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Unfailing Warlord’s Advance X1</b>
Artifact 5
Orichalcum power armor
15L/15L Mobility -0 Fatigue 1
Commitment: 10

The Symphonial Artificer was a pioneer in many fields, and not afraid of using controversial designs. Additionally, he had a knack for creating strange synergies, a trait he claimed derived from his interest in music. Thus, when the Dawn of his circle sought him out to commission a suit of armor, he decided to try something completely new. He would construct the armor using a living creature as base template and construct skeleton, and what’s more, not only would he design the armor, but he would also design the creature itself. The armor’s purpose was to be used when the Dawn’s warstrider, was unsuitable for missions, usually due to size. Having witnessed the largely successful designs of the dragon armor, the Artificer chose to also utilize the semi-warstrider model. After the general direction of the project had been decided, he set about choosing materials.

The armor’s main chassis was made of slick Obsidian, used by the Dragon Kings. The material’s innate mobility, and ability to be combined with Orichalcum, were useful properties. He decided to use Star Metal wires as the armor’s “nerves” and to further increase the flexibility of the joints with Moonsilver. Finally, a halo of Soul Steel (at that time, a newly discovered metal) within the helmet would serve as the interface between the wearer and the armor, transmitting his movement impulses to the armor’s control nodes.

With the exception of Soul Steel, the above-mentioned materials were there for mainly practical reasons. The core components were not yet in place.

Through repeated applications of the spell Spawning of the Monsters, he managed to mix animals, certain Wyld-mutants and even spirits. This process resulted in a creature which carried all the seeds of the armor’s power. The creature would be slain and the armor built around its skeleton. When this was done, the creature’s lower soul would be forged into the Soul Steel halo to provide a perfect conduit for motion-inducing impulses.

This was the plan. Unfortunately, the last of the Symphonial Artificer’s projects would never be completed. At the time of the armor’s commissioning, the Usurpation was only years away, and when the planning was complete, it had already started. The Artificer’s only advantage in the matter was that of the well informed. When the Terrestrials found his secret underground workshop, he lured them into the complex, offering just enough resistance to not arouse suspicion. When the usurpers finally broke through the defense systems and reached the core of the complex, The Twilight was already gone. At that moment, the mechanisms that kept his experiments restrained ceased to function. The creatures attacked the terrestrial task force and most of the complex was destroyed. It is unknown to this day if any of his research survived.

A final note on the Symphonial Artificer

During the final period of his life, the Symphonial Artificer was an excessively devout scientist. I imagine that his virtue flaw manifested as a desire to pursue increasingly daring experimental agendas, regardless of the consequences (tied to Temperance, of course). Think of him as a bit of a mixture between Dr. Gero from DBZ and Jumba from Disney’s Lilo and Stitch.

The artifact’s mechanics will be coming up shortly, and are not entirely of my own design.

I imagine the creature as a mixture of the two Pokemon species Ninjask and Kabutops, perhaps with a touch of Cooler thrown in as well.

•	+2 to all Awareness Checks made while inside, due to the sense-sharpening equipment. 
•	The armor has two sockets for built-in weapons, one on each its forearms. Installed weapons function just as built-in war strider weapons and can have an artifact rating of three or below.*
•	Add 4 dice to Endurance and Resistance rolls made while inside the armor 
•	The armor adds 4 to the user's strength for all purposes except dice adding limit. 
•	The armor doubles the user's ground speed. 
•	The armor amplifies the dawn anima power, adding a further +2 dv
•	For 1 mote, the user can project her voice to be heard over the flow of battle.z Everyone within 200 yards will hear the user as though she was standing right next to them. 
•	For 1 motes per hour, the armor also doubles the wearer’s flight speed. The armor was intended to be used with built-in Wings of the Raptor, and therefore this bonus was designed to stack with the ground speed increase, resulting in a quadrupling of the original flight speed. z  
•	The armor’s final power, which also gives it its name, is called Warlord’s Resilience, and is an upgraded version of Gunzoshas healing abilities. It allows the user to heal 1 bashing health level each turn, 1 lethal health level every five turns, and 1 aggravated damage every ten hours. Inexorable Warlord’s Advance requires a Level 2 Hearthstone in order to operate properly. It can function for a full week before needing maintenance (Repair rating 3). The healing times are affected by Sun’s Shining Resilience +.

The armor’s stats:

Provides the Orichalcum MM bonus.

S & S stats:

Power: 5 ((5+5)/2=5
Game impact: 4
Usefulness: 5 (or 4, I’m not really sure here …but I think 5)
Script immunity: 4
Game impact 4


Component: 3 Maintenance/repair: 3 (I’ve chosen to replace the rules for the maintenance drawback with the rules in the Outcaste book, since I think they’re better.) Notoriety: 1 (The artefact itself doesn’t exist yet, but the legend of the blueprints exists in various scrolls and the like, as does the legend of its creator. Further, its nature as an anathema artefact will be evident in its design, mostly due to the heavy use of Orichalcum.)

Attunement specials:

Only Solars with Essence 4 or more may attune to the armor, and it may only be donned with the charm Carapace Summoning Gesture (the Solar equivalent of Armor Calling Kata), or other charms that doesn’t require the disassembly of the armour To familiarize with and unlock the armour’s attunement possibility, the Solar must spill 1 health level of blood on the armour’s helmet. This blood will be drawn into the Soulsteel halo, which will then accept the hero if Solar Essence is evident in the blood (Essence 4+).

• * This ability was once: • For 2 motes per turn, the user can extend a pair of energy blades from his forearms. These have the following stats: Spd: +2 Acc: +1 Dam: +4L Def: +1 Rate: 4, and receives the magical material bonus just like the armor, though the bonus for weapons is used. In all other respects, they are treated as katars. I was not sure, however, if this was appropriate. In case I forgot to mention, the armor requires a level 2 hearthstone to operate properly. I deliberately left out the number of sockets in the armor, since that will be up to the players when they build it.

It is based on the dragon armor and a rewritten version of an artifact made by Dorchadas. The original can be found here. http://exalted.xi.co.nz/wiki/wiki.pl?Artifacts/DorchadasFiveDot

If the texts has errors or inconsistencies that I couldn’t find, it may be due to English not being my native language or the fact that it has been long between start and completion.

<b>Unfailing Warlord’s Advance X2 (Default)</b>
Artifact 5
Orichalcum power amour
12L/12B Mobility -0 Fatigue 1
Commitment: 10

The soulsteele halo and the armor’s exomuscular fibers must be constructed as separate artifact two’s. The artificer also planned to use a metallurgic enhancement crystal (artifact 2) to give the armor the Durability enhancement. The armor was also intended to have an integrated flight system. This system was a socket gem, forged from a blue diamond, that generates a force-control foeld tha enebles the armor to fly.. This system provides bonus similar to that of Raptor Wings. The gem itself gives no MM bonus, but its resonance with the armor generates an MM bonus from the armors materials. These bonuses are the same as those for Wind Blades on p.35 in WoTLA. This flight system is Artifact 3 and has a default commitment of 5 motes and an exepetiture cost of 5 motes per hour.

The armors abilities:

(unless otherwise noted, abilities work as described in WoTLA under Celestial Battle Armor
<b>Filtration baffles +2(+4*)
Sensory augmentation +2(+4*). Adittionally, if character has Sorcerers Burning Chakra, this ability is always active 
Exomuscular fibers +2(+4*)
 Peripatetic greaves  
 Adaptive camouflage systems +2/ +3 when still
  • The values in ( ) come into effect when the power source is level 4.
 Voice of command
 Warlords resilience:   this ability works like Enhanced Healing when powered with a level 3 power source. When powered by a level 4 power source however, the effects are enhanced, and the armor heals one bashing health level each tick, one lethal health level each minute and one aggravated health level each hour. 
 [Insert cool power here] War strider interface a thought
 [Insert cool, power here] maby Dawn anima amplifying

The armor also h as two sockets for built-in weapons, one on each of its forearms. Installed weapons function just as built-in war strider weapons and can have an artifact rating of three or below.

Stat spread before construction

Soak 12/12  
hardness 8/8
Mobility Penalty 0
Fatigue 1 
Attunement cost 10 
Orichalcum MM bonus
Maintenance 4 due to the immense amount of essence channeled through it.

Stat spread after construction

Soak 15/15  (due to the metallurgic enhancement crystal).
hardness 10/10
Mobility Penalty 0
Fatigue 1 
Attunement cost 10 
Orichalcum and Starmetal MM bonus (Dual Harmonizing Infusion)

When the armor was constructed, my players did it in a Maker Sanctum. The also manged to gather enough starmetal to grant the armor 2 MM bonuses with Dual Harmonizing Infusion. The also cracked a demesne hearth stone into it, which reduced its commitment cost. Finally, they integrated a level 4 essence heart to power it.


This si an artefact I made for the Dawn of my campaign. There is a need for to additional cool powers, but I have run out of imagination, so a bit of help would be awesome. I dont mid if it pushes the arteafac rating into N/A, sisce it collective Artefact dots are something around 14, enough for weak N/A according to Wotla. -Azurelight