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Mayhiros Wotis

Heritage: God-blood
Nature: Conniver
Concept: Cunning warrior

Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4

Archery 1, Awareness 1, Brawl 1, Dodge 1, Investigation 2, Larceny 3 (Disguise +1), Lore 2, Melee 5 (Spears +2), Occult 1, Presence 3 (Persuasion +2), Ride 3 (Marukani Breeds +1), Socialize 3 (First Impressions +2), Stealth 1, Survival 1, Thrown 2

Backgrounds: Allies 1, Artifact 1, Contacts 2, Inheritance 3, Influence 2, Mentor 2, Patron 3, Resources 4

Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 3, Temperance 1, Valor 3
Willpower: 6
Essence: 1

Merits and Flaws
Heir Apparent (1 pt: Influence +2)
Prodigy (Ride, Larceny, Presence, Socialize)
Tactical Instincts
Terrestrial Bloodline

Rival (3 pts: Mother's suitors)

Calypso (steed, Marukani finest), composite bow (Wood-empowered), 20 target arrows, 3 excellent javelins, excellent lamellar armor (Air-empowered), target shield, riding gear, fine court clothes, shoddy outfits for disguise purposes, copy of The Thousand Correct Actions of the Upright Soldier, Gateway set

Base Initiative: 7
Soak: 8L/12B (+8L/+10B, excellent lamellar armor), +1 difficulty to hit (target shield)
Health Levels: -0, -1x2, -2x2, -4, Inc.
Dodge Pool: 4 (3)

Excellent javelin
Spd 8, Acc 11, Dam 5L, Def 12, Rate 4
Excellent javelin (thrown)
Spd 7, Acc 7, Dam 5L (piercing), Rate 2, Range 30
Composite bow
Spd 7, Acc 4, Dam 4L (piercing), Rate 3, Range 250


It has been more than 20 years since the untimely death of Mayhiros Telemarch, elder of the Mayhiros clan, the Dragon-Blooded outcaste family that leads the Marukani Alliance. His death, at the hands of a Lunar Anathema during a bloody raid on the eastern border of Marukan, left the family without clear leadership and Marukan without a strong hand to guide her. It also left Telemarch's young mortal wife, Enelopé, with neither husband nor child, and her grief was a terrible thing to behold.

It was all the stranger, then, when she gave birth to a son some 18 months after Telemarch's death.

The boy, whom she named Wotis, has never known his father, but nevertheless knows the stories, stories he has heard from his mother's lips as often as in the streets and plazas of Celeren: how a great horse, some 20 hands high at the shoulder and with a coat of sun-gold, galloped through the streets of Celeren some six months after Telemarch's death, galloped straight to Celeren Manse, the home of the Mayhiros and through its mighty gates. How none of the guards or hostlers could stop it, and how it did not even slow until it reached the doors of the inner palace, where Enelopé had appeared to investigate the cries from the courtyard. How the horse suddenly became a man - tall, and strong, though not handsome in most women's eyes. How the god known as Hiparkes, patron of the Marukani people, spoke with Enelopé, and how she took him to her bed.

It has always seemd to Wotis that he has much to live up to. Such thoughts usually make him grin, though - a man needs goals for himself, and what better ones than those of the gods?

Wotis' birth caused quite a stir among the people of Marukan. At first, Enelopé's favored position with Hiparkes gave her great status among the Marukani, and she acted in her late husband's name, as elder of the Mayhiros. Arrangements were made for Wotis to study with the family of Enelopé's brother, Karal Azeus, the great Lookshy strategos that some call "the Thunderer" for his inspired use of Essence-discharge weaponry on the battlefield. Wotis was raised in the midst of powerful men and women, and his keen glance and quick wits asborbed all the lessons on politics and war he was inadvertently offered. His learning never stripped him of his sense of humor, however; he used his sharp insight into people and their reactions for sport as often as he did for any kind of gain. When he left to travel to Lookshy and become a fully-trained warrior in his own right, he did so with the expectations of his people going with him - that, on his return, he would assume his place as the elder of the Mayhiros and return the Marukani leadership to greatness.

Others among the Marukani elite had different plans, however, and they put those plans into motion as soon as Wotis departed. A few short months after Wotis left, whispers began to be heard in taverns and on streetcorners in Celeren - whispers that questioned the right of an outsider, and a mortal, to lead the Mayhiros, when the Mayhiros' power has always lain in their Dragon-Blooded strength - and Enelopé found her influence on the council of elders waning. Other whispers suggested that a son not born to Telemarch had no right to claim the Mayhiros name, and no justification to take up the position of elder for the family. Let Wotis become a priest of his father, the whispers said, and let command of Celeren Manse return to those who truly can wield it. These whispers were often heard together, and grew stronger over the months Wotis was gone, but he heard none of them. He had no reason to believe his position was threatened... until the night his unseen enemies tried to kill him.

Alone with his spear-sensei and cousin, Anaba, returning to his dormitory after an evening's celebration together, Wotis and Anaba were attacked by almost a dozen men, dressed in dark clothes and wielding vicious short swords. Though the two warriors fought well, the numbers were insurmountable, and their attackers quickly cut Anaba off from him. They were on point of finishing the two of them off when a sudden light, brilliant as the midday sun, split the dark shadows of the street. The assassins hesitated, and Wotis was able to counterattack, but before he was able to thrust more than once, a glittering blur, wielding Anaba's spear, flashed among their attackers, and they were bleeding their lives out on the streets before Wotis could take another breath. Anaba had become Anathema, but she had saved his life, and together they fled the scene.

Anaba was able to hide her nature and return to her work as though nothing had occured, but Wotis was not interested in letting the attack go unpunished. He investigated, went undercover among the small criminal element of Lokshy, found the source of the assassins' pay. He learned about the situation in Celeren, and also that - the morning after the attack on him and Anaba - three Dragon-Blooded scions of other outcaste houses in Marukan had announced their intentions to wed Enelopé and join the Mayhiros clan, which would effectively disinherit him. Enelopé, her political situation suddenly precarious, had not yet chosen to respond to any of the three men: Gamenos Tieri, Eupethos Antinus and Makos Yurei, all young and ambitious Terrestrial Exalts with reputations for cunning and cruelty when the need arose.

Tracking down this information took several months, during which Wotis did nothing else but continue his lessons with Anaba. Once he found out, however, he knew his course was set. He announced the end of his training - with Anaba's blessing, as he was now her match without the gifts of the Unconquered Sun to aid her - and mounted his steed, Calypso, riding south to Marukan as fast as his swift mare could take him.

Whether he made it, however, none can say, for he has not yet been seen in Celeren, nor anywhere in the Marukan Alliance, and the day swift approaches when political necessity will force Enelopé's hand into that of one of her suitors, cutting Wotis off from his destiny. But a shadow darkens the air over Celeren, and events may yet be outpacing all of their plans...

Expanded Backgrounds

Allies: Though her own position is precarious, Wotis still enjoys the support and love of his mother, Enelopé. When he makes himself known in Celeren, she will take every action she can to strengthen his claim to his Mayhiros birthright.

Artifact: While in Lookshy, Wotis drew on his status as a visiting dignitary to have his armor and bow enchanted with the Ritual of Elemental Empowerment. His favored armor was touched with the power of Air, reducing the fatigue and mobility penalty of the armor by one each. His bow was enhanced with the power of Wood; this bow, specially designed to require a Strength of 4 to even draw, allows a holder to spend a Willpower point (or a mote of Essence if capable of doing so) to increase his Strength by 2 for the purposes of drawing and shooting it. (This benefit lasts a scene.) Very few people are aware of this enchantment on the bow, and most cannot therefore even draw back the string.

Contacts: Several of Wotis' childhood friends in Celeren remain loyal to the idea of his return - most notably the majordomo and the horsemaster of Celeren Manse, named Umaos and Philotos respectively. Though possessed of little influence, they will help where they can, and can provide a great deal of useful information.

Inheritance: Though born to a line of Dragon-Blooded that stretches back centuries, the mortal nature of Wotis' mother could not compete with the magnificent Essence of his father, Hiparkes. Much of his father's blood runs true in his veins, and should he ever choose to develop his godlike heritage, Wotis will become an opponent to be feared indeed.

Influence: As the acknowledged heir of his mother, Wotis has some political power in Celeren, but he will not come into his full influence until he is able to finally claim his birthright and become the leader of the Mayhiros clan.

Mentor: Though currently distant geographically, Wotis' teacher Anaba views him with a rather elder-sister air, and has taught him all she knows of spearwork and battle-lore. He has learned well.

Patron: Hiparkes intends to raise Wotis to the high seat of Marukan, but does not care to act too far outside his mandate and meddle in mortal affairs. Having sired Wotis is as far as he can carry the plan at this point, but the boy's background and family have given him many advantages in the world.

Resources: While living in Lookshy, Wotis drew freely on his familiy's resources through Lookshy bankers, living a life of luxury and making sure his equipment was nothing less than the best. After the attack, however, he withdrew most of his available funds and converted them into easily portable jade. This jade went with him when he vanished.