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Latest revision as of 00:43, 21 July 2004

Well here comes the first of many trees, starting with my manipulation tree!

                       Auxiliary Essence Storage Unit
                      /                              \\
  Hearthsocket System                                 Microchip Intergrated Core
                      \                              /
                          Enhanced Essence Conduit
                          Crystal Impulse Warframe
                           Artifact Fusion Module
                        Equipment Assimilation System

Auxiliary Essence Storage Unit

Installation Cost: 2 motes
Cost: -
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Manipulation: 1
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: None

See Time of Tumult

Hearthsocket System (revised)

Original Author: Josh Bain
Installation Cost: 2 Motes
Cost: -
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Manipulation: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Auxiliary Essence Storage Unit

This charm was a alchemical answer to hearthstones. Since Hearthstones are not common within Autocthonia, forming only in ancient Alchemicals, artifacts were rarely fitted with sockets. Those who do are blessed with a hearthstone instead generally take this charm as an alternative. The Hearthsocket System manifests as a small array of sockets attached to the Auxiliary Essence Storage Unit. The amount of sockets is equal to your essence score, and this charm must be upgraded every time the Alchemical increases her essence. Each socket can hold a single hearthstone and while socketed they are considered attuned and their benefits can be used normally.

This charm was much rarer in the past. With their arrival in creation many Alchemicals are taking this charm with the expectation of gaining Hearthstones during the crusade.

Microchip Integrated Core

Installation Cost: 1
Cost: 1 committed per chip per artifact
Duration: Permanent (until negated)
Type: Special
Minimum Manipulation: 2
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Auxiliary Essence Storage Unit

This was a technology only recently found during the exploration of the ancient destroyed former capital of Yugash. Alchemicals being master artificers studied long to find a way to reintegrate this ancient technology. This was the product of their endeavors. Special chips can be inserted into the core to enhance both the Alchemical's natural body and artifacts integrated through the charm Artifact Fusion Module. Various chips exist throughout the nations of Autocthonia, many of which are still undiscovered.

Each enhancement to be granted to an artifact costs 1 committed mote per chip per artifact. This power is always active until the motes are uncommitted. Enhancements to the Alchemical himself cost 1 committed mote per chip.

Chips are meant to be far weaker then even terrestrial charms but have a great benefit for the Alchemicals for chips may be switched out quite easily manually, even in the middle of battle. Mechanically it takes one dice action to switch out any number of chips for other chips. This allows a great variety of weaker powers to rogue Alchemicals without an available vat or those Alchemicals on forays into creation.

Example chips include

  • Reaction Enhancement Chip: Increases your initiative by 3
Enhanced: While active you are always the first in initiative.
  • undecided: Increases the rate of personal weapons by one.
Enhanced: The rate of weapons is increased by 3.
  • Chemical Integration Chip: This imbues personal weapons with the secondary effects of certain elements. There are many different Chemical chips including flame, ice, and electricity. The secondary effects cause no extra damage but does affect the environment (flame will catch things aflame, ice will freeze liquids).
Enhanced: The secondary affect has become deadly, the fire is hot enough to melt steel while the ice would freeze a flame in place. Mechanically all damage is now considered aggravated from personal weaponry.
  • Hazard Protection Chip: This increases the bodies protection against hazardous environments. I haven’t devised the mechanical bonuses for this yet.
Enhanced: The protection against hazardous environments is now complete, enabling total immunity from the chosen environment.

Enhanced Essence Conduit

Installation Cost: 2
Cost: 5 motes and 1 willpower
Duration: One Scene
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Manipulation: 4
Minimum Essence: 3 (or 4, undecided yet)

This charm is the result of attempting to integrate microchip technology into the current Hearthsocket system. This creates a direct power conduit from the Hearthsocket System to the Microchip Intergrated Core, allowing the hearthstones to supercharge the chips.

For a cost of 5 motes and 1 willpower you can enhance a single chip for a scene. Enhanced chips triple their normal affect if they have no other stated enhanced effect (most rarer chips will have stated enhanced effects in their write-up). Only one chip can be enhanced at a single time.

The secondary use for this charm is the Integrated Core's unexpected ability to allow unattuned hearthstones to operate for short periods of time. The hearthstone must be socketed for this charm to be used. With the cost of 5 motes and 1 willpower you can use an unattuned hearthstone for one scene. This can only be used on one hearthstone at a time, and may not be comboed with the enhanced chip ability. At least one socketed hearthstone must be attuned to power this conduit, or the charm will rest unpowered until an attuned hearthstone is inserted.

Equipment Assimilation System

Installation Cost: 2
Cost: -
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Manipulation: 1
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: None

Despite rumors the the contrary Alchemicals generally don't have charms to create screwdrivers and other tools, most instead use this charm. Once installed an Alchemical can integrate up to 20 pounds of tools into his body. These are integrated during the installation of the charm and cannot be switched out without removing the charm itself. The equipment is installed at locations on the body chosen by the Alchemical, generally the hands, wrists, or head depending on the tool. Bringing the tools out is a reflexive action.

Artifact Fusion Module

Installation Cost: Variable
Cost: -
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Manipulation: 3 
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Equipment Assimilation System

The Alchemicals needed a means to keep their chosen artifacts close by, this addition to the Equipment System was created to allows artifacts to be kept close at hand. The installation cost for this charm is equal to your permanent essence. Any exalt with this charm installed can integrate as many artifacts into his body as he has permanent essence. These weapons are stored within the body using elsewhere geometry, the exact point of the body where the item is stored is chosen during integration (such as a weapon may be stored within the wrist, while armor within the back or under the skin it protects). Integrated weapons count as personal weapons for as long as they are integrated. Calling your artifact to your hand (or equivalent) is an action, the equivalent to drawing a weapon.

Artifacts do not have to be integrated when the System is first installed. Integrating a new artifact requires a payment of 5 motes and 1 willpower and access to the tools necessary to link the artifact to the System; this is a one time cost and is not committed. Removing an artifact has the same cost but only takes one hour’s time. Normal equipment can also be integrated to the Equipment Assimilation system at this point at a cost of 3 motes and the tools necessary to add them to your body.

Crystal Impulse Warframe

Installation Cost: 5
Cost: 1 willpower point to activate and deactivate, 1 mote per turn
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Manipulation: 4
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Enhanced Essence Conduit, Artifact Fusion Module

This is the ultimate representation of manipulating essence through chips and hearthstones. This charm once activated emits an essence pulse through the air, disturbing the basic control necessary for essence manipulation. This manifests as a negation of all essence use, no charms can be activated or abilities that require essence used during the charms duration. Charms and abilities that are already active will stay so until their duration ends, but you cannot pay to keep them active. Hearthstones also stop giving their benefit in additional motes, though their mystical powers still continue to affect the exalt. Take note that this charm affects all people in the area; enemies, allies, and even yourself.

As a side effect of this the Alchemical gains a greater awareness for essence flows in the area, being able to instinctively sense odd formations and active charms. This manifests as a bonus to awareness rolls related to essence and a bonus to your initiative, both bonuses equal to your essence score.

The payment for this charm is initially one willpower point, and this charm subsequently drains 1 mote per turn. This charm ceases to function when the motes can no longer be drained or the Alchemical pays one additional willpower point.


Hi Zergplex! A quick and easy way to learn Wiki formatting is to go to a page you think is nicely formatted, click on the "Edit text of this page" thingy, and look at how it was done. - Quendalon

Heh, thats exactly how I learned how to make the page so far. Thanks for the comment though! -Zergplex