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Finding The Crypt Tree

Callandra had been plagued by strange feelings since the day the sun came to her during her coup. Strange sensations and dreams seemed to draw her to the long-forgotten tunnels and caverns of limestone that Nechara was built atop and, in some places, inside. The deep places of the East were dangerous, home to innumerable creatuers forgotten by man and spirit of the overworld. Nothing that lived in the tunnels, except perhapse some of the fungi, were friendly to people. Even plants attacked her as she tried to pass. Her first attempt to delve into the depths had resulted in the deaths of five bodyguards. Her second, two.

Now on the third attempt, Callandra was alone. Armed with her bow and two quivers of arrows, the slim Eclipse moved through one of the larger caverns. There was little activity in this cavern, no sound except for her stumbling footsteps and muttered curses. Some of the others which had contained vertiable zoos of unfriendly creatures; her silk dress wold be forever ruined. The ichor of those disgusting fugus-slugs two caverns back wouldn't ever come out. It was an interesting violet-orange color; she would have to consider using it for a dye perhapse. There could even be a market for it. But she had to go farther. The pull was still tugging at her mind, insistent and buzzing. Would the blasted feeling ever go away? What in Malfeas was it about?

Dragging herself resignedly forward through a mire of stagnant limey water, Callandra noticed the buzzing tug was stronger, louder. Was the damn thing, whatever it was, finally getting closer? It had better be! Some days it was like all Creation was out to get her. A rude puddle hiding a stone proved her point, tripping her face first into a pool. Raising her head and pulling soaked hair from her eyes, Callandra noticed a crack in the wall. The flimy gold of her anima illuminated the crack. It seemed to be pulsing in time with her own anima's flaring. This was it, her destination. Pushing herself to her feet, she examined the wall, flaring her anima higher to let her see in more detail. As the mark of the Eclipse Caste appeared on her forehead, the doors creaked and began to open.

Taking only enough time to nock an arrow, Callandra stepped forward into the passageway. The limestone caves here had been carvved by water and human hands, sinuous forms like tree roots winding across the vaulted ceilings and curved walls. Steadying herself against a wall, Callandra felt a dull throb in the wall..the limestone wasn't carved into shapes like tree-roots, it had grown over real tree roots. What kind of tree lived underground? Pushing forward, Callandra's feeling of being drawn increased. She could see some sort of light at the end of the corridor. From what she'd heard of ancient tombs, it was odd that she hadn't been accosted by demons or monsters.

That thought and a rush of wind through her soaking hair were all that alerted Callandra as a huge ape-like form seperated itself from the wall behind her. She flowed out of the way, letting one of her arrows fly as the creature reeled, trying to keep its balance after missing her with its lunge. (Insert More Combat Here Later)