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Latest revision as of 19:02, 6 April 2006

Okay, I've been trying like hell to edit this so it looks nice, but the wiki ain't playing nice. Why isn't my line break working? What else is wrong? Fix me!

Line breaks only work if they are followed by a return. \\ Example:\\ This\\ doesn't work.

This\\ does.\\ _Ikselam

Thanks. - Domino

Tsukasa Spider-Eyes v. Silas Sandleaper


The arena is finished, the Wyld shaped. The landscape has been formed into a densely grown bamboo forest. Many of the growths are large enough to climb easily. Many are still young.

Kokage, Master of the Harmonious Duel, stands ready. The two combatants, Tsukasa Spider Eyes and Silas Sandleaper, both still in human form, stand 40 yards apart, vision of each other much obscured by the thick growth. At Kokage's nod, the warriors bow first to each other and then to him.

The two of you know that this bamboo forest may not be all there is to the battlefield. All you know is that it will be stable, despite it being in the Wyld, and that it is as large as it needs to be for the duel.

With that, he nods again and the battle is on.

Remember: You are both in human form, no Charms used yet. Full Essence, Willpower, etc. So let's get the hang of this.

Initiatives: Tsukasa:16, Sirus:17



Sirus Sandleaper is strikingly silent. His pocketed charcoal skin is marked with white blotches from diseases gone a century ago, and his face is set quietly in a stare that does not indicate a need for talk when it is unnecessary. He is not a tall man, but his form is imposing in a jacket of snakeskin openly reinforced and bound in mystic patterns with moonsilver. Two razor-sharp short blades of moonsilver, each with a jagged, zig-zagging blades, adorn his back. He stares at his opponent, frowns slightly, flexes his huge, backwards bent jackrabbit-legs and leaps into the air. His form shrinks somewhat, white splotches becoming skin plates, silver dotted tattoos sprouting grey-white hair. As he reaches the apex of his jump, he sprouts a long, bushy tail, and as he turns headfirst towards the ground, the tail bursts into eight rapidly whirling tails as he hits the dirt with no more sound than a diver slicing into the water. He quickly disappears under the ground.

Making a preliminary short jump, Sirus changes into an Eight-Tailed Mole Hound and burrows under the ground. Once there, he travels 5 yards towards his opponent.

Personal 3/0 of 16, Peripheral 0/9 of 40, Willpower 0 of 6, Wounds 0 at -0; Artifacts 9ph

Tsukasa Spider Eyes

Tsukasa Spider Eyes smiles as his opponent vanishes into the earth, his silver hair moving almost imperceptibly in the light wind with his hands on the hilt of his gigantic sword, tip down in the dirt - strange dots seem to occupy his face. He picks up the sword with surprising ease and crouches low to the ground, holding the hilt with one hand he reaches out and touches the tip with the other. The scars covering his body begin to glow with a soft blue light, even through his argent armor. The hair on his forehead parts and a solid circle of silver shines forth - Tsukasa begins to change. Muscles bulge, limbs grow, and even the armor itself warps to accommodate its master's new shape. Tiny mandibles extend from Tsukasa's face and the strange dots expand into terrible black orbs. His silver hair vanishes as his once light skin darkens to a dull brown - hardening in the process. From his crouching position, Tsukasa explodes upwards towards the nearest bamboo shoot, and there he stays, his left hand holding onto the stalk and his other ready to strike - scanning the ground for any trace of his opponent.

Tsukasa uses Deadly Beastman Transformation and then leaps up 13 yards and grabs onto a bamboo stalk.

Personal 0/0 of 24, Peripheral 5/11 of 56, Willpower 0 of 10, Wounds 0 at -0; Artifacts 11 PH.


Initiative: Tsukasa:17, Sirus:12

Turn 2! Go!

Tsukasa Spider Eyes

Tsukasa watches, much like a spider waiting for a fly to fall into his web.

I hold my action until Sirus' action.


Silas darts back and forth through systems of bamboo roots, and his already distended back legs twist further, becoming fully functional. Silas suddenly moves twice as fast, diving deeper under the ground to avoid notice as he makes his way towards where he saw his opponent.

Silas activates Panther Stride Stance and moves 16 yards towards his opponent.

Personal(PS) 3/4 of 16, Peripheral(PH) 0/9 of 40, Willpower 0 of 6, Wounds 0 at -0; Artifacts 9 ph, Panther Stride Stance 5 ps/scene.

Tsukasa Spider Eyes

Tsukasa does nothing this turn but wait.

Personal 0/0 of 24, Peripheral 5/11 of 56, Willpower 0 of 10, Wounds 0 at -0; Artifacts 11 PH. </b>


Initiative: Tsukasa:20, Silus:19

Turn 3! Go!

Tsukasa Spider Eyes

Tsukasa looks for any signs on the ground that might indicate the passing of his opponent - cursing the undergrowth that conceals the earth beneath. Deciding that it would be more advantageous to get higher, he leaps towards another one of the emerald rods closer to where Silas once stood.

Tsukasa leaps 5 yards towards Silas and 7 yards higher. He is now 20 yards above the ground.

Personal 0/0 of 24, Peripheral 5/11 of 56, Willpower 0 of 10, Wounds 0 at -0; Artifacts 11 PH.


Silas, unseen, unheard, moves quickly near where his opponent was, and stops a few yards away then suddenly stops, listening for tremors of feet on the grounds, feeling for the sway of a bamboo stalk in its widespread roots.

Silas moves 16 yards towards his opponent, coming 3 yards away from where he saw his opponent last, and makes a Perception+Awareness roll.

12:14, Today: Myriad rolled 3 successes (exalted) using 6d10 with a target of 7. Perception+Awareness.

Personal(PS) 3/4 of 16, Peripheral(PH) 0/9 of 40, Willpower 0 of 6, Wounds 0 at -0; Artifacts 9 ph, Panther Stride Stance 5 ps/scene.


There are no tremors from the forest floor that Silas can feel. He can discern a slight quiver in the roots of the bamboo, though the degree to which the roots are tangled prevent him from knowing more than general proximity.


Initiative: Tsukasa:25, Silus:13

Turn 4! Go!

Tsukasa Spider Eyes

I hold my action until later in the turn.


Silas, aware of his opponent's presence in the trees, darts behind where his opponent originally was and the soil parts quietly as the top of his wolf's head emerges, scanning the trees above where he was before.

Silas moves 16 yards away from his opponent, and looks up out of the soil, trying to avoid notice.

16:06, Today: Myriad rolled 4 successes (exalted) using 7d10 with a target of 7. Dexterity+Stealth.

Personal(PS) 3/4 of 16, Peripheral(PH) 0/9 of 40, Willpower 0 of 6, Wounds 0 at -0; Artifacts 9 ph, Panther Stride Stance 5 ps/scene.

Tsukasa Spider Eyes

Tsukasa scans the ground below for any sign of movement that might indicate where his opponent may be.

Tsukasa looks for his opponent.

14:40, Today: Tsukasa Spider Eyes rolled 5 successes (exalted) using 7d10 with a target of 7. Perception+Awareness.

Personal 0/0 of 24, Peripheral 5/11 of 56, Willpower 0 of 10, Wounds 0 at -0; Artifacts 11 PH.


Silas' hound form is reflected in Tsukasa's compound eyes.

You see each other!

Tsukasa Spider Eyes

Tsukasa smiles when he spots the tails that could only belong to his lupine opponent. He focuses for a fraction of a second and feels the most instinctive of powers flow through every muscle in his body. He releases his hold on the bamboo and runs vertically down the shaft. The moment he touches the ground he bounces towards his opponent, appearing as a blur to any onlookers. He locks his legs and thrusts his moonsilver blade into the earth in order to slow his incredibly bulk. A cloud of billowing dust swells up behind him - Tsukasa has never been one for stealth. In an odd, echoing voice that sounds like two different entities, male and female, he speaks:

If you're quite done hiding, can we begin this battle now or are you trying to kill me with boredom?

Tsukasa activates his anima ability and runs 20 yards down and 10 yards towards Silas. He is 8 yards away from his opponent.

Personal 0/5 of 24, Peripheral 5/11 of 56, Willpower 0 of 10, Wounds 0 at -0; Artifacts 11 PH. Full Moon Anima 5 PS/scene.


Silas mentally curses his opponent's awareness and resigns himself to what he tries to avoid-- a fair fight. His hound form growls, and the tails wrap themselves around his legs. The skin plates melt back into white splotches and his fur shortens and glows a dull grey as his form rises. The tails meld into his legs and they grow large and distended. Fur grows on them-- brilliant, silver fur, and the muscles in them grow to titanic proportions. Silas' eyes become black orbs in his scarcely-furred face, and his entire torso has to bend forward to accomodate his grossly huge back legs that are as large as many men are tall. His serrated moonsilver blades flow out of his silver armor and into his hands. He stands tall, staring balefully at his fellow Lunar.

If not for these trees, you'd be much less confident, my brother.

Silas uses Deadly Beastman Transformation and assumes his beastman form.

Personal(PS) 3/4 of 16, Peripheral(PH) 5/9 of 40, Willpower 0 of 6, Wounds 0 at -0; Artifacts 9 ph, Panther Stride Stance 5 ps/scene.


Initiative: Tsukasa:23, Silus:29

Turn 5! Go!


Dust leaps into the air behind Silas as he streaks towards and past his opponent. A pair of silver streaks sear the air, adding two new scars across his opponent's eyes as he strikes once with each of his blades, far too quick to see. By the time his opponent can turn to follow him, he is already far in the other direction, staring back at the other Lunar, blades covered with semi-divine blood.

Silas makes 2 attacks, first with off-hand, second with on-hand, making both attacks at minus 3. He moves 30 yards as his combat action, closing the 8 yards to his opponent and shooting 22 yards beyond.

1-die stunt.

22:41, Today: Myriad rolled 6 successes (exalted) using 17d10 with a target of 7. Dexterity+Melee. 22:41, Today: Myriad rolled 9 successes (exalted) using 17d10 with a target of 7. Dexterity+Melee.

Personal(PS) 3/4 of 16, Peripheral(PH) 5/9 of 40, Willpower 0 of 6, Wounds 0 at -0; Artifacts 9 ph, Panther Stride Stance 5 ps/scene.

Tsukasa Spider Eyes

As his opponent blurs past him, so does Tsukasa's arms blur. Flashes of silver and red - Tsukasa feels the sting of his opponent's blade and winces. He knows he has been struck, but he knows he has weakened the blows of his enemy and struck him in turn. He doesn't have time to check for blood on his weapon though - he continues after his opponent to press the attack. Before his enemy can turn to face him, Tsukasa swings in two wide arcs. Bamboo shafts on both sides of him slide off, cleanly cut in half by his impossibly thick blade. If only the same could happen to my enemy, he thinks to himself.

Tsukasa uses Crouching Tiger Stance twice, paying 8 motes. He counters the first attack, but is still hit by the second. Tsukasa then follows Silas 22 yards and splits his dice pool two ways. He makes his first attack at -2 and the second at -3.

2-die stunt.

11 successes (1st Attack). 8 successes (2nd Attack). 12 successes (Counterattack). 10 successes (Attack 1). 9 successes (Attack 2).

Personal 8/5 of 24, Peripheral 5/11 of 56, Willpower 0 of 10, Wounds 0 at -0; Artifacts 11 PH. Full Moon Anima 5 PS/scene.


The moon cresent waxes into shimmering glory on Silas' forehead and his tattoos burn. He smiles, and his huge front teeth shine silver. Like string, flashes of essence arc around, tracing the patterns that Silas' swords follow as they knock aside the encroaching blows, as a kitten strikes a ball of yarn. The two Exalts stop face to face, Silas' crossed swords holding back his opponent's larger weapon and Silas leans forward and sneers into his opponent's face. Silas cares not whether his opponent can understand him. His voice whispers roughly like the desert sands in colloquial Flametongue as he smiles at the blue wound on his moon-brother's face.

I hadn't expected a whelp like you to be able to catch up with me. But I slaughtered 20 caravans over the course of a year searching for the perfect civilized invention to kill Ka-Koshu so that I could wipe his desert rats without his interference. Your fate will inform me of it's effects on our kind.

Silas activates his combo, Cat Defeats Yarn. He uses Feline Guard Technique against all 3 attacks. He uses Golden Tiger block to buy 7 successes against the first attack and 2 against the second. His parries are at 12, 17, and 19 dice. The second attack hits with 5 successes, the other two are blocked.

1-die stunt.

6 successes (1st Attack). Total successes=13. 3 successes (2nd Attack). Total successes=5. 13 successes (3rd Attack).

Personal(PS) 12/4 of 16, Peripheral(PH) 14/9 of 40, Willpower 0 of 6, Wounds 0 at -0; Artifacts 9 ph, Panther Stride Stance 5 ps/scene.


Myriad: 1 hit upon Tsukasa at 1 success. Roll 1 die for damage.

Tsukasa: 1 hit upon Silas at 5 successes. Roll 10 dice for damage.

Tsukasa: You've been poisoned. Roll Stamina+Resistance, diff. 4

Myriad: You've succeeded at two 1-die stunts. Two motes awarded.

Tsukasa: You've succeeded at a 2-die stunt. Two motes or one willpower awarded.

Tsukasa Spider Eyes

Tsukasa coughs and realizes that the wound that stung earlier was burning with an intense pain that he had only felt once before. He cries out in his native forest-tongue.


He had encountered this poison before in his home in the Wylds of the East. He wobbles as he stabs his sword into the ground to prop himself up. This was not good, but he was not done yet. He would make his enemy pay.

Tsukasa suffers from the full effects of the poison. He deals 4L levels of damage to Silas. He recovers 2 PH motes. He suffers 1L from the weapon and 10L from the poison. 0 successes. Damage. 4 successes. Damage. 1 success. Stamina+Resistance(Resisting Poison).

Personal 8/5 of 24, Peripheral 3/11 of 56, Willpower 0 of 10, Wounds 11 at -2; Artifacts 11 PH. Full Moon Anima 5 PS/scene. Poison -1/20 turns.


Silas deals 1 level of damage with his weapon (poison takes effect), takes 4 levels, and recovers 2 motes. Poison deals 10L on failure of resistance roll. -1 penalty/1 minute duration.

1 success. Damage.

Personal(PS) 12/4 of 16, Peripheral(PH) 12/9 of 40, Willpower 1 of 6, Wounds 4 at -2; Artifacts 9 ph, Panther Stride Stance 5 ps/scene.


One Lethal from Silas and 10 Lethal from poison to Tsukasa

Four Lethal from Tsukasa to Silas.

Initiative: Tsukasa:26, Silas:27

Turn 6! Go!


His eyes locked on his opponent to watch his moves, Silas turns and his his huge legs display Silas' relation to the great runners of the desert-- every step is a bound, and Silas darts 19 yards away before turning back to his opponent, weapons ready.

Silas takes half his movement action to run 19 yards away, and delays his action.

Personal(PS) 12/4 of 16, Peripheral(PH) 12/9 of 40, Willpower 1 of 6, Wounds 4 at -2; Artifacts 9 ph, Panther Stride Stance 4 ps/scene.

Tsukasa Spider Eyes

As his opponent runs, Tsukasa could already feel the wound on his head seal shut - his body already starting to purge the poison from his system. Much like the giant wolf spiders of his home, he prefers to wait for his prey to come to him rather than expend energy to chase down his meals. Tsukasa spins and runs a short distance, then turns to keep his opponent in his multifaceted sights.

Tsukasa moves 4 yards away from his opponent and holds his action. He regenerates 1L.

Personal 8/5 of 24, Peripheral 3/11 of 56, Willpower 0 of 10, Wounds 10 at -2; Artifacts 11 PH. Full Moon Anima 5 PS/scene. Poison -1/19 turns.


Sirus sees his opponent take steps in the other direction. With his right hand, he flips his short daiklaive onto his back and grabs a javelin. He leans back hard against the nearest bamboo shoot, and it bends under his weight, before springing itself and Sirus back upwards. Sirus adds the momentum to the strength of his arm, and the javelins sings through the forest right at his opponent's heart. The birds above all sing back in reply, the forest uniting in a haunting chorus to a spider's demise.

Silas throws a javelin. He spends a willpower to channel his Valor (3 dice) and spends 4 motes on Eagle Eye Advantage to buy 2 successes. So he's at a -2 (wounds), +3 (Valor), -2(converted dice) for a total of -1 dice.

2-die stunt.

6 successes. Dexterity+Thrown. Total succeses=8.

Personal(PS) 12/4 of 16, Peripheral(PH) 16/9 of 40, Willpower 2 of 6, Wounds 4 at -2; Artifacts 9 ph, Panther Stride Stance 4 ps/scene.

Tsukasa Spider Eyes

Tsukasu's right bracer begins to glow as the javelin approaches. The hearthstone contained within activating with the proper stimulus. Tsukasa instinctively throws his blade at the offending projectile and calling upon every fiber of his being to survive long enough to crush his enemy, he prepares to dodge. The moonsilver blade strikes true and knocks the javelin slightly off course, but just enough for Tsukasa to twist his body to avoid the likely poisonous attack. It strikes two bamboo shafts behind him, showering Tsukasa with splintering debris from the first and getting stuck in the second. While Tsukasa stares at the javelin, he extends his right arm and his sword hovers quickly back into his hand. He turns to glare at his opponent.

Tsukasa has the Windhands Gemstone which allows him to reflexively Parry a ranged attack. He uses a full dodge as his action this turn and spends a Willpower point to channel Valor into it. He regains 1 PH mote for a successful stunt.

1-die stunt.

4 successes. Dexterity+Melee (Parry).

7 successes. Dexterity+Dodge+Valor (Full Dodge).

Personal 8/5 of 24, Peripheral 2/11 of 56, Willpower 1 of 10, Wounds 10 at -2; Artifacts 11 PH. Full Moon Anima 5 PS/scene. Poison -1/19 turns. Valor channeled once.


The attack misses! Tsukasa heals one Lethal.

Initiative: Tsukasa:25, Silas:28

Turn 7! Go!


Seeing his opponent effortlessly deflect his attack, Silas hisses and leaps. The silver star shining around him throws the areas into a myriad of shifting bamboo stalk shadows and birds screech as they flee from the light display and the creature soaring into the trees. Silas disappears into the leaves above and bamboo everywhere shakes and bends. Leaves fall like snow, and among them another pair of javelins.

Silas jumps 5 yards towards his opponent and 21 yards up (the total well within his total vertical jumping distance even in his injured state). He grabs several bamboo trees for balance once up past the bottom leaves (I hope I don't need to roll for that), but not before throwing 2 more javelins. He is at a total of -4 and -5 for the attacks.

2-die stunt.

5 successes. Dexterity+Thrown.

5 successes. Attack 2.

Personal(PS) 12/4 of 16, Peripheral(PH) 16/9 of 40, Willpower 2 of 6, Wounds 4 at -2; Artifacts 9 ph, Panther Stride Stance 4 ps/scene.

Tsukasa Spider Eyes

Tsukasa sighs when he sees the two bolts of death move towards him. His bracers glow and again he throws his blade. He then prepares to dodge as his blade strikes one and rebounds to the other. The first one is knocked far off course, but the first is being juggled and battered in mid-air by his blade. Tsukasa raises his left arm, extending his forefinger. The moonsilver blade launches the errant javelin towards Tsukasa and he is able to scrape its tip as it flies past and crashes somewhere behind him. He checks his finger for the thick azure liquid that can only be deathsap. The blade returns - he sneers at his opponent and runs deeper into the bamboo forest, doing his best to zigzag into cover.

Tsukasa uses a full dodge and reflexively parries all ranged attacks with his hearthstone. The small stunt above is the result of doing so well against the 5-dice attack with 12 successes. The 3-dice attack is avoided with 7 successes. He then runs 14 yards away from Silas and tries to find cover behind some of the thicker growth. He also regenerates 1L.

1-die stunt.

2 successes. Dexterity+Dodge (Dodge 1).

10 successes. Dexterity+Melee (Parry 1).

4 successes. Dexterity + Dodge (Dodge 2).

3 successes. Dexterity+Melee (Parry 2).

Personal 8/5 of 24, Peripheral 2/11 of 56, Willpower 1 of 10, Wounds 9 at -2; Artifacts 11 PH. Full Moon Anima 5 PS/scene. Poison -1/18 turns. Valor channeled once.

Edit: I didn't realize that the attacks above were listed in opposite order. So I matched up the attack with the appropriate parry/dodge and edited my description appropriately.


Tsukasa rolls a Per+Awareness to see if the javelin's poisoned.

Tsukasa Spider Eyes

I spend a Willpower point to add one success to the roll.

4 successes. Perception+Awareness (+1 sux). Total = 5 successes.

Personal 8/5 of 24, Peripheral 2/11 of 56, Willpower 2 of 10, Wounds 9 at -2; Artifacts 11 PH. Full Moon Anima 5 PS/scene. Poison -1/18 turns. Valor channeled once.


You see something glistening on your finger, but it isn't deathsap. You're not sure you recognize it.

The attacks miss! Tsukasa heals one Lethal.

Initiative: Tsukasa:24, Silas:25

Turn 8! Go!


Silas braces his huge legs against the tree and boosts off, shooting straight at his opponent like a spear in flight. He flicks both of the Razor Twins off his back, making sure the still-poisoned blade is in his better hands, and his anima takes the form of a claw strider in flight, huge and silver, ripping claws descending. As his opponent's head turns up to watch him, he waves his other daiklaive in a half-cresent distracting motion in front of his opponent. Light from his opponent's anima reflects off the blade, which moves so quickly that for a brief moment a mirror is formed where the blade streaks through the air.

Tsukasa sees himself reflected in a moonsilver streak, haloed in silver, and he is reminded of when Luna came to him at his Exaltation, the form of his patron like an idealized version of his own. Luna stares back at him in the brief reflection. The god's face suddenly changes into a vicious snarl and Tsukasa can't be sure if it is Luna or Silas screeching, driving a moonsilver blade, encased in a claw strider's fangs, into his heart.

Silas jumps 18 yards at his opponent activates his combo, the Foe-Breaking Fang Storm. Foe-Driving Attack activates, costing 5 motes and a Willpower. Sensing the Deadly Flow and Ferocious Biting Sword activate, costing 5 more motes. I channel Valor again, spending a Willpower for 3 more dice. I am at +2 dice for the attack, and the parrying difficulty is doubled. Assuming I get 3 successes, I attack again, making a second attack with the same criteria at a -1. Assuming that attack gets 3 successes, it does not matter, as I can no longer pay for attacks and the combo ends.

1-die stunt.

13 successes. Dexterity+Melee.

9 successes. Dexterity+Melee.

Personal(PS) 12/4 of 16, Peripheral(PH) 31/9 of 40, Willpower 2 of 6, Wounds 4 at -2; Artifacts 9 ph, Panther Stride Stance 4 ps/scene.

Tsukasa Spider Eyes

Tsukasa sees his opponent falling to meet him. This would be the moment of truth, only one of them would survive the fight this day. Calling on every ounce of strength he has, his anima flares into existence. Spiderwebs of essence hang in air, almost seeming as if they were connecting and entangling the bamboo stalks. Tsukasa rushes forward with as much force as he can muster and grabs a bamboo stick. He spins around it with so much strength that the trunk cracks, but not before launching him into the air to meet his opponent. Weapons clash, Tsukasa lands - and knows he had been hit, but was his armor thick enough to protect him from the deadly attacks?

Tsukasa activates his combo Twisting Spider Fang Slash spending a total of 18 PH motes and 1 Willpower. 6 motes for 2 parries with Feline Guard Technique, 10 motes for Sensing the Deadly Flow, and 2 motes for Surprising Moonsilver Deformation. He channels Valor with another Willpower for the first parry. He blocks the 12 success attack with 4 successes, he blocks the 9 success attack with 3 successes. If he should survive those attacks, he himself attacks with 10 successes (at +1 difficulty when not parrying with a moonsilver weapon). His movement for the round in jumping 10 yards towards and past his opponent. He regenerates 1L at the beginning of the round as well.

1-die stunt.

11 successes. Dexterity+Melee (Attack).

7 successes. Dexterity+Melee.

9 successes. Dexterity+Melee+Valor.

Personal 8/5 of 24, Peripheral 20/11 of 56, Willpower 4 of 10, Wounds 8 at -2; Artifacts 11 PH. Full Moon Anima 5 PS/scene. Poison -1/17 turns. Valor channeled twice.


Silas hits Tsukasa twice with 9 and 6 successes! 22 and 19 raw damage respectively, roll 2 and 1 damage dice.

Tsukasa must make two separate Stamina+Resistance rolls (diff.1) to avoid knockdown. If he is knocked down, he must spend an action to get up. This would require splitting his dice pool for his next attack.


Tsukasa Spider Eyes

Tsukasa succeeds in both Stamina+Resistance rolls.

3 successes. Stamina+Resistance.

2 successes. Stamina+Resistance.


I've strikingly and rather upsettingly gotten no damage, managing to roll the wrong kind of dice in the roller while I was at it.

0 successes. Damage.

I regain a mote for my stunt.

Personal(PS) 12/4 of 16, Peripheral(PH) 30/9 of 40, Willpower 5 of 6, Wounds 4 at -2; Artifacts 9 ph, Panther Stride Stance 4 ps/scene.


Unless Silas has a defense, Tsukasa's attack goes through at 11 successes. Tsukasa rolls 16 dice for damage.

Tsukasa Spider Eyes

3 successes. Damage.

Total damage is 3L. You're not the only one rolling bad dice Myriad =). Successful stunt gives me a PS mote.

Personal 7/5 of 24, Peripheral 20/11 of 56, Willpower 4 of 10, Wounds 8 at -2; Artifacts 11 PH. Full Moon Anima 5 PS/scene. Poison -1/17 turns. Valor channeled twice.


Personal(PS) 12/4 of 16, Peripheral(PH) 30/9 of 40, Willpower 5 of 6, Wounds 7 at -2; Artifacts 9 ph, Panther Stride Stance 4 ps/scene.


Three Lethal to Silas. Tsukasa heals one Lethal.

Initiative: Tsukasa:22, Silas:30

Turn 9! Go!


Silas leans into his opponent's face and grimaces, his mouth full of silver teeth.

Luna chose well in making you her warrior, spider-spawn. I am forced to admit the Full Moon's superiority in the particular regard of duelling combat. I lose no pride in conceding defeat to my own moon-brother's prowess in a... Silas snarls and flicks his swords behind his back. ... fair fight. I hope for your sake your future battles are all of that sort.

The Changing Moon turns on his humongous heels and with one prodigous leap, is nothing more than a receding silver glow among the endless vertical bamboo stalks.

Silas sees he's met his match in one-on-one duelling and abandons the field, jumping 56 yards away. He forfeits.


Kokage takes the field and congratulates Tsukasa Spider-Eyes as the victor of this match. The Master of the Harmonious Duel gives him a small pendant as a token of his victory, and then leads him off the field into a crowd of cheering mortals, spirits, and Exalts. Behind them the field seems to melt, slowly becoming a blank slate for the next combat.

Tsukasa wins!