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Demonic Virtues: A Shattered Mirror

When the Primordial War ended, and the Yozi were sealed away, they became tainted by the pain and fear that had driven them to this desperate end. Driven mad in their isolation, twisted upon themselves, their component souls became the demons, creatures of lies and pain.
In theory, lies and pain taint every action that demons take; however, this makes their Virtues somewhat tricky to figure out, a matter only complicated by the fact that demonic Charms are Virtue-based. In theory, no demon should really have certain Virtues, and yet these Virtues are needed for them to function properly. As such, I put forth a theory of how to tilt demonic Virtues for fun and profit. The following Virtues replace the Virtues of Creation for all demons, as well as replacing the normal Virtue requirements for their Charms. Eclipse and Moonshadow Exalts, as well as Demon-Blooded, use their equivalent Virtues as requirements.

Beneficence: The Transmutation of Dreams

Replaces: Compassion

Demons are not inherently nice. Through their trials of pain, they are incapable of properly understanding caring and self-sacrifice. However, in their own twisted way, they can still know love. Beneficence measures the degree to which a demon wishes to make the lives of those around her 'better'. As a rule, this involves making everyone else as much like the demon as possible. Gervesin, the Grieving Lord, believes that it is good and right to do battle, and seeks to 'aid' mortals to see as much battle as possible, a process which is invariably fatal.
Beneficence Aids In: Any task that would cause someone to experience the world as the demon experiences it or become more like the demon.
Demons Must Fail a Beneficence Check To: Deny their nature to any mortal or demon they encounter.

Identity: The Calcification of Ideals

Replaces: Conviction

The inhabitants of Malfeas are bound to their own inscrutable patterns, a monstrous clockwork in which every component has its own diseased place. Identity governs how strongly a demon feels their place. A demon with a high Identity will hold fast to his nature and station, seeking whatever he is meant to seek and avoiding all else. Octavian, the Living Tower, is created for destruction and conquest, and seeks forever to expand his territory, regardless and uncaring of whether he can hold it.
Identity Aids In: The demon performing the task that defines them.
Demons Must Fail an Identity Check To: Act against their Nature or against the role they play in the world.

Obedience: The Dwindling of the Self

Replaces: Temperance

In Malfeas, choosing to excercise your own authority is a dangerous thing, and the demons have taken this to heart. Obedience measures a demon's willingness to remain within the hierarchy of the demon realms, rather than acting according to their personal desires. Lucien, the Guardian of Sleep, serves always as a spy, destroying rebels, but never seeks to use his knowledge to his own ends; to do so would be to betray his lord Orabilis.
Obedience Aids In: Resisting all temptations and controls that would cause the demon to act against his masters.
Demons Must Fail an Obedience Check To: Act against a higher-Circle demon, treat a lower-Circle demon as an equal.

Resignation: The Devastation of Hope

Replaces: Valour

The Yozi are eternal and infinate, but the same cannot be said of their servants. Demons of all Circles die, either slain by each other, by the harsh environment of the Demon Realms, or by those of Creations. They are merely pieces of the great Yozi, however, and their lives have no meaning on their own. Resignation measures how much the demon is resigned to their ultimate fate as a pawn of the Yozi, and how willing they are to give their lives for anything. Stanewald, She Who Surmounted the Omphalos, does not care for her own fate, drawing to shattering stone to gaze at its beauty regardless of the damage it might cause her.
Resignation Aids In: Resisting despair, fear, and any effects that would cause the demon to back down.
Demons Must Fail a Resignation Check To: Care for their own lives at the expense of any other goal.

Merit and Flaw

Pure Soul (2-pt Merit, Demon Only):
A shard of Creation floats in your Essence, keeping you slightly more sane than your demonic brethern. One of your Virtues is replaced with its equivalent Virtue of Creation.
GM's NOTE: Yes, I know that demons aren't PC material. This is more for certain rare NPC demons, possibly former demon-blooded who have ascended or very bizarre demons.

Corrupted Soul (1-pt Flaw, Demon-Blooded Only):
Prerequisite: Unholy
A shard of the Yozi lies within you, tainting your very soul. This Flaw may be purchased a number of times equal to the character's Essence. Each time, replace one Virtue with its equivalent demonic Virtue.


I like this. Similar in some ways that I want to treat the Virtues of the Infernals. Hope you don't mind some praise and stealing sent right back at you... --MUrielw