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Permanent Charms Project. Herein lurk monsters, kids.


Deadly Archers Eyes

 Cost: N/A
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Archery: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Sight without eyes

A Solar Archer's eyes become accustomed to picking out targets at long distance and in the midst of melee; Each time this charm is taken it reduces penalties associated with range or poor vision by 1 for all attacks. This charm can only reduce penalties to 0; It does not grant a bonus, nor does it particularily increase the characters eyesight.

Swift Archers Fingers

Cost: N/A
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Archery: 5
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite charms: none

An experienced solar archer can fire arrows as swiftly as falling leaves with charms - and even without them, his mastery of his craft allows him to fire arrows with startling speed; This charm can be taken no more than his permanent essence -1 times, or his archery, whichever is lower. Each time it is taken, the archer adds 1 to the rate of any bow he uses. This charm is specific to a type of bow - so a different version is necessary for crossbows and a third version could be made for firewands.


Masterfull wall of Solar Muscle

Cost: N/A
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Brawl: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite charms: None

A Master brawler gains great controll over his body, not in the manner of a martial artist - in harmony with the world - but in the manner of a great beast, subjugateing the world - and his own body - to his will. A master of this charm has leanred to turn his strength into a wall; By tightening his muscles around the point of impact, he may parry as normal any attack with any part of his body, rather than being limited to his hands. This specifically allows him to parry attacks which cannot be parried on account of multiple points of impact or great speed, and because the brawler's parry cannot be avoided, adds his strength in dice to parry rolls.

Eternal Iron Hands
Cost: N/A
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Brawl: 4
Minimum Essence: 2 
Prerequisite Charm: Fist of Iron technique

A Solar brawler becomes like a sculpture of Iron - a body so tough that it can bat away the hits of a giant maul, or shatter steel with a casual blow. The master of the eternal Iron Hands can allways parry leathal attacks with his hands, and may choose to do leathal damage with his brawling attacks at no cost, any time he pleases.


(weapon) mastery reflex

Cost: N/A
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Melee: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite charms: Excellent Stike, Retreive the fallen weapon, Golden Essence block

The Master of Solar Melee becomes a nightmare with his chosen weapon, able to casually perform feats of mass combat that no mortal can hope to match. This charm may be taken multiple times. It's effect applies to a different weapon each time it is taken - the solar must have a specialization of at least 1 in the weapon to take this charm. When splitting his dice pool for melee actions with his chosen weapon (Attack or parry), he reduces his dice pool penalty on those actions by his permanent essence. This has no effect on other dice actions (Dodge, athletics, etc). it only affects attack and parry rolls.

Sixteen Million Murderous Weapons Technique

Cost: N/A
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special 
Minimum Melee: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequiste Charms: Excellent Strike, Golden Essence Block

The Master of Sixteen Million Murderous weapons can kill with -anything- at an instants notice, without the least essence expenditure. He need only take an object in hand to understand and use it's killing potential. Mechanically, the exalt can use whatever comes to hand as a killing weapon: A small pebble, a book, a vase, a peice of parchment, a square a his hands -everything- is deadly. He gets a number of free 'build points' equal to his permanant essence to add to such items, each point adding one for one to the weapon's accuracy, damage and defense. All such items have a rate equal to half his melee score. This charm has no effect on true weapons.


Infinite Kuni Carrying technique.

Cost: N/A
Duration: permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Thrown: 4
Minimum Essence: 3

The Master of the Infinite Kuni Carrying Technique seems to never run out of his favorite tiny thrown dart or shuriken; Mechanically, he can be assumed to have at least a handfull hidden on his person even after being -strip searched-, or disarmed by charms. In other circumstances, he simply never runs out of amuniton. He can scatter them about as caltrops if he pleases, or hurl them about as real blades in a cascade of cutting terror, and will simply never run out. The Kuni carried by this charm have stats of ACC+0 Damage +1L and a rate equal to the exalt's thrown skill.

Deadly Knifemasters hands

Cost: N/A
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Thrown: 5
Minimum essence: 2

The master of thrown can fill the air with whirling steel through charms - and only slightly less so with simple use of his own muslce. Each time this charm is taken, the exalt adds +2 to his rate when useing a thrown weapon he has a specialization in, and reduces penalties associated with spliting his dice action to make multiple thrown attacks by his permanant essence. It can be taken only once for each weapon he specializes in.


Eating the food of the gods

Cost: Special
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Endurance: 5
Minimum Essence: 3

The Solar is a creature more of essence than of flesh, and nowhere is this more appearent than with this charm. By regulateing his body's use of it's fuels and his own consumption of essence, the solar becomes impossible to starve; If he has access to more than an hour a day of direct sunlight he may act as if he had fully eaten a healthy meal, although this negates his essence regeneration by respiriation for that hour. Lacking that, the solar will weaken from starvation as normal - to a point. No matter how long he is starved of food or drink, he will not be reduced below his -4 health level, nor will his abilities be impaired below his permanent essence, even if kept in a barren room for centuries at a time.

Divine Respiration Technique

Cost: NA
Duration: Permanant
Type: Special
Minimum Endurance: 5
Minimum Essence:  4
Prerequisite Charms: ???

As a solars essence grows, so does their ability to regain essence, and those who have conditioned their god-body to hardship and tireless work may gain the understanding to acheive this art. The Solar adds +4 motes per hour to respiration at all work catagories: When under heavy exertion, he regains 4 motes per hour, rather than none, when resting lightly, he regains 8 motes, rather than four, and when sleeping or resting completely, he regains 12 motes per hour by respiration. This charm can be taken no more times than the solar's Endurance -4.


Face and guise of the beloved bard

Cost: NA
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Perform: 5
Minimum Essence:3
Prerequisite charms: respect commanding attitude

A Solar with the face and Guise of the beloved bard presents, by her manner and action, an impression of trustworthyness and wholesomeness to the world. All characters with less essence than she must make at least 3 successes on a Temperance roll to beleive that the character is in any way a danger, threat, or criminal; Insted, they will beleive her to be a great celebrity, worthy of awe and respect. This will function even if the character is in full anima display - only active malevolence, such as murdering random souls in full view of the populace, or publicly tortureing foes - will allow those who fail the temperance roll a second check at difficulty 1.

Becomeing the Other

Cost: NA
Duration: permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Perform: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite charms: Masterfull Performance Exercise

A Solar may be forced to play a role in the play of life wherein discovery would mean death, but only those who have the very most dangerous of differences between their guises might take this charm. By immerseing himself fully into the roll he plays, and shifting all of his essence patterns to match by effort of will, the solar who abandons his former life may take up a new one. Mechanically, this charm allows the solar to permanantly change their face and body, changeing race (within human), Build, voice, and even gender to match that of a new identity. This may affect the solar's physical abilities (Str, dex, sta and APP), but may shift no more than 1 ability point per point of the solar's essence, and does not allow the solar to gain superhuman abilities; For instance, it might allow a beautifull cortesian to become a brutall, powerfull warrior at the cost of her appearance, or vice versa. The re-arrangement is permanant, as is the change in race or gender. If the solar later wishes to return to his old identity, or assume a new one, he will be forced to purchase Becomeing the Other again. Becomeing the other takes 10-the solar's Essence weeks to fully take effect, durring which time the Solar must be disguised as his new roll at all times when in public.


The world's natural lord and master

Cost: NA
Duration: permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Presence: 5
Minimum essence: 3
Prerequisite charms:  Majestic Radient Presence

A Solar master of this charm radiates, without any effort, the aura of a born leader. Those of less essence than his will unconciously look to the solar for advice, orders, help, and succor, without any roll being necessary. This does not force those who attack him to surrender and join him, but if there is any possible cause in the situation for them to trust and follow the Solar, they will; For example, if a Wyld hunt comes upon the solar, this charm is of no help - but if their battle is interrupted by an incursion of the Fae, and the Solar bellows battle orders to turn the combat against the invaders, even Dragon Bloods will turn from their attack on the solar to combat the Enemies of creation, and follow his orders without question - at least untill the end of the encounter. With other presence or social charms in addition to The Worlds Natural Lord and master it is entirely possible for a Zenith to transform a Wyld hunt sent to slaughter him into a band of loyal followers - and it is for this reason that such bands are historically lead or supported by Sideral exalts; Celestial exalts of all kinds are allowed a conviction roll to resist this charm.

Face of the Anethema

Cost: NA
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Presence: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite charms: Terrifying apparation of glory

A Solar who has been branded 'Anethema' may embrace it, and amoungst those who do, this charm is not uncommon. In face, manner, guise and simple emotional aura, the solar radiates 'monster-god' to all he encounters. In effect, the Solar adds automatic intimidation dice equal to his permanant essence to -all- reaction checks. This does not necessarily reveal him as an anethema instantly - so long as his caste mark does not show, observers will simply be striken by the terrible, explosive violence that lurks in his presence. The instant his caste mark is shown, however, all who observe him will be struck by the knowledge that an Anethema is present, in the fullness of his power and terrible glory, and react accordingly - the intimidation dice are concidered to be automatic successes if the solar is at any level of visible anima display.


Skin of Bronze

Cost: NA
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum resistance: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Iron Skin Concentration

A Solars god-body was created with battleing the primordials in mind, and nowhere is it more appearent than with this charm. When Skin of Bronze is taken, it adds his essence to his Bashing and leathal soak, half his essence to soak agrivated damage, and 1 to his hardness. This charm may be taken no more times than the Solar's Essence or resistance -2, whichever is lower, and adds 2 to every soak catagory, and one to his hardness, each time it is taken after the first. Soak provided by Skin of Bronze does not count against the maximum soak provided by other charms.

Acquired Immunity Technique

Cost: NA
Duration: permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Resistance: 1
Minimum essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: none

What lays a solar low once may not do so a second time. By takeing this charm the solar becomes immune, without needing to roll, to a number of mundane poisons or diseases equal to his permanent essence, or to a single supernatural disease or poison, such as the Contigon, or the venom created by the essence fangs and scales technique. The solar must have encountered the disease/poison in order to become immune, although he need not have actually contracted it. This charm may be taken a maximum number of times equal to his resistance score. Acquired Immunity technique explicitly does allow the solar to acquire imunity to (individual) charms in the Citrine Poxes of contigon tree, and the defense it confers on the solar is a perfect effect.


Scent of the Beastmaster

Cost: NA
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Survival: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Bestial Traits technique

The Master of Animals acquires a aura that will calm even savage beasts without the slightest effort. By takeing this charm the character enjoys the permanent effects of Friendship with Animals approach. Further, the base charm is enhanced, and the character can now spend 3 motes to calm even those animals trained to attack or driven insane by hunger, disease or thirst, although this will not calm animals controlled by sorcery or other charms.

Lord of the (terrain) Attitude

Cost: NA
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Survival 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite charms: Element Resisting Prana

The Lord of the Desert takes no hardship from living in his home, nor does the lord of the Glacier from his. By takeing this charm, the Exalt adapts his body permanently to the elemental hardships of one terrain or setting: Deserts, Tundra, Glaciers, tropical forests, plains, forests etc. Thereafter, the exalt takes no damage from environmental effects native to that climate or locale. The exalt may be a Lord of no more Climates than his permanent essence.


Precision of the Master Craftsman

Cost: NA
Duration: Permanent
Type:  Special
Minimum Craft:  5
Minimum Essence:  2
Prerequisite charms:  Flawless Handiwork Method

A master of his craft can accomplish staggaringly precise works flawlessly, doing with casual grace what another must push himself to the limit to accomplish. Mechanically, this reduces the difficulty of all crafts rolls by 2.

Lord of the art

Cost: NA
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Craft: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite charms: Crack Mending Technique

A master of this charm has taken his craft too and beyond the limits of mortal and immortal understanding. If presented with an example of his craft, he can immediately tell it's every function; A swordsmith would know all of the hidden powers of a daiklaive allong with it's age, a potter would know who had thrown the pot, and what clay was used, and how it was constructed. Objects constructed through charms, or with the aid of charms or Glamour are immediately obvious, and even a casual acquaintence with the item's creator allows the master craftsman to know his identity; Even without this, his reigon of birth and general nature (Human, exalt of what caste, spirit or fae of what element etc) is instantly obvious.


Unceaseing vigillance of the Great Detective

Cost: NA
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Investigation: 5
Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: Ten Magistrates Eyes

Those who devote their lives to uncovering mysteries notice more of the world than the rest of humanity; Allways alert and ever vigiallant, the Solar notices all details of those he meets without the need to appear to study them. Mechanically, the Solar is allowed to roll perception + Investigation every time he meets a character, with successes gleaning, in order of least to best success: Their true height and weight, how they came to arrive in the solar's presence, appoximately what they have been doing in the last (essence x Investigation) hours - as accurately as to know if they have been working hard or fighting, approximate birth place, social rank, weather or not they are concealing anything - items or intentions, their state of exaltation (None, mortal essence channeler, DB, Fae, Celestial Exalt), and their approximate intentions. The Unceaseing Vigillance of the Great Detecitve increases the difficulty of stealth and supprise rolls against him by 2. OOCLY: This charm effectively turns the character into Sherlock Holmes, able to learn astonishingly much about anyone they meet with a single look.

All Seeing Eyes of the Sun

Cost: NA
Duration: Permanant
Type: Special
Minimum Investigation: 5
Minimum essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: None

A Solar invesigator misses little - and as they age they miss less and less. With this charm, the Solar sees evidence beyond that left by merely physical acts; He is able to see the residue of unleashed essence. An Investigation roll with a difficulty of the charm weilder's permanent essence may allow him to determine both the presence of residue and what manner of charm was used in an area, although this is to a very general degree -Eg, with one success over the difficulty, the ability could tell only if it were an exalt charm, a spirit charm, or sorcery, while with 3 successes over the minimum he could tell what ability the charm was tied to. 5 successes over the difficulty of the roll will allow him to determine the charm's general effect, or exactally which charm was used, if it is one the exalt knows or is intimately familliar with.

The Evidence left by unleashed essence fades quickly - takeing only 1 hour per mote of the effect to blur to the point where only the fact that essence was used can be told, a mark which lasts 1 day per point of the invoker's permanent essence, pluss 1 day per ten motes spent in the strongest effect used. The marks left by sorcery last longer - Terestrial circle spells leave marks that last weeks for each five motes spent, celestial circle spells last months for each five motes spent, and Solar Circle spells mark the fabric of creation for decades, such signs lasting 1 year per mote spent in the solar circle spell, pluss 5 years per point of the caster's permanant essence.

The difficulty to detect charms cast from personal essence increases by 1, and those cast by the night caste by another 2.

(I'm not really happy with this charm; Well, I am, but I'm not happy with it as a permanent charm. I will probably re-arrange the prereques, make it sceenelong or instant, and give it an essence cost, when I come up with something else.)


Eternal Spark Library

Cost: NA
Duration: Permanant
Type: Simple
Minimum Lore: 3
Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite charms: None

The Lore of the first age calls out to solars in their fragmentary past life memories, and most are facinated by this. The Eternal Spark Library charm is the Solar's art of retreiving those memories in an orderly fashion, rather than as fragmentary bits of memory. Each time Eternal Spark Library is taken, the Solar recalls in full one of his past lives. This may or may not flavor his personality in this one - much depends on how the Solar treats these memories, as stories told to him, or as real events that happend to himself. (Players choice).

This does not grant the character any skills or abilities of his past incarnation - he has, after all, never practiced such skills in *this* life - but does allow him to learn such skills with 1/4 normal training times and no need for a teacher (xp costs still apply).

The main advantage of the charm is that the character has normal memory of his past life, and so will understand many lost things about the way the world once was. He may roll Int+Lore to recall the first age nature of a place or item at will; One success will recall the lay of the land of an area, or recall memories about a personally owned item in the first age, while three or more will be necessary to remember details of other exalts items or secreet paths and hidden fortress locations, provided the character's previous incarnation even knew such things.

Failures indicate he remebers nothing, a botch indicateing he misremembers something - this charm in no way confers total or perfect recall. If the character has some other form of perfect recall it also applies to his past life memories. A solar may open no more Eternal Spark Libraries than his Lore skill.

(charm) essence reflex

Cost: Special
Duration: permanant
Type: Special
Minimum Lore: 1
Minimum essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: Charm enhanced

A Solar is the master of the strongest kind of essence creation has ever seen; Properly trained, there is almost literally noting they may not do. A Solar Master may even do such amazeing things by reflex. By conditioning himself to use a specific reflexive/instant charm almost automatically over a long period, the solar gains the ability to invoke this charm in addition to any other essence expenditure. This mimics the dragonblooded ability to invoke multiple reflexive charms in a round, but applies to only one charm each time (Charm) essence reflex is taken. A Solar may develope no more (charm) essence Reflexes than his lore skill.


Physician Needs No Care

Duation: Permanant
Type: Special
Minimum Medicine: 3
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charm: Body Mending Meditation

By constantly practiceing a lower level of the healing trance and controlling his breathing properly, the Exalted healer may encourage his body to heal even under exertion. He is allways concidered to be resting for the purpose of natural healing, and further halves all healing times.

Surgeons Deadly Hands

Duration:  permanant
Type:  Special
Minimum Medicne: 4
Minimum essence: 1
Prerequisite charms: none

The Solar master of medicine knows how the body works, intimately and deeply, so as to be better able to heal it. A Solar possesing the right turn of mind, however, can channel this knowledge into takeing bodies appart just as readily. The Solar adds his medicine to his barehanded bashing damage and half his medicine to all other damage against living beings. He may also choose, without needing to roll, not to inflict more than a certain amount of damage, and if fighting barehanded, may choose to do leathal damage by striking vital pressurepoints - if doing lethal damage in this manner, he does not add his strength to the damage, and base damage will be equal to half his medicine score. '


Inner Essence Mastery

Duration: Permanant
Type: Special
Minimum Occult: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite charms: None.

Solars who plumb the secrets of magic must also plumb the secrets of their own inner essence. This charm represents the strength that may be found there. BY deliberately pushing himself repeatedly to the limit of his personal and peripheral essence expenditure, and embarking on vision quests to unlock the full potential of his subconcious mind, the exalt expands his personal essence pool slightly. He adds his Limit Virtue to his personal essence pool as well as his peripheral essence pool.