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A fae can summon Maranuk using a blue-black pearl containing the grain of crystal sand that is her essence. When summoned, Maranuk swirls out of her pearl in a swoosh of wind and materializes as an opaque, blue-black tornado about 40 feet in diameter and perhaps half a mile in height. (Not recommended to summon Maranuk indoors) Its blue-black winds are filled with swirling knives of glass, and purple lightning crackles in between the glass shards, giving the whirlwind a constant glow of energy.

The tornado is both the weapon and armor of the small being that lives inside its circumference--Maranuk herself. Maranuk is a rather adorable looking composite creature, about one meter long. She has the body and face of a seal, with the antlers of a deer, and small wings of a dove. She is rather agile as she swims through the air and she uses her seal tail as a sort of rudder. She wears a crown of glass and bluish-white pearls and has a haughty, intelligent look to her face. Maranuk floats around inside of her tornado and has complete control over it.


Attributes\\ Strength 2, Dexterity 5, Stamina 2, Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4, Perception 5, Intelligence 4, Wits 5

Virtues\\ Compassion 3, Conviction 3, Temperance 2, Valor 1

Abilities\\ Awareness 5, Dodge 5, Endurance 3, Performance 4, Presence 5 (Cute), Thrown 7

Base Initiative: 10\\ Dodge Pool: 10\\ Soak: 1L/2B (19L/21B through Chaos Tornado)\\ Willpower: 6\\ Health Levels: -0(1) / -1(2) / -2(2) / -4 / Incap


  • Whirlwind Shard: Speed 20 Accuracy 14 Damage 5L Defense 14
  • Wind Dagger: Speed 15 Accuracy 14 Damage 5L (Rate 7, Range 10 yards)

Other Notes

Essence: 3\\ Essence Pool: 30\\ Charms: EyesOfConfusion\\ Maranuk costs 30 motes and 1 willpower to summon. She materializes the following turn on her initiative.

Maranuk can reflexively move her position, along with the tornado, at a rate of about 5 yards per turn. The tornado, in addition to providing her with armor, also automatically subtracts 10 successes from any ranged attacks shot through it. Maranuk can choose to parry any ranged attack through her tornado by using the defense rating of her "Whirlwind Shard" attack. The tornado is technically armor and cannot be penetrated using archery charms that ignore elemental winds--the tornado is made out of chaos, not elements.

Maranuk's attack "Wing Dagger" is essentially a glass shard that is shot out at a character standing outside the whirlwind.

It is highly unlikely that Maranuk can be defeated by shooting through her tornado. Characters can therefore attempt to walk through the winds of the tornado. This takes three full turns (unless a stunt is used). Maranuk gets a free “Whirlwind Shard” attack against each character, per turn, in addition to any other attacks she wants to use, when they are inside the winds. Characters must make a stamina + endurance roll each turn to avoid being swept off their feet; if they fail, they can no longer dodge attacks; if they botch, they can neither parry or dodge. Characters who succeed can dodge and parry normally.

Once a character reaches the inside of the tornado, Maranuk panics and flies around defensively, and possibly uses her charm EyesOfConfusion. The inside hollow is about 15 feet in diameter. She can still attack using Wind Dagger, and she will probably try to reflexively reposition the tornado between her and the characters. If she moves the tornado, a character must roll Dex+Dodge/Athletics at a difficulty of 2 to stay inside the circumference (this is an action but it can be split between others in the round).

When her health levels are depleted, Maranuk seems to glide down in midair, the tornado's winds dissipate, and her body evaporates in a swirling cloud and returns into her summoning pearl.

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