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I'm running a game in which the ultimate goal of the characters is to take out the Deathlords, capturing their souls in Soulmirror (in my game a sentient being of its own right, with a number of nasty powers beyond its basic ones). Its taken a while, but the players are finally coming up to a point where they will finally be able to fight a deathlord, and the first one that presents an opportunity is Walker in Darkness, they already have plans drawn up that involve isolating his unit (8 successes on an Int + Lore roll).

What i'm looking for is some ideas for Walker in Darkness, things like about what powerlevel would be his 6-headed barghest, ideas for combos that sort of thing. What i'm looking at now is an epic battle that will probably take multiple sessions. I'd like any and all constructive suggestions no matter how obscure. The way it looks, the plan will have Walker in Darkness cut off with only his personal command.


He's a military type, so I'd expect him to employ undead troops to guard himself and his citadel. Think of all of the defenses that real-world castles employed through the ages, pile them all on the Spires of Pyrron, and add a bunch of magical ones for good measure.

  • Fighting up narrow spiral staircases that ascend clockwise, putting climbing right-handed PCs at a disadvantage as they hack their way through skeletal extras one by one.
  • Multi-story hallways with dozens of undead archers on the upper balconies.
  • Arrow slits inside the fortress itself, with zombie archers firing through the slits from adjacent rooms.
  • Chutes that drop invaders into corpse-filled pits brimming with hungry ghosts.
  • Vast agglomerations of hundreds of ghosts molded together with Arcanoi that can be set loose upon intruders. (If you play Vampire, think of this as a ghost-vozhd.)

For the "bestial automatons" mentioned in the writeup of the Spires, just grab random beasties from Creatures of the Wyld and give them a soak of 10L/15B or thereabouts. There's no need to design unique stats, and your players will never know the difference.\\ - Quendalon