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Sand was born and raised in the same small house, in the same small town as her parents, and their parents before them. So from a young age she had the want to see the world outside her door. After her parents passed away she saw her chance. She sold their home and belongings to live in the big city, Chiaroscuro. Everything was going well enough for a long time. She got a cozy job delving into the ruins on the outside of the great glass city, collecting small treasures that would later be sold to unsuspecting tourists. But as cozy as the job seemed, it had it's dangerous side. Out in the ruins all it took was one wrong step and she was sent crashing into the sub-basement of a mostly collapsed building. In a move that should have killed her, she awoke a little later feeling just fine. Better than fine, she felt empowered actually. She was unaware of her surrounding so she explored outward to gain her bearings. She spent quite some time down in the bowels of the ruins. So much time that she began to feel at home there. She thought this was just her feeling so used to being in the ruins that she wasn't spooked by this place anymore.

Eventually she came across a room with a large mural on one wall. The mural depicted her and a few other people. It wasn't Sand as she recognized herself now, but it was her in a past life. That's when it clicked for her. She had found her manse, her home. After recovering her manse she found her hearthstone and a few artifacts she was certain was hers. Or maybe belonging to someone close to her. Eventually she made her way out of the ruins intact and empowered by the experience. When she came back to town she realized too late that she had been followed be her rival, White Feather. He followed her and watched her fall. The sun light that erupted from her as she fell was a dead give away that she was anathema. White Feather didn't waste anytime in telling everyone he could that she was tainted now.

There was a small handful of guards waiting for her when she returned, all armed with flamewands leveled at her. So she ran back into the ruins, they followed. She evaded them alright, she even managed to face one and take him out and take his gun before another caught her and shot her in the back. She was able to resist most of the damage, but the flames burnt her clothes and back severely, leaving her back, neck, and part of her face scared. She spent 3 days in jail before she broke out and left heading for Nexus, the only place a person like her can go. News of her jail break spread like wild fire, and White Feather found out. He too left for Nexus to make Sand's life all the more difficult.

Name: Sand
Type: Solar
Caste: Night
Concept: Adventurer
Nature: Explorer
Anima: Leader
Experience: 13

3 Strength
5 Dexterity
3 Stamina
2 Charisma
3 Manipulation
2 Appearance
3 Perception
3 Intelligence
3 Wits

ABILITIES - Indicate caste/favored with * after the ability name.
3 Archery *
1 Brawl
0 Martial Arts
0 Melee
0 Thrown
1 Endurance
0 Performance
0 Presence
2 Resistance *
3 Survival *
0 Crafts
4 Investigation *
2 Lore
1 Medicine
1 Occult
4 Athletics *
4 Awareness *
2 Dodge *
1 Larceny *
3 Stealth *
1 Bureaucracy
4 Linguistics *
1 Ride
0 Sail
0 Socialize


Resources 5
Artifact 5
Contacts 1
Manse 2

1 Compassion
4 Conviction
4 Temperance
2 Valor
Virtue Flaw:
Heart of Flint (Temprance)

8 Willpower

02 Essence
14 Personal
(33)28 Peripheral
05 Committed

0 -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 -2 -2 -4 X


Hidden Manse (2pt) - Her manse is located under the ruins of Chiaroscuro, no one save her knows it's true location.


Disfigured (3pt) - She is scared over 50% of her body. Her back, neck and the lower left side of her face are all scared from a major burn she received. Without her masks and garb she is unsightly and her appearance is 1. With the masks and cloth covering she has an appearance of 2 merely because she holds herself with greater confidence.
Known Anathema (2pts) - In Chiaroscuro she is known to be anathema. This is known by the Wyld Hunt, but they have yet to discover her location. All they know is her name, and a rough guess to her deed, but not where to find her.
EnemyStarHawk/Rival (1pt) - Before she left Chiaroscuro, she was part of a small organization of ruin delvers. She and a fellow delver, White Feather don't like each other. Their former standings wouldn't let them really harm one another. But now all bets are off. ((White Feather is roughly her equal power wise.))
Damaged Artifact (3pt) - In the depths of the ruins that is her manse, she found a Moonsilver Powerbow that once belonged to her lunar mate in the first age. The bow-string is snapped, and can only be remade by a lunar as they are the only ones who can shape the magical material.

CHARMS - Include reference book and page. Mark starting charms with an * and separate them by ability.

Body Mending Meditation (pg.188)
Ox Body Technique (pg.170)
Graceful Crane Stance (pg.193)
Monkey Leap Technique (pg.193)
Sensory Acuity Prana (pg. 196)
Surprise Anticipation Method (pg.197)
Ten Magistrate Eyes (pg.185)
Durability of Oak Meditation (pg.167)
Iron Skin Concentration (pg.167)
Reed in the Wind (pg.197)

ARTIFACTS - Include reference book and page and stats in the case of weapons and armor.
Spider Grippers (2pt)
Hearthstone Bracers (2pt)
Damaged Short Powerbow (2pt)

HEARTHSTONES - Include reference book and page. Also include the weapons ratings.
Lightfoot Gem

GEAR - Include reference book and page.

  • Extra clothes
  • Exceptional Breatplate (5L/3B)
  • Flamewand (only 6 charges)
  • Composite Shortbow (Target Arrows(1/2 armor soak))
  • Money (lots. Silver & Jade (Not so much jade))
  • Wearing Spider Grippers
  • Wearing Bracers
  • Moonsilver Powerbow on her back, wrapped.
  • Rope
  • Food
  • Backpack with extra stuff.

2pt merit, 6pt virtues, 10pt backgrounds, 6pt abilities

13pt abilites