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TITLE                                                           HOMELAND
Alabaster Chimes in the Shadowed Cathedral                      Sijan
CASTE                                                           ANIMA BANNER
Midnight                                                        Chained Baby in Blood
NATURE                                                          EXPERIENCE
Caregiver                                                       0
PHYSICAL                        SOCIAL                          MENTAL
Strength        3               Charisma        4               Perception      3
Dexterity       3               Manipulation    3               Intelligence    4
Stamina         3               Appearance      5               Wits            3
--DUSK--                       --MIDNIGHT--                    --DAYBREAK--
□Archery                       ■Endurance     ***              □Craft          
□Brawl                         ■Performance   *****            ■Investigation  ***   
■Martial Arts  *****           ■Presence      *****            □Lore           ***
□Melee                         ■Resistance    **               □Medicine       *
□Thrown                        ■Survival      ****             ■Occult         ****

--DAY--                        --MOONSHADOW--                     --SPECIALTIES--
■Athletics     **              ■Bureaucracy   **                
□Awareness     *               □Linguistics   **              
□Dodge         ***             □Ride                          
□Larceny       **              □Sail                          
□Stealth       *               □Socialize     ****               

LANGUAGES: Rivertongue (Native), Low Realm, Old Realm
BACKGROUND                      DESCRIPTION
Artifact         **             See below
Abyssal Command  *              Two ghost bodyguards/servants, Falling Rain and Dancer
Liege            *****          Right hand of the Walker in Darkness
Necromancy       ****           Tutored by Walker himself
Resources        **             House in Sijan
Spies            *              Sijan Morticians' Order
Whispers         *****          No explanation needed
TEMPERS                         ESSENCE         *****           VIRTUES
Willpower:   8                  Personal:       23:23           Compassion      ****
O O O O O O O O                 Committed:      None            Conviction      ****
Resonance                       Peripheral:     57:47           Temperance      **
O O O O O O O O O O             Committed:      Ten             Valor           ***                            
        Initiative:     6       Soak (L/B):    (1/3)            Mobility:         0
ARMOR:  Silk bandages           w/Armor:       (6/6)            Fatigue:          0

   -0    -1         -2                    -4    Incapacitated    Negative
    O O   O O O O    O O O O O O           O    O                O O  

Fist                    6(+0)      9(+1)       3B(+0B)  10(+2)   5


Dodge:  6/13 (+4 Essence bonus)(+3 Hearthstone Bracers bonus)
CHARM                   COST     DURATION   TYPE           EFFECT
Ox Body Technique x 2   None     Permanent  Special        -1 x 2, -2 x 4 Health Levels

Essence Engorgement     None     Permanent  Special        Gain 3 Essence per HL drained
Technique x 2

Essence Discerning      6 motes  Scene      Simple         Perception + MA to observe 
Glance                                                     a target's aura.  Also see
Shrouded Claw Attack    3 motes  Instant    Supplemental   Characters who defend roll
                                                           half their dice pool.
Hungry Ghost Form       5 motes  Scene      Simple         Lethal damage with hands +
                                                           gain 1 mote per HL done.
                                                           3 motes to attack spirits

Unnatural Shambling     5 motes/ Instant    Extra Action   Gain Extra Actions equal to
Deftness                1 will                             your permanent Essence

Consuming Entropy       1 mote/  Instant    Supplemental   Reduce a victim's soak level
Strike                  2L                                 for a single attack

Lunging Phantom Method  4 motes  Instant    Supplemental   Teleport behind an enemy

Power Reaping Prana     1 Will   Instant    Reflexive      Roll Perception + MA, gain
                                                           motes from another Charm

Flitting Shadow Form    1 per 2  Instant    Reflexive      Reduces opponents die pool
                                                           to a minimum of zero.

Haunting Inflection     1 mote/  Instant    Supplemental   Add dice to Performance or 
Track                   2 dice                             Presence rolls.  Obviously

Withering Dirge         2 motes/ Instant    Reflexive      Sing and do damage

Morbid Fascination      5 motes  Scene      Simple         Command fear and respect. 
Style                                                      Forces people to listen

Heart-Sculpting Oration 6 motes/ Scene      Simple         Manipulation + Presence, Diff
                        1 will                             2 (1 if negative) to implant
                                                           an emotion.  Roll willpower
                                                           (Diff 1) to resist

Enduring Huntsman       5 motes  One Day    Simple         User can survive any 
Method                                                     environmental conditions that 
                                                           are physically possible 

Maze-Unraveling         3 motes  Instant    Simple         Add Essence in automatic
Concentration                                              successes on any attempt to                                  
                                                           navigate a maze

Flesh Mending           10 motes One Day    Simple         Ten times normal healing rate

Shadowlands Circle      1 will   Instant    Simple         Cast a Shadowlands spell

Labyrinth Circle        2 will   Instant    Simple         Cast a Labyrinth spell

Raiton's Nimble Perch   3 motes  Scene      Reflexive      Success on balance rolls

Blood Feasting          None     Permanent  Special        Can survive on only blood

Crypt Bolt              1 mote/  Instant    Simple         Dexterity + Athletics, with
                        2L                                 Accuracy = Essence.  Essence 
                                                           x 10 yards range.  Stamina
                                                           + Lore max.

Elegant Tyrant's        6 motes  One Hour   Simple         Adds Permanent Essence to 
Majesty                                                    Socialize, Presence, and
                                                           Bureaucracy rolls for one on
                                                           one interaction.  Causes fear

Soul-Flaying Gaze       8 motes/ One turn   Simple         Manipulation + Presence vs.
                        1 Will                             Willpower.  If the Abyssal 
                                                           wins, target loses [Essence]
                                                           Willpower and is frozen.

Heart-Stopping Mein     10 motes/ One Scene Simple         Valor required to attack
                        1 Will                             or approach.  Failure does
                                                           [Essence] lethal.  >STA 
                                                           damage = stunned.

Touch of Gentle Repose  5 motes  Instant    Simple         Touch, person may end own
                                                           life for 1 Will.

Excellent Inquisitor    1/ die   One Scene  Supplemental   Die adder for Investigation

Terrestrial Circle      1 Will   Instant    Simple         Cast one Terrestrial
Sorcery                                                    Circle spell

Void Circle             3 Will   Instant    Simple         Cast one Void Circle Spell
NAME                    TOTAL COST          CHARMS INCLUDED
Talon of Onyx Mist      7+1 per 2L, 1 Will  (Shrouded Claw Attack, Consuming Entropy 
                                             Strike, Lunging Phantom Method)
SPELLS                   COST      CIRCLE       EFFECT
Piercing the Shroud      10 motes  Shadowlands  Allows travel to the Labyrinth.  Takes 
                                                (10-Occult) minutes to cast

Rune of Sweet Passing    15 motes  Shadowlands  Marks a mortal to become a ghost

Raise the Skeletal Horde 5/3 motes Shadowlands  Creates walking dead.  5 motes for 
                                                permanent, 3 for scene-long each

Hundred Shade Breath     Varies    Labyrinth    Summons hungry ghosts, 1 per 2 motes

Reaping the Fallen       25 motes  Labyrinth    Gain one mote for every sentient being
                                                that dies with a league of the caster

Onyx Countermagic        15/20     Labyrinth    Necromantic Countermagic.  Personal 
                         motes                  shield costs 15, ranged costs 20

Infallable Messenger     10 Motes  Terrestrial  Sends short message to familiar person
                                                anywhere in creation

Blood from the Slaughter 35 Motes  Void         Regain 1 lvl of bashing or lethal for
                                                each sentient death within a league

Infallable Messenger     10 Motes  Terrestrial  Sends short message to familiar person
                                                anywhere in creation
ITEM                            QUANTITY                   NOTES
Yes, Alabaster Chimes really does only have the clothes on his back, except see below.


Silk Armor   ***      6 motes         Acts as 5L/3B defense, doesn't count as armor.  
                                      Takes the form of his shroud.

Soulsteel    **       4 motes         Reduces enemies' soak by 2, one hearthstone 
Bracers                               setting

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