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From Darkness, Love - part 3

In which an old acquaintance is dealt with, lost love is recovered, and perspectives are forever changed...

== The 8th Day of Descending Wood, Realm Year 763

Sian draws a trio of javelin with an unmistakably deadly sound, like ice sliding over a hot knife. He advances slowly, giving the figure time to turn and see.

The figure stands, rising up at the sound, its face concealed by the heavy robes it wears. Two crimson lights sparkle inside the hood and a smile, shockingly white, appears suddenly as it speaks, with a voice dreadfully familiar, a rasping voice that plays over Sian's nerves, "Ah, Nerivus. How wonderful to see you again."

"I had better remedy that." A lightning-fast flick, and two of the javelins go flying towards those taunting red eyes.

Just as fast, the creature's long arms flick out, claws deflecting the worst of the Sian's sudden attacks, but not enough for one of the javelins, which arrows straight into the creature's left eye. The scream that resounds from it is shockingly high-pitched, and the thing on the table shakes in response. Howling with rage, it rips the javelin from its eye, black ichor dripping from the weapon and rushes forwards to attack, all pretence at civility gone. Its claws rake down Sian's side, tearing into flesh and skating over bone.

Sian grunts at the flash of pain down his side, but works with it, grabbing the thing's wrist and stabbing into the arm with his remaining javelin. He yanks it forward viciously, pulling the frozen weapon through undead flesh. The creature's flesh parts around Sian's weapon, sliding horribly around it and leaving him in a position to counter-attack, claws now primed with the young Exalt's blood.

Fortunately for Sian, his armour withstands the attack once more, although the sounds of claws on metal set his teeth on edge. Sian grates his teeth together, yes, and shoves the thing away as he has his previous enemies, following up with another hastily-thrown weapon.

The black spirit, leans against the wall, its one good eye glowing balefully as it stares at Sian. "This will achieve nothing, Terrestrial!" it hisses, "You are already too late!"

"Regardless, I will take her back, no matter her state." He remains expressionless, but for a mild look of distaste.

"Your doxy?" it laughs, a high-pitched bitter sound, "You understand nothing!" It kicks the table holding its victim, flipping both at Sian, and then leaping for the opening in the ceiling that passes for a skylight.

Sian flings another pair of javelin at it, trying not to let it escape.

The first spear misses cleanly, but the second strikes sure, pinning the creature to the stone roof, before its black body slides down onto the floor, a slick grey ichor oozing from the massive wound in its chest.

The spirit groans in pain and, rising to its feet once more, executes a short bow to Sian, "You have won this day, Sian Nerivus of Whitewall," it coughs. "I surrender to you."

Sian says nothing, rising from his crouch (where he moved to avoid the table). He starts to silently gather up his weapons, leaving the thing to wait.

The creature waits, presumably holding its chest as the stream of ichor has slowed to a trickle. The torture victim, or what's left of him, stirs suddenly, his one good eye fixed on Sian and his tongue flapping where his lower jaw should be.

Sian holds his last javelin carefully, trying to find a place to strike as he offers a prayer to the Dragons. He finds one after a moment of searching, and stabs down precisely. The ruined remnants of the body jerk once, and then rest.

Sian cleans the weapon with the edge of his shirt, and turns back, moving over to the tube and gazing at the catgirl within. "Get her out."

The creature shuffles across the floor and operates some controls on the side of the tube. A light shines from underneath, and the green fluid filling it empties out into some unseen storage tank, leaving Aia crumpled at the base. A moment later the front of the tube moves slightly as, with a click, it opens.

Sian resists the urge to touch her, instead motioning the creature back against the wall. It obeys, a rasping sound coming from its mouth as it shuffles over.

Sian continues to look at it with a mild expression for a moment, before it changes to one of violent anger, and with a shout he lifts the javelin-studded sheath over his shoulder and slams it down into the creature, again and again.

The thing reels under the assault, its body coming apart beneath repeated blows, slick grey fluid spattering over Sian. Eventually its ruined form lies on the ground, mere fragments remaining and yet it tries to speak, a low, rasping sound coming from it. "You. Haven't. Won. The. Dragons. Will. Turn." With that last word, the few pieces of its black body that remain dissolve into the slick ichor.

Sian stabs the last dissolving fragments a last time, then yells at it savagely. "I don't care! Just leave me alone!"

A low moaning sound comes from the tube, a keening that rapidly escalates to a full-blown scream, as Aia, now conscious, reacts the only way she can. Sian drops the sheath, now shaky from exertion, but he moves over to her and tries to calm her down, wiping away the green fluid from her face. "Aia! Aia, it's me..."

Still screaming, the sound hard and raw, she blinks painfully and turns to face Sian. Suddenly crying she wails, "Sian! Oh Sian, I thought you'd left me!" and holds him tightly.

Sian falls back heavily, just hugging her as hard as he dares, unable to say anything. She cries into Sian's shoulder, saying over and over, "I thought you'd left me!" and rocking back and forth.

"I haven't... not ever..." He shhs her, stroking her ears gently.

"Oh, Sian..." she cries, "I'd given up hope after..." she lifts her head up suddenly, her eyes wide with horror, "They took my baby!"

Sian is quite obviously concerned at this. "Y... Your baby?"

Aia nods hard, her eyes still wide, "M... our baby! She's gone!"

"She? Where did they take her?" He tries to focus a bit.

"I don't know!" she sobs, "They took her... out of me!"

Sian shivers in sympathy, and pulls her back in for another tight hug. "We'll find her. I promise."

"Oh, Sian..." she whispers, "How will we find her?"

"I have ways, don't worry. But for now, we need to get you out of here, and cleaned up." He himself is not worried about the goo, far too happy to have her back to care.

From far below comes a muffled cracking sound, as if thunder could strike deep underground. This is followed by a second, much louder and from above, and thin streams of dust begin to fall from the ceiling. Sian looks up at it worriedly, then stands, still carrying her. "Just hold on, okay?"

"Uh-huh..." she nods, still wild-eyed.

A crack appears in the stone above, a crack that spreads, reach across the ceiling in moments, dust and gravel now falling from above.

Sian grips her tighter, and starts off at a brisk pace, trying not to panic. The place may be collapsing, but breaking his neck on the stairs is just as stupid a way to die as being crushed.

Down the stairs and into the laboratory below, barely avoiding the vast hole that now exists where the floor did, a black stain spreading out at its edges, consuming stone, metal and dead flesh with equal facility. Sian works his way around it quickly, whispering reassurance to the girl in his arms.

Further down, into the archway below the Manse, Sian sees the walking dead that once patrolled the grounds now wandering aimlessly. A loud hum fills the dark-haze-filled air, and suddenly a blast of black lightning shoots from the upper structure and annihilates one of the zombies.

A large chunk of stone falls suddenly from above, cracking out of the walls and landing mere feet away from Sian (luckily squashing several zombies very, very flat). Losing integrity fast, more stones fall, and blasts of lightning scour the courtyard.

Running for his and Aia's life, Sian runs across the courtyard, straight for the bronze gate that barred his entrance previously. A bare ten feet from it another stroke of lightning lances out, striking the gates and exploding them outwards in a million shards of metal and leaving his path clear.

Sian ducks his head to avoid the blast of metal, sprinting through the jagged opening and towards the open cave. The rest of his journey is a blur, sprinting up the stairs while carrying the only-just-conscious Aia and bursting out through the doors just as a horrible, bone-shuddering creak comes from behind him. Every light in the cellar dims suddenly, as if they were being sucked dry by something.

Sian leans back against the wall, holding Aia closer than ever.

Heralded by a silence that seems eternal, a cloud of black flame gouts out of the tunnel, slicing through the house above, and shattering it seconds later with the blastwave and sending wreckage spewing out into Ashok-Tar. Pieces of stone and shards of wood rain down onto Sian as he covers Aia with his own body, the noiseless explosion leaving them in the open basement of a non-existent house.

Sian opens his eyes after a moment, checking that no more is forthcoming, then sits up carefully. "Aia? You okay?"

She coughs, her face and body covered with dust and goo, "Yeah, I think." She looks up at Sian, "Thank you," and kisses him softly.

Sian responds in kind. "I'm sorry I didn't come sooner."

"It's OK, Sian," she smiles weakly, "You're here now," then she starts crying again.

Sian gathers her up into a hug again, letting her cry herself out.

A trickle of stones from above heralds the arrival of the soldiers of Ashok-Tar, peering down into the wreckage of what had been a prestigious house.

Sian waves slightly to them, rising to his feet carefully.

"What..." one of them begins, "What happened here?"

"Lots of things. I'll explain it all to your king later. Do you have some place I could take her?" He indicates the exhausted girl.

"I... I think we can find somewhere."

"Thanks." He holds her with one hand, using the other to lower his pack to the ground and search through it for a blanket to wrap her with.

Aia huddles into the blanket and looks around, her eyes widening as she realises that, apart from herself and Sian, everyone else around is dead.

Sian reassures her, "Don't worry. They're on our side. I hope."

"If you say so," she slowly reaches up to one of the soldiers who grabs her hand and hauls her up, "We'll look after her."

Sian looks at her worriedly. "I'll be back as soon as I can, okay? Nothing's going to happen to you."

"Mhmm..." she looks around nervously as one of the soldiers leads her away.

Sian immediately starts towards the Hollow King's palace, not wanting to waste any time.

The palace is where it was before, and just as large. The gates swing open as Sian approaches, and within the tall figure of the Hollow King awaits. "I have heard that your quest was successful, albeit not without cost to my city."

"I doubt you would want what I destroyed in your city, my lord."

"And what was that, exactly?"

"A necromantic lab. A rather unpleasant one."

"I see. Was it necessary to destroy it?"

"I didn't. I have no idea what happened, but as soon as I had found my companion, it started to collapse.

"What was it? That explosion was extremely powerful."

"A Manse, I presume. Certainly felt like one."

"I see... this causes problems for my city."

"I'm sorry for any trouble I may have caused, but I cannot undo what has happened."

"I understand. I am not sure that the Deathlords will be so forgiving."

Sian nods slightly. "If you should need my help, I can return. I doubt you have much contact with the outside world, though."

"With the world of the living, you mean?" he chuckles hollowly, "Very little. You are the first visitor we have had from Creation for several years. But the Deathlords and their emissaries are a different matter."

"What do they have to do with this city?" He looks faintly curious.

"They are the Deathlords. Their goals are inscrutable. But we must treat with them when they present themselves at our gate, for to do otherwise would be foolhardy. Marama's Fell is not within the bounds of any Deathlord's territory, but neither is it beyond their influence."

"Mmm. I can imagine." He shakes his head somewhat. "If that is all?"

"The sun approaches the sky once more. We will soon fade until nightfall," the Hollow King turns and walks away, "Your woman is being kept in a house by the gate."

"Thank you. And if you do need me, a message sent to either Whitewall or Tideholme will find me sooner or later."

The Hollow King leaves, walking into the depths of the palace, the gates closing behind him and leaving Sian standing outside with only a city full of ghosts and the lightening sky for company.

Sian naturally starts off towards the gates, and Aia.

The eastern sky lightens slowly as the sun begins its day-long journey across the heavens, and Sian jogs down the streets of the ghost-city of Ashok-Tar to retrieve his long-lost (and recently-found) assistant/lover before the two of them begin the long and potentially arduous journey out of Marama's Fell.

<Sian> Indeed. He has no idea how they're going to manage that, but at the moment, is far more concerned with making sure Aia is okay.

A blindingly white light appears at the horizon as the sun appears, reflecting painfully off the white stone of the city and filling it with a mixture of harsh light and equally harsh shadows. A number of ghosts before Sian just fade as the sunlight strikes them, spreading like a wave as the sun rises.

Sian lifts a hand to shield his eyes, watching from beneath it as the ghosts melt away. He finds the building described by the Hollow King and enters to see Aia dressed (albeit in somewhat archaic fashion), lying on a bed, weeping, her head buried in her arms.

Sian closes the door quietly behind him, and wanders over to sit on the bed next to her, lifting her up to sit on his lap and leaning her head against his chest. He just holds her silently, unable to do anything but be there for her.

"Oh Sian," she cries, "What are we going to do? They took our baby!"

"We'll figure out something. I promise." He squeezes her gently.

"But what?" Aia wails, "I don't know what to do!" She buries her head in Sian's chest, drenching it with her tears

"Shhh... it'll be okay. You don't have to, I will. You just need to rest for a bit... you've been through a lot." He strokes her hair slowly.

Aia clutches herself to Sian's chest as she continues to dry, great heaving sobs that wrack her body. Occasionally she stops, only to hold her stomach and start over again.

Sian continues to reassure her as best he can, feeling awful that he can't do more. She stops sobbing eventually, crying herself to sleep against his chest as the sun rises higher into the sky. He works his way around onto his back, flicking a blanket up over them for some warmth. He obviously isn't going to be able to sleep.

The city of Ashok-Tar is empty during the day, the only company Sian has is thus the cold North wind, howling around the bone-white buildings and Aia, cuddled against him, sleeping fitfully but deeply.

Sian can only lie back and think, occasionally stroking Aia's ears whenever the dreams get too bad. He thinks of a number of things; Aia's state, their general situation. But most of all, his daughter; the daughter that has seen neither of her parents, and is being held by the beings that Sian has always been taught to fear and hate.

Aia twitches suddenly, muttering, "No! ... Don't take her! ... Please, don't!" She curls up tightly against Sian, whispering, "Sian will come. He will come."

Sian feels even worse at that. And worse again, as he slowly realizes that they won't be able to stay here. They can't; they only have a few days worth of food as it is. But if he leaves, their daughter... he closes his eyes. They have to go. Somehow. If they stay, then they are all certainly dead or lost. If they leave, they at least have a chance of one day saving her.

The sun continues its journey across the heavens, leaving Sian alone with his thoughts in the ghost-city. Aia seems to have settled down now, sleeping more quietly against his side.

Sian's thoughts have cleared somewhat, but he is no happier about his decision, and he still worries a great deal for how Aia will react.

The sun rises to its zenith and then, inexplicably, time seems to freeze. Individual motes of shining in the beams of sunlight coming in through the windows become visible as tiny figures, each one dancing with the joy of existence. His gaze shifts sideways and where there was a wall he now sees, in this frozen moment, the Essence that makes up all of Creation, frozen into what everyone calls "matter."

This understanding goes deeper, and Sian notes with wonder that his own flesh and form are now as transparent as glass to his eyes - and deep within his core, in a place he never knew existed, resides a dragon. Black and green, writhing in a primal dance to the rhythm of life itself, it roars triumphantly, bellowing in its ancient language.

The frozen moment passes, and the world returns to its normal procession, the sun passing zenith and beginning the slow journey down to the Western horizon.

Aia suddenly sits up and screams, her eyes wide with terror, "Noooo! Don't take my baby!"

Sian takes a few moments to come fully out of this bizarre trance, sitting up with her and immediately giving her a tight hug. "Aia... it's okay. I'm here..."

Awareness returns to her as she blinks, looking around wild-eyed, "Oh. Oh, Sian," she sighs, "What are we going to do?"

Sian sighs a little himself, tugging the blanket back over them and wrapping her in his arms again. "I'm not sure... I'm sorry, Aia."

Aia snuggles against Sian, "I'm sure you'll think of something."

"Mm... but, it will have to be later." He rolls onto his side, and looks at her seriously.

"What do you mean?"

Sian closes his eyes for a moment. "We only have enough food for another three days. I can probably hunt on the trip, but shadowland game is sparse, and what is there is usually skinny. I'm not sure if we can even make it, but if we stay around here, we definitely won't." He looks at her, very much hurting from having to tell her this. "We can't stay to look for our child, Aia, or we'll all die."

"What? NO! Sian, no! We can't... we have to find her! Who knows what they're doing to her? We have to!"

"Aia. I'm sorry, but we can't." He shakes his head. "If we stay, we'll die, and we can't help her. But if we go, we can come back with friends, and have a much better chance of finding her. They wanted her for something, so they'll keep her alive until then."

Aia cries again, "This is our daughter! Yours and mine!" She looks at Sian and, for the first time, he sees her angry, "We can't leave her here! We can't..." She breaks down into uncontrollable sobbing once more.

Sian holds her close; all he can do. He speaks quietly. "I understand if you hate me, but this hurts me as much as it does you. But we have to, Aia. I'm sorry."

"But why? Why did they take her?" she looks at Sian, her eyes pleading, "Please. We can't."

Sian feels his heart wrench in his chest at that. "I don't know. But we have to. There's no other way." He sits up slowly, and shakes his head.


"I'm sorry." He turns away from her, and starts to ready his gear. "I can find someone for you to stay with when we get back, if you want. I'm sure my mother would be glad to have you."

"I don't want you to go away, Sian. Not when we're just together again. But I don't want to leave our daughter, either!" She cries, eyes staying dry despite her sobs, "I... I..."

  • Sian sighs, and turns back, bringing her into his embrace again. "We will find her, Aia. I swear on everything I've ever held dear, that I will find her."

"You promise?"

"I promise. I will find her, and I will protect you both."

Aia sniffs, wiping her eyes, "I trust you, Sian. If you say we have to go..." She gets up from the bed, "I just can't help thinking about her. Where is she? What are they doing to her?"

"I don't know. But if they hurt her, they will have it back tenfold." He stands, and gives her a light kiss. "There's a jacket for you in the pack, if you're cold."

"Thanks, but these clothes are quite warm," she gestures to the ancient dress and tunic she's wearing. "I wonder where they got them from?"

"Not sure. Probably made them... I don't imagine they have much to do around here." He stretches slightly, then grimaces, feeling odd. "Aia... do I look different to you, at all? Seem different?"

Aia blinks, "What do you mean?"

"I don't know. I feel... odd." He scratches his head. "Had this weird dream... or at least, I thought it was a dream. But I still feel odd. Different. More here, maybe."

"More... here?" Aia's brow furrows, "What happened in this dream?"

"Like... I could see things really clearly. Like it was all made of glass, or something. Saw how it all connected."

"Sounds like... no, it can't be..." she breathes, eyes wide, "Sorcery!"

"Sorcery?" He frowns in confusion. "Don't you have to learn that?"

"Yes, but sometimes... sometimes it is Creation that teaches you."

Sian looks even more confused. "So... I'm a sorceror now?"

"I don't know," Aia looks around, "Mother was occasionally visited by sorcerors, but she usually ordered me away. They... act different, though - like they've seen things others haven't."

"Hrm. Not sure I like the sound of that." He looks at his hand, as if he expects it to turn to glass again.

"If you have... 'self-initiated' is what I think it's called, then the only way to find out is to try it."

"Oh. Then... I guess I'd better. Maybe outside the walls, though."

"That's probably a good idea. If what I remember about sorcery is right, it's not subtle or quiet."

"Alright." And out they go! The plains outside the city of Ashok-Tar are as barren and empty as they were when Sian arrived, still largely covered with snow, but with greenery poking through in places as the height of summer approaches.

Sian looks around for an appropriately-sized area that is mostly clear of plants.

He experiments! And is rather surprised to discover that when he exerts his will in a certain fashion, the Essence around him responds in various odd ways. Mostly, it is random and confusing to him, but after a bit of testing he finds that he has the knowledge to force the Essence into a specific pattern; that of a ritual circle. He tests further, trying to discover if this does what he suspects.

After hours of testing, Sian discovers that yes, the circle does what he thinks it does. With a few neat twists of Essence, he ties the whole in place, and considers. A synethote is probably the best choice... he outlines the species and general temperament (hopefully calling one somewhat well-disposed towards him), before widening the circle and sending out the messenger of Essence.

The ground at the centre of the circle begins to boil, the grass waving and writhing around as if caught in a violent storm. Then green light gathers within, sinking into the ground and the blades of grass begin to lengthen. They extended, thickening and wrapping around each other, forming a large green mass that bucks and leaps. Eventually, it tears itself free of the ground, and begins to move, only to be brought up short by the walls of Sian's circle.

Sian is rather surprised it worked, all in all. But he holds the circle steady.

The elemental stands proudly in the centre of the circle, and a voice like the wind through grass sounds in Sian's mind, "Why have you called me?"

Sian draws himself up a bit. "I humbly request your help, synethote. As you can see, my companion and I are stranded here, with little hope of survival."

"And what does this help entail?"

"Passage out of this shadowland; food and water. That is all."

"This land is barren, and empty. I can hear it cry out in pain," the synethote 'paws' at the ground with some vines, "It will be a hard journey."

"I will reward you with whatever you desire, so long as it is reasonable."

"My price is that you take a seed, and plant at the centre of a circle of stones. It must be tended daily for a month. Only then will the bargain be completed."

"This I can do. My home city is in need of plants."

"Then the bargain is made?"

"It is."

The circles of light fades at that moment, and the synethote ripples across the ground towards Sian, leaving a trail of brown, rotting vines behind it, "Then the journey begins now."

Sian gestures to Aia. "Come on."

The synethote leaves a long trail of churned dirt and rapidly-rotting vines behind it, cutting a straight line across the cold dusty earth of Marama's Fell towards the coastal kingdom of Tideholme. Speed is difficult to judge, but while not fast the elemental doesn't seem to flag or tire, and Sian figures it at between 90 and 100 miles a day.

Low hills and shallow streams don't provide much of a barrier to the vine-horse's travel, and in a few short days - days that pass easily with the fruit that the elemental produces keeping Sian and Aia fed - the ruins of the city of Sentinel are visible and, behind them, the fortress city of Bulwark.

Sian has been mostly content to just sit with his arms around Aia, watching the countryside roll by. The sight of the cities up ahead is most welcome.

The giant statue that gives Sentinel its name watches wordlessly as the pair ride past it. Their journey out of the shadowland was not uneventful, but the few ghosts that tried to attack were soon left behind as the elemental picked up the pace for a few minutes. The walls of Bulwark, the city well-named, loom overhead as they approach.

Realising that entering Bulwark in his current state and on with his present means of transportation might not be the wisest course of action given the attitude of Bulwark's populace to things that come out of the Fell, Sian urges the synethote to turn right slightly, and aims instead for the city of Tideholme.

Sian smells Tideholme before he sees it, the scents of salt-water and rotting seaweed carrying well in the sea breeze. The Iceflower Palace is the first thing he sees of the city itself, its tall towers bringing forth memories of Asura.

Sian feels a brief moment of shame as he remembers the time he spent with Asura, given that he is holding his true lover in his arms. But he just squeezes her, and tries to forget about it. Tideholme's walls are, while not as towering and powerful as those of Bulwark, still quite imposing, and they form a barrier to his unrestricted entry into the city.

Sian dismounts some distance away, along with Aia, and turns to address the synethote. "I thank you for your service. Your task is done, and I shall fulfill my end of the bargain as soon as I return to Whitewall. Is that agreeable?"

The elemental replies, in its low rustling voice, "It is. Plant this seed," and with that it turns and leaves, heading East and leaving behind, in the rotting vegetation of its trail, a dark brown seed the size of a child's fist.

Sian picks it up and examines it for a moment, before placing the item in a pocket of his pack. He turns to Aia. "Ready?"

Aia nods slowly, "I think so," she looks around, "Why did we go here, and not to Whitewall?"

"I'm not quite ready to return there, yet. And I have friends here." He squeezes her lightly. "Nice warm bath waiting for you."

"Mmm..." Aia smiles slightly, "It's been too long since I had a bath. At least..." She bites her lip and starts anew, "Thank you."

Sian just tries to smile reassuringly. "Come on, then."

Aia nods again and walks into Tideholme with Sian. The city is largely unchanged compared to when he left a few weeks ago. The only major difference is the smell, stronger than previously in the warmer weather that heralds the short Northern summer.

Sian ignores the smell as best he can, and naturally leads them towards Descant's inn.

Descant greets Sian as he arrives, "Lord Nerivus," he smiles, "So good to see you and the young lady again. I'll have your usual room made up for you."

"Thank you, Descant." He lowers his pack to the floor, and helps Aia with hers.

The Hearth's Song is busier than previously, the warmer weather causing an influx of merchants and other travellers, and several people look curiously at Sian and Aia (more at the catgirl) as they move things around.

Sian almost unconsciously puts a protective arm around her, and starts to stare down those who look too long.

Eyes fall in short order, and Descant returns, "Your room is ready, my Lord. I've taken the liberty of running a bath for you already."

"Thanks." He hefts both packs, and nods to Aia to lead.

Aia heads upstairs and enters the rooms set aside, the smells of warm water and soap already filling the air, and large clouds of steam can be seen spilling out of the bathroom door. Aia smiles properly for the first time in days when she sees that.

Sian sneaks up behind her when he's set the packs down, giving her a kiss on the back of the neck. "In you get. I'll find us something warm to eat, okay?"

"Thank you," she smiles and heads into the bathroom. A minute or so later the sound of a naked catgirl sliding into hot water can be heard.

Sian does go to find them some food, as promised, along with some spiced wine. He brings it up after a few minutes, giving her time to relax.

Aia turns when she hears Sian return, smiling and covered with foam, "This is nice." She reaches out and touches Sian's nose, getting a small blob of foam on the end.

Sian just lifts an eyebrow, looking rather silly with the foam there. "Much nicer than being outside. Too cold."

"Much," Aia agrees. "I'm sorry if I've been quiet, Sian, I just can't help thinking about our..." she bites her lip again.

"Hey... it's okay." He kneels beside the tub, and reaches out to brush her cheek lightly. "I have been too, believe me."

"It's the not knowing that's hardest," she wipes her face, "But we had to go. You were right."

"I wish I wasn't, though." He tries to smile reassuringly again. "Care for some company?"

"Please," Aia nods, and moves back in the bath some.

Sian strips out of his clothes easily enough, sliding into the bath opposite her and placing the tray of food on a chair, within easy reach.