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Odd quotes from the players that came up during play.

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A Record

<OOC> Darzoni says, "Two hours in and only a single roll has been called for... some sort of record, eh?"
<OOC> Hulen says, "Well, we're not killing anything. Yet."
<OOC> Hulen says, "Or researching anything."
<OOC> Hulen says, "Or...doing anything but talking, and not to anyone who needs influ-yeah, that /is/ a record."

This is what the Circle saw in a freehold under their manse

The place here is a vast field with flowers of beautiful maiden's heads singing a siren's song in a gentle golden breeze. The sky is entirely a pale shade of white and there are albatrosses of leaves flying overhead. There are mushrooms glomping around eating the flowers.

This is what Sarlk posed as he got out.

And thus, Sarlk is out of that HOLE MADE OF INSANITY. His next objective? To look back at the Exalted, and then... "Now what?"

Sidereals and the Truth
<OOC> Darzoni says, "Gentlemen, take a good look at this Sidereal. You have a better chance of getting a straight answer out of the Enron CEO than a Sidereal."

The Voice in the Sky.
Some OOC tomfoolery pre-game.

Dance like your life depends on it...

Some talking.

Seriously, man. Dance. I mean it this time.

<OOC> Hulen says, "He's talking to you."
<OOC> Rynel says, "Whos talking to who?"
<OOC> Hulen says, "The Voice In The Sky."
<OOC> Rynel says, "What voice?"

<OOC> Hulen says, "The one talking a-oh."
<OOC> Rynel says, "You've lost it, man."
Its all in your head.
<OOC> Hulen says, "It's all in my head?"

More talking

You're not here, Hulen. You're in the matrix. Fzhoooh...

<OOC> Hulen says, "You're /sure/ you don't hear the Voice In The Sky?"
<OOC> Rynel says, "Yes."
<OOC> Hulen says, "It's not talking about the Matrix?"
<OOC> Blackstaff says, "I am scared"
Look, just because I'm the Unconquered Sun, and a crackhead, doesn't mean you have to go telling them stuff.
<OOC> Hulen says, "SOmeone's having way too much fun here."
<OOC> Rynel says, "My log says there isn't a voice in the sky."
<OOC> Rynel says, "I checked."
Blackstaff dances

<OOC> Rynel says, "Sorry Hulen, couldn't help it. Killing time. Heh heh."

<OOC> Hulen says, "Oh, [it's] you."
<OOC> Rynel says, "If it makes you feel any better, I got Gus to dance."
<OOC> Rynel says, "You ignore the voices."


In enters the much lionized (well, compared to what Rynel ended up doing) Volagio. "Brother! I'm glad to see you... because Sasaki will not stop talking about you." He rolls his eyes. "So... have you found a way to cleanse yourself of the taint yet? Mother still has high hopes for you, you know."
<OOC> Darzoni says, "... Suddenly I feel like channeling Liquid Snake."
<OOC> Hulen says, "..."

Warning: Dragon-Bloods may induce vomiting

Sasaki smiles politely as Volagio tries to get a second wind. "She's trying to marry me off, but I don't want anyone but you!" (To Rynel)
<OOC> Darzoni says, "Excuse me while I purge... that felt WRONG to put out there."
<OOC> Sarlk says, "It /IS/ wrong. :D"
<OOC> Rynel says, "I know, thats why its funny."


<OOC> Darzoni notes that Volagio has absolutely NO ability beyond being able to attune Jade.
<OOC> Hulen says, "So we could poke him and he'd fall over?"
<OOC> Sarlk says, "Hahahah"
<OOC> Darzoni says, "Hulen could probably knock him down without charms."
<OOC> Sarlk would evicerate him likely.
<OOC> Rynel says, "How to put this.."
<OOC> Darzoni says, "Simply put: Volagio is a wuss."
<OOC> Sarlk says, "He's the reccuring villain that get his ass kicked in two secondes!"
<OOC> Rynel says, "I dub him.. MIDBOSS!"

Sidereals and Cards.

Announcement: Darzoni shouts, "Attention! Sidereals cheat at cards! Thank you."


<OOC> Whisper is gonna use 'Respect Commanding Attitude'.
<OOC> Darzoni says, "Personal or Peripheral?"
<OOC> Whisper says, "personal"
Wolf pages: ...And I will counter with Disrespect Other's Attitude.

The Innocent

<OOC> Whisper has the urge to write 'Please don't kill innocents. They're people too.'

Wolf and Rynel, Sittin' in a Tree...

<OOC> Hulen says, "We're confronting Bandit King here."
<OOC> Hulen points to Virgil.
<OOC> Rynel says, "Oh. Hey Virgil."
<OOC> Hulen says, "You two will hate each other."
<OOC> Hulen says, "I can tell."
<OOC> Rynel says, "Why?"
<OOC> Hulen says, "Because he orders attacks on caravans."
<OOC> Rynel says, "Oh. Hes a dead man."
<OOC> Darzoni coughs. "There's... a reason."
<OOC> Hulen says, "(He's also one of us, so no.)"
<OOC> Whisper draws two stick figures, one kind of bandityish, and one Rynelish. He then draws hearts between them.

Behold, the power of bunnies!

Whisper draws a picture of cute little bunnies, rainbows, and flowers, and then gestures at the group, attempting to communicate non-evilness. And shows the pic to the sister, that is.

Sasaki is kind of dazed by the whole situation... and sits down... "I think I need to lay down awhile..." She blows Wolf off.

<OOC> Birdy says, "should I roll for that Darz?"
<OOC> Darzoni says, "Yep. Charisma + Performance."
[DICE] Birdy rolls a 5d10+0 with the resulting roll: 10 4 7 2 7 for a total of: 30
<OOC> Birdy says, "4, right?"

Hulen nods. "Of course. It's a lot to hit a person with at once, obviously. We'll do anything we can to make your stay here comfortable." He looks for a moment to everyone else. "Won't we?"

Whisper nods his head emphatically. He pulls out a water canteen, and offers it to her.

Sasaki looks at the picture and comprehends what Whisper is trying to communicate... "Oh, you're not bad people? My world is shattered! They lied...!" She starts crying.

<OOC> Virgil facedesks.
<OOC> Hulen says, "..."
<OOC> Hulen says, "Well, you definitely /succeeded/."
<OOC> Hulen says, "But now you made her cry."
<OOC> Birdy says, "apparently bunnies are the key to everything."

Solars and Women.

<OOC> Hulen says, "Five of the most powerful people in the Universe, potentially, and we are stricken nearly helpless by a crying woman."
<OOC> Rynel says, "Go figure."
<OOC> Virgil says, "To be fair, I'm trying to ICly get into her pants."
<OOC> Sarlk says, "I'm not."
<OOC> Hulen is. In a very roundabout way.

Bad Mute, No Biscuit!

Wolf grins roguishly at Sasaki as she bows. "Pleasure ta meet ya, Lady of House Ragara. I'm known as Wolf of the West, hailing from the Coral Archipeligo. Call me Wolf." Hey, nice bow. And, it must be noted, the tone of voice is nowhere near as flippant as before. Heh. Slightly accented, yes. Mocking, nah.

 A few of the bandits in the background whistle and clap appreciatively.

<OOC> Whisper says, "so, if we were to have a little hoedown here, would it be then titled 'Dances with Wolves'?"
<OOC> Hulen says, "..."
<OOC> Rynel says, "That was an inexcusable bad joke."
<OOC> Hulen thwaps Whisper with a rock.
<OOC> Hulen says, "Bad mute."


Staren is the most incompetant sidereal in Creation.

<OOC> The maidens teleport Staren down a Pink Slip, and she loses all powers.

Sidereals vs. Solars, straight-on combat.

<OOC> Hulen says, "Also: <Sidereal> I fire my artifact 5 guns. <Solar> Heavenly Guardian Defense. I parry. <Sidereal> WHAT? He can /do/ that?"

How Hulen learns.

<OOC> Rynel says, "Hulen: "The hip bone's connected to the... Red thing. The red thing's connected to the... Beaty thing. The beaty thing's not... beating anymore. Uh oh, Staren's gonna kill me."

If the Unconquered Sun gets kicked out of Yu-Shan...

<OOC> Wolf says, "*Post Campaign* <Wolf> ...Hey! US! What's up!? <US> ...I got kicked out. <Wolf> ...Bummer, man. Hey, I know what will cheer you up! Oy! Girls! Over here! Get this man the house special! <US> Huh? Wait, what's the house spe-IS THAT EVEN PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE WHILE THEY'RE ON MY LAP!?! <Wolf> Far as YOU know! *takes a swig of Kelp Beer* Cheers up overthrown gods every time."

Sasaki. No more is needed.

<OOC> Darzoni says, "Oh god, she used a big word!"

Human sacrifices.

<OOC> Hulen says, "Busty is assumed in the case of sacrifices. Sacrificial girls are /always/ busty."

When The Stars Are Right

A minute later, the statue of the dragon transforms suddenly into a huge humanoid mecha thingy. "The will of the Ebon Dragon will be made apparent to the dogs of the Unconquered Sun when the stars are right. Five years, Anathema. Five years." A dark sounding voice comes from the Warstrider. It begins moving towards the exit.

<OOC> Wolf says, "Hmm. Stars."

<OOC> Wolf says, "Welp, only one thing to do. Sorry, Staren!"

<OOC> Wolf says, "<Yozi> ...Are the stars right yet? <Other Yozi> Yes, my lord! They will be in alignment in five seconds! <Staren> YOINK! nin nin nin! <Yozis 1&2> .......N---NO FAIR! *GIANT YOZI SAD FACE*"

On Naming...

A second Sidereal, a young one that is unknown to the Solars, comes in carrying a... small spirit or lesser god. It resembles a small lizard at the moment, with three eyes and green jade for scales. The Sidereal is obviously excited. "Good news, most esteemed sirs! This is your City Father. His arrival was portented on the Loom of Fate." The nascent spirit licks the Sidereal's face... "Heh heh... You have the privlege of naming him, esteemed sirs."

<OOC> Jeryl says, "His name is the name of the city?"
<OOC> Wolf names him Bob.
<OOC> Urun says, "YES! BOB!"
<OOC> Wolf says, "Why, Hello Bob!"
<OOC> Darzoni says, "I will so fucking kill you guys if you name it Bob."
<OOC> Wolf says, "..."
<OOC> Jeryl says, "Heh."
<OOC> Wolf heeheeheehees. That's going on the quotes page
<OOC> Jeryl says, "Sorry."
<OOC> Urun cracks up.
<OOC> Urun says, "Is this because of the Planet Bob incident?"
<OOC> Xerios says, "Yes."

ST's Note: This refers to an incident where the group named an ancient dyson sphere 'Bob' in a d20 Future game I was running at the time. We had a lizard (played by Hulen) who worshipped machines, and figured the dyson sphere was literally a God, and needed naming. They named it Bob over the pilot's protests (who was played by Sarlk).

Gem in the First Age?

<OOC> Jeryl says, "Our first step?"
<OOC> Jeryl says, "Destroy Gem!"
<OOC> Urun says, "Does Gem even exist yet?"
<OOC> Jeryl says, "We'll build it and /then/ destroy it!"