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The Hunter of Stolen Countenances

Other names: Erathros the Golden, Heaven's Bow, The Faceless Predator

The Hunter is unique amoungst the ranks of the deathlord in that even the most loyal of his servants have no idea of his true nature such is the degree to which he conceals his purpose. Ever the night caste he undoubtedly was in life the Hunter had turned his talents to ploys that would be considered mundane by the standards of deathlords, the deceit and trickery being distinctly similar to many of the technqiues used by the Mask, the Prince or the Lover and like the rest of his peers he was forced to take stock by the strike of Winters into creation. However, the invasion of Thorns brought him an epiphany which built upon his suspicions from the failure of the contagion. Creation and its inhabitants were simply to resiliant to push aside. Abrutly the towers of his citadel fell quiet, the powerful ghosts he had massed to his service were dismissed and the other deathlords whispered with glee of how their rival had lost his thirst for their mission. Or at least the foolhardy did.

At roughly the same time the Hunter disappeared a matter of months after Thorns fell, there appeared a champion of the sun by the name of Erathros to a small nation within the Hundred Kingdoms to the west of Greyfalls, who has gathered to him a small but rapidly burgeoning empire and a number of other exalted who shared his vision of a united creation. Ethros proved himself to be a wise and well lover ruler, more knowledgable than any mortal or exalt who met him and the better of all who met him on the field. The model Solar. Were Erathros the Golden, Heaven's Bow of their number at all.

The Hunter had observed the ferocity with which creation opposed the servants of the void whilst at the same time he noticed the successes of the newly awoken Solars to who's banner creation seemed to now flock. Even the children of the dragons and followers of the immaculate faith were being swayed to the sides of their former masters in small number after such a short length of time. And it was with this revelation that he hatched his plan. Retreating from view, the Hunter exploited his skill for disguise and deceit and wrapped himself up in the role of a Pillar of Heaven named Erathros, golden haired and pure of heart. The plan was to expand his influence as Erathros, and when he had obtained a large enough portion of creation he would reveal himself for what he was, sowing the seeds of doom from within.

In order to succeed, he realised the illusion would need to be inpenetrable so that those who could read the thoughts, dreams and intents of others could never know what he intended. As such, as Erathros even he himself doesn't realise his true identity, simply knowing that once a fortnight his sleep is disturbed by horrific nightmares in which creation burns. The magic the Hunter forged for himself ends halfwat between dusk and dawn on the 15th day after they were wrought, allowing the deathlord within to emerge and take stock of his gains. Each subsequent re-casting of his disguise then differs slightly as the Hunter reimagines his disguise so that its goals and purpose fit his own. These turn's haven't gone unnoticed however and the people of Erathos' whisper of what happens when their liege shuts himself away and the screams of a man dying and being reborn sound out from his tower. The fires of speculation have only been fanned further by the disappearance of the lovers who had shared Erathos' bed the first few times it happened, the solar having now learnt to sleep alone and behind locked doors on the nights his 'curse' is appointed to strike.

The Hunter's Domain

The Hunter's Panalopy

Combat Tactics

Servant's of the Hunter

Series Ideas
