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Far Exalted Cosmology

Okay, I'm going to fundamentally alter the Exalted setting with the idea I'm about to write.

As a foundation, lets take the Primordial Theory written by Wordman, theory that is pretty much spot on on what I thought formed the Primordials.

Setting Intro

Chaos has a depth and a width that defies normal comprehension. It is so innumerably huge that only a small portion of it is actually effected by the existence of Creation. Even more, it is so huge that the Primordials that would make Creation are only a small fraction of the whole number of Primordial-scale beings. The other groups of Primordial beings have no connection to Creation or those Primordials that formed it.

In a region innumerably distant from where Creation metaphysically lies is a gathering of Primordial beings. Grouped, as they are, around each other and a central dominant Primordial lies a network of an unknown number of such Primordials. These beings, like all Primordials, are so massive that within their physical being lies entire worlds, an entire universe of existence. Within each Primordial lies laws and rules and physics and operations that mimic the general nature of the Primordial. This is similar to how Autochthon has a world of metal inside his immensely huge form.

So massive is the number of Primordials spaced in a relatively small area of Chaos that they have become connected to each other. A connection that formed a small permeable shell surrounding them. This is a shell that reduced the severity of Chaos to something similar to Creation's Wyld - as one gets closer to a Primordial the strength of Chaos reduces, as one gets farther out toward the edge the power of Chaos increases.

Inside each Primordial universe lies untold worlds and untold species - both sentient and bestial -, all brought into existence and given true life and permanence by the vast powers available to the Primordials. Each Primordial operates under its own rules that are Primordial-wide in extent but do not extend to other Primordials, this is why the life that exists in one Primordial might be quite different than the life that exists in another Primordial.

The Core Soul of the Primordial is the main sentience for the entire Primordial plane, as some call the internal universe of the Primordial, with lesser component souls the spiritual sentience of worlds and moons and suns and galaxies. Even smaller than these subsouls are the myriad least gods and elementals that embody every natural process - like both Creation and Autochthon animistic spirituality is common - and work to maintain the fabric of the plane.

Within this Primordial network lies the world that we know, the world that we inhabit, the world of Earth.

Terms of Use

Exalted, Akuma, and Other Empowered Mortals - It is the natural right of every Primordial, and its component souls, as well as the most powerful least gods to empower mortal creatures to height of power naturally unavailable. Though these Chosen are not exactly the same as the Exalted of Creation they are similar in terms of general power form - some are more powerful with access to strange forms of magic while others have become twisted and bent by the power at their command. Some have freedom and independence while others are slaved to the will of their Primordial masters.

Plane - A term to describe each Primordial-spawned universe. This is used when one does nto realize the are inhabiting the body of a being.

Ether - Another term to describe the Wyld, this is the area that surrounds the planes up until the bubble. Outside the bubble is Pure Chaos.

Elsewhere - As this exists in Creation so does it exist in this setting. This is the nonlocation beyond space and time.

Essence - Essence is everything, even if it goes by a different name, and the Primordials and the worlds that live inside them are still made up of this energy.

Thaumaturgy - Thaumaturgy is a natural form of magic that works everywhere, including inside Primordials. Some arts and sciences are unique to particular planes.

High Magic - No matter this form of magic's name, it exists and can be tapped into by certain indivduals. And like Sorcery, Necromancy, Alchemcial Protocols such magics can operate anywhere - even outside the Primordial that spawned it.

Gods - The higher gods of the planes are actually component souls of the central Primordial while the lesser gods, spirits, are semi-independent though Primordially-connected spiritual creatures that help maintain the plane.

Elementals - These exist in all planes though they come in a great deal of variety.

The Dead - The process of souls and what happens when mortal beings die depend on the Primordial. This means that some planes have underworld-analogs while others do not, the same with heavens and other rest places. In some planes reincarnation is a fact, in others once you die your soul ceases to exist. It should be said that most Primordials have learned that beings with immaterial and immortal souls are much more stable and useful than those without souls.

Some Planar Ideas

o A world in which undeath is the natural spiritual evolution that most seek to achieve.

o A world of beings with natures of half-spirit, half-material.

o A world of beasts with human and above level intelligences.

o A world where magic users tap into the very fundamental forces of existence to power their spells.

o Worlds of normal mundane human in various states of technological evolution.

o Worlds that mimic the scifi or fantasy settings that we might come up with.


If you have any ideas or comments on the idea I would love to hear them. This is currently just a framework that I plan on expanding as time and interest allows.