to a minimum of 1 – halve this benefit if target is using strong concealing scent, such as thick perfume. Alternatively, add (Perception) to an Investigation-based dice pool to determine Mental Parry DV against a social attack. [Prereq.: Heightened Smell and Taste Method.]
Truth-Scenting Method (Per)
Simple; 4/2; Combo-OK; For scene, may automatically determine whether specific target is speaking truth or may make (Perception + Investigation) roll, difficulty equal to the number of people targeted, to determine truth for group of people. Neither use detects evasions or mistaken beliefs, merely outright lies – both uses cost 3m. [Prereq.: Emotion-Revealing Scent.]