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On Prismatic Style and Abyssals

rebeccaborgstrom - 10/12/2003 00:55:53

> Something bothers me about Exalt Ways though.
> No Soulsteel-type Charm because the
> style predates the Abyssals and general knowledge
> of Soulsteel. Thus, Four Magical Materials
> Form. But, a Sideral can learn Abyssal Exalt Ways
> and even Alchemical Exalt Ways. How??

Training montage. :)

Seriously, the Four Magical Materials Form and its pieces were all specifically designed to do what they do.

The part of Exalt Ways that the elder Sidereals designed was the underlying pressure point techniques for altering your anima. Learning those techniques is what lets you move on to the Games of Divinity Form. But you won't know that you've learned those techniques until you've also mastered at least one application for them---until you've found the precision needed to make a new, specific, functional anima, and not just mess up your own for five turns. (I'm envisioning the violet Endings glow with bursts of black and white static. And a lot of pain. Training montage!)

I'm not sure what happens to ancient Sidereals who know and use Waning Moon Lunar Ways, but probably, to steal a phrase, only the liveliest awfulness.

It's probably best if you or your sifu has studied either the Exalted or the Exalt Ways in question.
