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Latest revision as of 19:33, 25 October 2004

Major Players

Ashmedai - Zenith caste Solar.
Verity Black - A chosen of the maiden of secrets and all around crafty wench. More info on this used-to-be-an-NPC over at Teflonshugenja's site.

Chrysoberyl - Night caste practitioner of Ebon Shadow style and non-cliche ninja. He trained with an old circle mate of Ashmedai's, Whisper, and gained some of his aloof style. He was quick to confide in his new circle when things got rough though. A firm believer that there are some unpleasant things that simply need to be done, he sees his place in the world as the one who takes care of these things so that others need not dirty their hands or their souls.

Builder - Twilight caste craftsman and my favorite NPC I've made. There will be more on this guy in my NPC's section.


It had been close to 45 years since the Scarlet Empress had disappeared from the Blessed Isle. With the return of the Solars, the sudden appearance of Abyssals, and the Houses in conflict, the Empire was in trouble of collapsing from within. During the end of those 45 years, the Wyld Hunt had diminished so much that Solars could come forward a little more and let their presence felt. One such Solar was the Zenith known as Ashmedai. He travelled the Threshhold looking for others of his kind and hoped, if not to unite them, then at least sway them to become the defenders of Creation that he thought they should be. During this time, he made quite an impression and met many of his fellow Children of the Sun. Then, after a long and trying time for the Empire, the Scarlet Empress returned.

It seemed that she had grown as a leader and was able to unite most of the houses quickly back under her rule. For the next couple years she spent her time gathering allies and forces. The Isle became even more isolated from the rest of the world and a few houses found that they no longer felt safe following their once great leader. It was then that the attack began. During calibration, great gates were opened over strategic points all over the Isle. The Heptagram. The Palace Sublime. The Imperial Mountain. The Imperial Palace itself. Out from these gates poured demons and horribly twisted things that might once have been men. What followed them was perhaps the worst of all. Leading the demonic monstrosities were those men who had come willing into madness. Leading were the men who had traded their very souls for the power the Yozis offered. Leading were the Infernals.

It is now 6 years since that fateful day and most of the inhabitants of the Realm have either been converted or killed. Some still fight but their forces grow smaller every day. Most of creation sits and watches the battle that rages on the Isle with the uncertainty that comes from oppression and isolation. Many wish to see the Empire crushed and so do nothing. Others do not wish to be involved and so do nothing. Still others would help but find their offers rebuffed by the once proud empire and so do nothing. Those who have heard tales from the Isle know that many resistances have been formed along the edge of the island trying to keep the invaders out of the rest of creation but these forces will not last. Some estimate it could be 2 years before the resistance is wiped out. These are the most generous and most would put it at no more than 7 or 8 months. The Scarlet Empress watches all this with amusement from her throne in the palace.

A dark aura clings to the Isle and even those in Heaven cannot see what transpires as the island itself seems to hang outside fate. This helplessness causes the bickering and factionalism that was already rampant to escalate more and more until it seems that even Yu-Shan will be swept into the tide of war. With outside help a slim possibility and the eyes of Heaven turned inward, it is up to those who would be called heroes to stand against the rising tide of chaos that threatens to engulf Creation while its people do nothing. For if the defenses that hold the Isle should fall, there will be nothing stopping the hordes of Malfeas from taking everything.

Major Events

The war had been raging for several years now and nobody had come forward yet in support of the Blessed Isle and Ashmedai had waited, like so many others, thinking that surely someone would come forward and unite a force to be brought against the Infernals and their forces. When it became apparent that no such person would come forward, he sent a calling out to all those who Exalted that would fight with him against the demonic invasion. With the aid of his Sidereal companion, Verity Black, he was able to reach many of the Solars and even a few of the other Exalted. There was a meeting held in the small town of Woodbridge north of the hundred kingdoms and the greatest collection of Solars that had been seen since the First Age came together in the sleepy little town. For days the collection talked and debated the issues of going to the Isle. In the end, many decided to let those who had hunted them burn and still more decided that simply rushing in was foolish. For many reasons, the collection grew smaller every day they met. In the end only 3 other Solars had decided to join Ashmedai and Verity in their Quest. Chrysoberyl, a night caste, who had studied with Ashmedai's once circle-mate Whisper. Kaelin,a dawn caste and barbarian from the south who served in a great army with another of Ashmedai's circle-mates, Kamahl. Builder, a twilight and the defender of Woodbridge. It would be this group that would shake the world.

However, there was something to decide before they left. They realized that just the group of them, powerful though they were, would need a force much greater in order to truly help the beleaguered men that fought there. It was then that they recieved three invitations from three sources that were most unlikely. Abyssals. All had the power that they needed and would be able to help. The Shaper of Scouring Winds, a dusk caste, offered better equipped men and more powerful weapons. The Ebony Priestess of Shattered Dreams, a moonshadow, while having fewer troops, had more powerful troops at her command, including many Ghost Blooded and War Ghosts. The Fifth and Shattered Crown, a dusk caste, had more troops and they were incredibly disciplined and accustom to the field of battle. With great reluctance, they chose to accept the offer from the Priestess as they figured if things went bad, there would be a better chance to stop her than the others.

After the meeting was over, they decided that they would need to make haste for the Isle if it was to be saved. Kaelin swept through the countryside on his way to the coast, gathering fighting men and persuading kingdoms to lend him men. Ashmedai went to Great Forks in order to attempt to persuade the gods of the city to help. In the end, he was only given a group of mercenaries and a pat on the back. Verity went to Yu-Shan and gathered as much information on the war as she could find, which was surprisingly little given that she was a chosen of Secrets. Builder set to work on crafting war machines and equipment for the men. Chrysoberyl attempted to gain help from Lookshy using his contacts there but it proved futile. Eventually they all met at the decided location and began training the men they had while waiting for their "ally" to arrive. When she finally arrived in a carriage of black and bone, with an army behind her, there was a sense that maybe they had made a wrong decision. Accompanied by her blind attendant, The Priestess constructed a contract with the unwitting Solars and it was decided that they would not attack each other and that, when the war was over, each party would leave the Blessed Isle alone. Thus was it sealed with the handshake of the Moonshadow.

That was just the first session. I'll write more later.