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These are just characters I made up to be the splat mascots, and to feature in chapter-opening vignettes. _Ikselam


Cheyne Lasko (Forsaken - Gem)

Cheyne is a wiry young woman, in her late teens or early twenties. She has dark, rough-cut hair and piercig orange eyes. A level 5 Slave Mark sprawls across her back, extending along her neck and limbs and onto the front of her torso. She is is scowly and snappy, and always angry. She even looks angry when she's asleep. She wears a black wide-brimmed hat and duster, and steel-shod boots. Cheyne practices Thousand Demon Style martial arts, recognizable by its aggressive stances and distinctive claw-fist techniques.

Cheyne may or may not be the Empress' youngest daughter, who was claimed by the Yozis when Mom sacrificed her; she has no memory of her past. Her ultimate Purpose is to kill the Empress. She currently hangs out in Gem, where she is part of a highly-dysfunctional Ikselam/MixedCircle.

Ghirardo Alazar(Blasphemous - Coral)

Ghirardo is an athletic, dark man with a neat goatee. His black hair is graying at the temples, and is normally pulled back in a neat ponytail. His posture is always confident and strong, and his handsome face has a rakish, dangerous look to it. His level 4 Slave Mark is in the shape of an 8-pointed star with a spiral in its center. Ghirardo cares about his appearance; he wears tasteful jewelry and dresses in well-tailored pantaloons and vests. Ghirardo rarely bothers to carry weapons; his fists are more than sufficient to kill ordinary men, and his rat Familiar has the power to assume a horrifying war-form, four feet tall and covered with blazing red tattoos, its mouth and eyes filled with balefire.

My plan for Ghirardo was to have him take over a wishy-washy "infernalist cult" and turn them into real tools of the Yozis. I have no clear idea of why he became Infernal.

Steel Phoenix (Unclean - Scavenger Lands)

Steel Phoenix is a powerfully-built and muscular man, but is somewhat shorter than average. His head is shaven in the manner of a monk, and his face is stern, with a square jaw and cleft chin. His level 2 Slave Mark covers his left arm in a tangle of barbs and snakes. He dresses plainly in sturdy fighter's robes, and has more than once been mistaken for an Immaculate Monk. Steel Phoenix carries a plain bamboo spear, which he uses with his Shrike Style martial arts.

This guy's schtick is that he goes around killing gods. He lets everyone assume that he does this because the gods are being unrighteous, but actually he does it because the Yozis want revenge on even the smallest of the beings who overthrew them. He may have had god trouble of his own in the past, or just an extremely negative experience with betrayal.

Raven (Wretched - Imperial City)

Raven is tall and full-figured, possessed of classic Dynastic beauty even though she is lowborn. Her dark hair is pinned up in the back, in the latest Realm fashion, and her curvaceous body is draped in the finest of silks. Her dark eyes and full mouth are cruel and mocking, but this only enhances her predatory appeal. She always wears a choker, concealing the spider-shaped level 1 Slave Mark tattooed on her throat.

Raven has fun using her Charms to play Dynasts off one another, subtly undermining attempts to keep the Realm from spiraling into civil war. She probably has some horrid Dynasty-related experience in her past, like being sold to a perverted Cynis when she was just a little girl, and harbors an undying hatred of the Realm for that reason.

Stellen Nica (Deceiver - Gethamane)

Nica is a pale Northern woman, blond and blue-eyed. Her hair is usually worn in a long ponytail, and a lopsided, sardonic smile often decorates her face. Her level 3 Slave Mark is in the shape of a centipede, looping around her leg and stomach and across her back to the opposite shoulder, its head resting on her breast. She wears a light buff jacket whose high collar reaches to her nose when it's buttoned up. Nica prefers stealth or fast-talk to violence, but carries a poisoned dagger just in case. She also carries a satchel full of bills and pamphlets exhorting people to worship the Old Gods, the Yozis.

Nica was a fanatical Yozi-worshipper who was cast out into the snow and managed to drag herself to Malfeas through force of will alone. Not EVERY Infernal can be motivated by bloody revenge. She goes around Gethamane, pasting up posters exhorting people to worship the Old Gods, the Yozis. The DB chief investigator who is trying to bring her down gets caught in her web of evil, and ends up becoming her henchman/lover.