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Lunar Survival and Healing Charms by CrownedSun

Survival and Healing I (Adaptation and Survival Charms)

Fire-Starting Prana

 Cost: 1 mote
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Intelligence: 1
 Minimum Essence: 1
 Prerequisite Charms: None

In the deepest Wilderness, often all that stands between a frosty grave and safety is a warm fire. This charm allows the Lunar to make such a fire, with safety and longevity assured, regardless of the local conditions or the lack of proper tools to do so. All the Lunar needs is a stick and a bit of string or maybe a bit of flint and a few stray stones, and a tiny bit of patience, along with something to burn. In normal circumstances the use of this charm is automatic (difficulty 0), but in particularly poor conditions (all the wood is wet, or it's raining), the Lunar might be required to make a Intelligence + Survival roll. Even a single success creates a fire in even the worst conditions. In addition, the Lunar can make the roll anyway in order to achieve additional effects. Each effect he wishes to achieve increases the difficulty by 1.

  • Bright-Burning: The fire burns quite brightly, shedding over twice as much light as it might normally, and providing more than enough illumination to read or perform other important activities in the night. It might make it a bit hard to sleep, however. This trait is not compatible with Low.
  • Long-Lasting: This fire burns throughout the entire night, without any further assistance from the Lunar, the fuel burning efficiently and slowly though with no less warmth or shed light. No one needs to worry about adding more wood to the fire, or even stay awake at all.
  • Warm: The fire burns very hot, easily able to boil water or cook food, and sheds it's heat very well -- able to keep a fairly large area warm. This power is even proof against particularly severe enviromental effects, and will keep even someone in the deepest North comfortable warm.
  • Low: This fire is extremely low burning and difficult to spot, though it burns just as long as normal and is just as warm as a normal fire. Anyone making a Perception + Awareness roll to note the fire adds the Lunar's Essence to the roll. This trait is not compatible with Bright-Burning.

This charm mostly works on campfires, but it can be used on torches and other fires that the Lunar has to light for an additional mote and +1 difficulty on the roll.

Survival and Healing II (Instinct and Beast-Trait Charms)

Wolf Engorgement Method

 Cost: 4 motes
 Duration: One scene
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Manipulation: 3
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms:  Beast Instinct Method

The Lunar makes slight alterations to his stomach and digestive track, allowing him to gorge himself on great amounts of food. This charm also increases his ability to digest this food, letting him consume nearly anything even remotely edible with almost perfect efficiency. The Lunar can consume an entire ox, bones and all, leaving nothing behind -- his body will process all of the nutrients, marshalling it out carefully, allowing the Lunar to go for greater periods of time after he's gorged himself.

The exact effects of this charm are up to the storyteller, but they allow the character to survive in relatively barren conditions for long amounts of time -- especially if he can manage to eat something every few days. The motes for this charm have to be committed for about a scene for the essence-enhanced digestion to complete itself -- after the duration is complete, the effect is completely natural and you have a often plump and very well-fed Lunar until such time as he needs to eat again.

The Lunar needs to physically be able to eat the food for this charm to function, either whole or in bites. While this charm lets a Lunar eat more than he normally could, it doesn't let him (for example) guzzle down an entire Mammoth.

Python Jaw Technique

 Cost: 5 motes
 Duration: One day
 Type: Varies
 Minimum Manipulation: 4
 Minimum Essence: 3
 Prerequisite Charms:  Wolf Engorgement Method, Shaping the Ideal Form

The Lunar alters the shape and function of his jaw, making his throat and mouth capable of engulfing nearly anything and then swallowing it whole. Dead body you need to get rid of? He won’t even have to make a meal of it; just one quick gulp. Nor is this charm limited by Reasons; some Lunars have been known to swallow Mammoths, though typically not live ones. Anything much larger in size is typically impossible to swallow.

How long it takes the Lunar to swallow an object depends on relative size. A much smaller target can be swallowed as a Reflexive action, while anything about the same size as the Lunar himself requires a Simple action. Anything that is significantly larger than the Lunar, up to the size of a very large dinosaur, takes 5 or six turns of uninterrupted action. This charm otherwise has all the effects of Wolf Engorgement Method in terms of digestion and other effects.

It is generally not advisable to attempt to swallow something in combat, and is only possible if the charm can be used as a Simple or Reflexive action. In all cases, the Lunar must have first entered into a Clinch with the target. He may then, on a successful clinch attack, choose to activate this charm instead of inflicting damage. While this is generally the end of the battle against extras and non-heroic individuals, others have a chance to escape.

If the subject is wearing any armor, he can survive in the Lunar’s gullet for one turn per point of Lethal Soak that the armor provides. After that time runs out, the character starts to take the Lunar’s Essence in automatic lethal damage levels per turn. This is soaked only by the character’s natural stamina, to a minimum of 1 level per turn A subject being digested can take actions as normal, but is at -3 to all actions (unless it was a reflexive action to swallow him). The Lunar does not receive any soak except from natural Stamina, including any charm-based soak or gift-based natural armor, against attacks coming from his own stomach. Digest at your own risk!