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Undertow's Invisible Grasp</b>

<b>Cost: 5 motes, 1 willpower\\
Duration: One Turn\\
Type: Simple\\
Caste: Subtle Undercurrent\\
Min Essence: 3\\
Prereqs: TreadingAir

The fae makes a gesture with her hand and her opponent's feet are suddenly lifted off the ground She takes control of his movements, as if her opponent were caught in an invisible undertow in the air. Her opponent still has complete control of his body and its articulation; his body's position, on the other hand, is now determined by the fae using this charm. The opponent can still parry attacks but cannot dodge (The fae can move him through the air in an effective dodge, though.) Unless the fae moves him within attacking range of another character he can only make ranged attacks, and at a -3 penalty. The fae's telekinetic control lasts from her initiative until the end of the turn. She can only move someone through the air at the relative speed of a fast undercurrent. For an extra 3 motes the fae can toss the opponent at the end of her telekinesis causing an appropriate amount of bashing damage. Otherwise they just drop onto the ground. If someone attacks the controlling fae while she is using this charm, she loses control and drops her victim unceremoniously.

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