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Name: Seras Winterblood
Concept: Warrior-King
Motivation: To defend the nation of Springhome
Intimacies: My lovers, my Kingdom
Caste:Full Moon
Totem: Polar Bear


Strength 5 (+1 Natural Weaponry) Dexterity 5 Stamina 5
Charisma 5 Manipulation 2 Appearance 3
Perception 3 Intelligence 3 Wits 3


Athletics 5 Awareness 2 Bureaucracy 5 Dodge 5
Integrity 2 Linguistics 2 Lore 3 Martial Arts 5 (+3 Natural Weapons) Melee 5 Presence 3
Resistance 5 Survival 3 War 3


Allies 3
Allies 2
Artifact 4 (Moonsilver plate)
Artifact 4(Wings of the Raptor)
Backing 5
Followers 2
Heart's Blood 1
Reputation 1
Resources 4

Charms and Knacks


Deadly Beastman Transformation
Life of the Hummingbird
Terrifying Beastman Alteration
Towering Beast Form
Twin Faced Hero


Charisma Triumphant
Outworld Forsaking Stance
Rapid Speech Techinque


Dexterity Overwhelming
Dexterity Resurgent
Flawless Dexterity Focus
Flowing Body Evasion [Valor]
Golden Tiger Stance
Wary Swallow Method
Wind Dancing Method


Armor-Forming Techinque
Durable Battle Mind
Ox-Body Technique x3
Relentless Lunar Fury
Stone Rhino's Skin


Agitation of the Swarm
Claws of the Silver Moon
Ferocious Biting Tooth
Impressions of Strength (Birth of Flight, Ogre's Loving Caress)
Lightning Stroke Attack

COMBO: Inevitable Lunar Power! Lightning Stroke Attack + Impressions of Strength + First Dexterity Excellency + Flowing Body Evasion--10+ motes, 1 wp.

other important stuff

Join Battle, Debate, War: 5
Dodge DV: 8 Parry DV: See weapon statistics. MDDV: 7
Natural Soak 5/2(3), Armored Soak: 19B/15L/12A
Claws of the Silver Moon (for 8m, 1wp) Spd 5 18 Accuracy +11L 8PDV 3 Rate

Deadly Beastman Transformation

Strength 6, Dexterity 6, Stamina 6


Enhanced Smell
Enhanced Hearing
Air Adaptation
Thick Fur
Dragon's Breath (Ice shards--attacks with 11 dice and deals 11L damage)

other adjusted statistics

Dodge DV: 8
Claws of the Silver Moon (8m, 1wp) Spd 5 Accuracy 19 13L PDV 9 Rate 3
Natural Soak: 8/5, Armored Soak 22B/17L/12A

Essence, Virtues, Willpower, Health =

Willpower 7, Compassion 3, Conviction 3, Temperance 1, Valor 4
Essence 5: 19 Personal, 39 Peripheral, 7 committed.