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Volcanic Bodily Renewal</b>

 <b>Cost: 6 motes per Health Level, 1 willpower
 Type: Simple
 Duration: Essence turns
 Min Endurance: 3
 Min Essence: 3
 Pre-Requisite Charms: Ox-Body Technique

As the Earth is renewed by flows of magma and lava from deep within the surface of Creation, an Earth Aspect can renew his body with the Essence inside himself. When this Charm is activated the character chooses to protect a number of health levels which can not exceed his Endurance rating. These Health Levels start with Incapacitated and work their way up. For as long as the Charm is maintained these Health levels regenerate at the beginning of every turn unless they are Aggravated wounds.

Jade Heart Meditation</b>

 <b>Cost: 12 motes per health level, 1 willpower
 Type: Simple
 Duration: Essence turns
 Min Endurance: 4
 Min Essence: 4
 Pre-Requisite Charms: Volcanic Bodily Renewal

Wrapping his body in the indestructable Essence of Jade protects a Dragon-Blooded warrior from even the strongest of attacks. When this Charm is activated the character chooses to protect a number of health levels which can not exceed his Endurance rating. These Health Levels start with Incapacitated and work their way up. For as long as the Charm is maintained these Health levels can not be damaged. The character will take damage normally until the protected health levels are reached at which point no further damage can be applied. These health levels can not be used to fuel Charms nor committed.

Untiring Earth Meditation (revised)</b>

 <b>Cost: 5 motes
 Type: Simple
 Duration: Indefinante
 Min Endurance: 2
 Min Essence: 2
 Pre-Requisite Charms: None

Summoning the inexhaustable strength and stamina of the Earth to aid him, a Dragon-Blood is immune to the deprivations of his body. His muscles never ache and his eyes never grow heavy. As long as his body is in contact with the earth or earth-based material he need not sleep or roll for fatigue penalties.

This Charm replaces both Untiring Earth Meditation and Unsleeping Earth Meditation.

Rock Belly Meditation</b>

 <b>Cost: 2 motes
 Type: Simple
 Duration: One day
 Min Endurance: 3
 Min Essence: 2
 Pre-Requisite Charms: Untiring Earth Meditation

Despite its name this Charm in no way improves the appearance of the Terrestrial's abdominal muscles. Instead it allows him to subsist on the omnipresent Earth Essence that supports the world. For the rest of the day a character may ignore all hunger and the need to breathe. If this Charm is used for more days then the Dragon-Blood's Stamina + Endurance, it begins to inflict one bashing health level per extra day. This damage can not be soaked or healed until the Charm is ended. Once the Charm is ended, the Dragon-Blood will be as hungry as if he had gone a single day with no food.

This Charm replaces both Uneating and Unbreathing Earth Meditation.

Burden of Persistence</b>

 <b>Cost: 5 motes, 1 willpower
 Type: Simple
 Duration: Special
 Min Endurance: 4
 Min Essence: 3
 Pre-Requisite Charms: Untiring Earth Meditation

By flooding the mind of an enemy or ally with Earth Essence a Terrestrial is able to lock the current objective of the target in his mind, preventing him from chaning his course of action. If the Dragon-Blood wins a contested Willpower roll in which each side gets automatic successes equal to their Essence, the target of this Charm is unable to take any action other then the action he last took before being affected by this Charm. This Charm lasts a number of turns equal to the inflicting Exalted's Essence and its cost must be paid once each turn until its effect runs out. Not paying ends the Charm instantly. Simply paying the upkeep cost of the Charm does not count as a Charm use for the turn.

Patience of the Earth Forge</b>

 <b>Cost: 5 motes, 2 willpower per roll
 Type: Simple
 Duration: Special
 Min Endurance: 4
 Min Essence: 4
 Pre-Requisite Charms: Burden of Persistence

Each and every crystal emerges from the forges of the Earth perfected and incorruptable. By showing the same patient skill and persistence as the Earth does when forging its wonders, a Dragon-Blood or his allies can refuse any failure simply by dedicating time and effort to the action they wish to succeed at. This Charm turns any roll into an extended roll, each addition roll costing 5 motes and 2 willpower. Resisted rolls extended in this way extend both parties' rolls, not just the beneficiary's.

Undying Diamond Meditation</b>

 <b>Cost: 15 motes
 Type: Simple
 Duration: Special
 Min Endurance: 5
 Min Essence: 4
 Pre-Requisite Charms: Untiring Earth Meditation, Unfeeling Earth Meditation

Locking himself in adamant Essence, a Dragon-Blood can prevent himself from being ravaged by the claws of the Wood Dragon. Age slides off him like water down glass. For as long as he maintains the committment on this Charm, he will not age. Maintaining the Charm for more years then his Essence score causes him to age 5 years for every year it is maintained beyond the limit. After the Charm is discontinued the Terrestrial's body is unable to support it again for 10 years. While this Charm is in effect the Dynast can neither sire nor bear children. Any wounds he takes will leave no scars unless they remove a body part.

Stone-Carved Soul Preservation</b>

 <b>Cost: Special
 Type: Simple
 Duration: Special
 Min Endurance: 5
 Min Essence: 5
 Pre-Requisite Charms: Undying Diamond Meditation

All things resist change and Blooded of Earth, connected to the most resistant power of all, do so with their very souls. The most disciplined Terrestrials can maintain a connection between soul and body even after death, their souls resisting with all their metaphysical might the transition into death. For a number of turns equal to his Essence a dying or deceased Dragon-Blooded can act normally, suffering no wound penalties and taking no damage. Only if physically hacked apart will a Dragon-Blood living through this Charm be incapacitated. To activate this Charm requires that the character be at or below Incapacitated and expend all motes and willpower. Any Dragon-Blood who uses this Charm damages their soul severely, leaving only a Hungry Ghost behind. They will never be reborn. Obviously the Immaculate Order discourages use of this Charm and most Dragon-Blooded consider it the very last restort of the insanely desperate. It should also be noted that this Charm is NOT a continuation of life. Dragon-Blooded under its effects are not alive in any sense of the word and Medicine Charms or other remedies applied to them have no effect. By using this Charm they are utterly committed to Death. Not even Solar Sorcery or Void Necromancy can restore a soul shredded by this Charm to its body.

Haven of Stone</b>

 <b>Cost: 5 motes
 Type: Simple
 Duration: Special
 Min Endurance: 4
 Min Essence: 2
 Pre-Requisite Charms: Rock Belly Meditation

Attuning his body to the Earth an Ivory Dragon can step into stone or another rocky substance and disappear into it. While inside the stone the character takes no damage until the stone is destroyed. Encased characters retain awareness of their surroundings and can step out of the stone at any time. The only factor limiting the length of encasement is the lack of air and food within the stone, this Charm does not suspend the need to engage in normal bodily functions, and the committment of Essence required to maintain the encasement.

Shelter of the Stone Womb</b>

 <b>Cost: 6 motes
 Type: Simple
 Duration: Special
 Min Endurance: 5
 Min Essence: 2
 Pre-Requisite Charms: Haven of Stone

This Charm functions like Haven of Stone, though the Terrestrial is able to place others into earth in place of himself. Those placed in the earth are still limited by biological needs, but enjoy the same protection and awareness that the character himself enjoys while using Haven of Stone. Either the character or the person he is encasing in earth can end the Charm at any time.

Body of the Unshaped Earth</b>

 <b>Cost: 10 motes
 Type: Simple
 Duration: One scene
 Min Endurance: 5
 Min Essence: 5
 Pre-Requisite Charms: Haven of Stone

The ultimate level of unity with the Earth, a Dragon-Blooded who has mastered this Charm can physically transform his body into the raw Earth from which human kind was shaped by the Primordials. Depending on which variety of Earth most suits his desires, this transformation bestows varying benefits. Those forms listed below are not the only forms, just some of the more common transformations. In all these forms the character can parry lethal attacks unarmed and do lethal or bashing damage with unarmed attacks as he chooses.

  • Sand - The body of the desert gives the Terrestrial the ability to drop human form entirly, simply becoming a living mass of sand particles which can flow through small openings or waft through the air. In a humanoid formation the character retains all normal stats but gains an additional 2 dots of Dexterity.
  • Stone - The most basic and most common transformation, becoming stone simply enhances the character's defensive powers. Add 10 to the stamina-based soak of a stone-form character and give him Hardness equal to his Essence x2.
  • Glass - A character taking the form of glass is very rare, but not unheard of. Bashing and lethal soak totals are reversed and lethal damage is halved, rounding up, after soak.
  • Crystal - Crystalline Exalted are not prone to shattering as glass-bodied Exalts are. Their forms offer them the ability to ignore anima damage from any other Dragon-Blooded and doubles their own anima-damage. If in the area of another flaring anima the Terrestrial may add that banner to his own to determine flux damage. For every totemic anima within his Essence yards he adds 1 die of lethal damage to his flux. A body of Crystal also allows the character to see 360 degrees around him.