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= the mortal campaign =

This was a great, if not short lived game, with my mate Thealf as the ST. Him and I developed a brilliant form of mortal empowerment. It may seem simliar to Moxiane's MortalSorcery, but I assure you, we didnt even know it existed at the time. We based it around the spell system of the computer game World of Warcraft, but heavily modified it. Every player had to make up a character concept, and then devise a spell tree around it. I was the healer of the group. we decided to use combat healing spells, just to test it out.the spell worked something like- heals 1 health level instantly, and 1 hl per tick, for (roll occult + intel, sucsesses) ticks. I was the only one to use motes.

my friend was the distractor. he would distract the enemies, while the rest of us killed them. He designed a tree about stunning the enemies. His tree used stun points. he could spend a willpower and get a stun point whenever he needed, or he got one anyway for every tick he stunned someone. the two abilities in the tree that I can remember are;

  • one stun point
stuns the attacked enemy for two ticks. the attack must have dealt one health level.
  • Dirt in your eye

3 stun points simple instant stuns the enemy for 5 ticks.

the Final one was the Warrior type. He had beserk points. every time he dealt a health level, he gained a beserk point. His abilities involved hitting lots and lots of things with his 2 axes.

The actual story involved our village in the south east being pillaged by raiders. we would follow them all the way across the south and end up in bluehaven, fighting lots of pirates.