Thus Spake Zaraborgstrom/SiderealCreatedMA

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Non-Sidereals and Sideral Martial Arts

rebeccaborgstrom - 10/18/2003 05:24:18

Making something doesn't necessarily mean that you're better at it.

On the other hand, it does give you an opportunity to play to your personal strengths. I mean, I'm not necessarily better as a player at using Sidereal Charms than you are. But if I'd written a Charm that said, "When used by Rebecca's PC, this defense is perfect," I sure as heck would be.

It's like that. Part of what makes the Sidereal styles what they are is that the Sidereal elders *built* them to harmonize with how the Sidereals do things---which is why the sutras, which are basically prayer strips, give a bonus.

Similarly, the Sidereals designed the Immaculate styles so that the Dragon-Blooded would be better at them than anyone else. And they are. Not necessarily better *with* them than anyone else, but definitely better *at* them.
