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Latest revision as of 21:45, 11 December 2005

Wushu Exalted House Rules & Clarifications

Target Number (TN) = Attribute + Ability. If multiple actions are performed roll against most prevelant score. The exception is offensive and defensive actions during combat. These are rolled against seperate scores.

    • remember that Scarlet dice = offensive dice / Ebon dice = defensive dice


  1. Description: Each Detail to the action supplies a die to the action roll. Must split dice between offensive and defensive actions in a combat round.
  2. Resolution: Each die that rolls under the TN is a success. Only one success is needed unless the action is being resisted, then compare successes. Ties go to the PCs.
  3. Damage done is equal to net successes.


  • Health is equal to Essence plus Physical Attribute.
  • Essence pool per day is equal to their Essence score.


  • Assign a Threat Rating to the group, roll a single die against one-half that number (round down) for any group action. Each level of damage to a group of mooks, lowers the threat rating.


Shapeshifting costs 1 point of Essence

Many thanks to..

Wushu Open : available at Wushu Open

Wushu Exalted conversion : available at Voidstate's Homepage