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The Principles Of Suseri

Root Principle

The Subtle Knife</b>

<b>Cost: None, Restrictions: -1 Element
Essence Required: 2
Prerequisites: None

The key understanding of the Subtle Knife is that magic need not be as obvious to passersby as usual. By spending a moment of concentration, the character reduces the visible effects of her spell before it is cast. Spells of the Amethyst or Emerald Circles have no visible display, spells of the Topaz Circle display as though they were Amethyst, spells of the Sapphire Circle display as though they were Emerald, and spells of the Adamant Circle display as though they were Topaz.

Common Principles

The Silent Wind</b>

<b>Cost: None, Restrictions: -1 Divinity
Essence Required: 3
Prerequisites: The Subtle Knife

The words of power that shape a spell are valuable, but can be replaced with simple concentration and internalization. Upon using this Principle, the character need not speak to enact a spell.

The Focused Mind</b>

<b>Cost: 1 mote per success, Restrictions: None
Essence Required: 3
Prerequisites: The Subtle Knife

The character understands the need for her spell, and nothing will prevent her from casting it. If the character is forced to take any concentration check to retain her spell once she begins Spell Shaping actions, she adds one success for every mote spent on The Focused Mind. The character may spend up to her Essence worth of motes on a given spell.

The Still Stream</b>

<b>Cost: None, Restrictions: -1 Essence
Essence Required: 4
Prerequisites: The Silent Wind

Motion is only required for those who do not understand power. Through the use of this principle, a character need not move in order to cast a spell; she does not suffer from Mobility penalties to her spell shaping, nor does she need to check if she takes a defensive action without an appropriate stunt.

Spellshield Defense</b>

<b>Cost: 4 motes, Restrictions: None
Essence Required: 4
Prerequisites: The Focused Mind

Powerful magic need not require a character's full attention. By internalizing her spell, she frees some of her attention for other things. This Principle enhances a spell. All Shape Sorcery actions apply only a -1 DV penalty, and she may move normally.

Rare Principles

Essence-Forged Armor</b>

<b>Cost: 6 motes, Restrictions: -1 Divinity
Essence Required: 5
Prerequisites: Spellshield Defense

The archmage Hajuman was known for being all but invincible on the field of battle. It was not until after his death that one of his students, raiding his journals, discovered that this Principle was the reason behind it. The character's magic coils around her, blunting blows and protecting her from harm. As long as the character is taking a Shape Sorcery action, she adds her effective Essence for the spell being cast + the spell's level to her soak and half that (rounded up) to her Hardness.

Sting Beneath The Flower</b>

<b>Cost: 5 motes, Restrictions: -1 Essence
Essence Required: 6
Prerequisites: Unknown

The archmagus Jurven often boasted of this devastating capability, the ability to cast a spell without anyone noticing his efforts. The Sting Beneath The Flower completely removes all spell animas from the character's spell. In addition, it increases the difficulty of detecting the spell through magical means by 2. Sadly, Jurven never shared either this Principle's construction or that of the Principle from which he built it, and though many have attempted to find their way to it, they have not, as yet, succeeded.